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-- hiJK910 じぇじぇじぇ 2016年3月1日 (二) 04:31 (UTC)回覆


excuse me,the basseri page is existed in chinese wikipedia; then what are you trying to keep? Ahmadrizo留言2016年4月11日 (一) 10:29 (UTC)回覆

To begin with, there wasn't a page about Basseri in Chinese wikipedia when I wrote my wikipedia. I found the materials by myself and translated some parts of contents in English wikipedia into Chinese by myself. I saw your message this morning and I searched for Basseri again. Indeed, I did find the Basseri page in Chinese wikipedia. But I also found that it was you who edited the page. You edited the page last Friday and deleted my wikipedia at the same time. Besides, I found that the contents you edited was actually the contents I had written. Did you just take my contents and then deleted my wikipedia? If you just did so, how could you did that and why did you leave that message to me? I kept the page because that is my thing! That is my effort and I really spend lots of time on it. Now is me who want to ask you: why did you use my content without my permission and why did you delete my page? I think this is quite rude and I wonder why you left me that kind of message?
In addition, the wikipedia I write is, in fact, a report for my required course in university. In the course, we have to introduce a nationality and write our own wikipedia. We have to finish this report before the end of this semester and our professor will check it every two weeks to see if we have make progress. That is, the wikipedia is my homework. If you delete my contents, I can’t hand in my report. Moreover, because you deleted my wikipedia, I spent extra time recovering my page.
Last but not least, I want to apologize to you if I am impolite to you or if I offend you. I was quite shocked and nervous when I found that all my contents were disappeared on Sunday. So when I found that it was you who deleted the contents, I was really angry. If you were me, wouldn’t you get mad since someone deleted all your things which are your effort and use your contents without your permission? I’ve wondered whether I should leave you a message to ask you the reason why you deleted my contents and you just send me a message. However, no matter who send the message first, I’m glad that I can have a chance to express my thoughts to you. Please do not ever delete my contents again since this is my effort and I have to hand in my report. And please stop using my contents and taking the contents as your own. Hope that you can know my feeling. Thank you!
Grace19961102留言2016年4月12日 (二) 12:36 (UTC)回覆

First I am sorry for what I did,I'm so sorry bro.I guessed that the name of your article is not proper for our tribe so I created another article with a better name and copied what you wrote in the new one.

I'm very sorry for what I did but believe that the name wasn't good.If I were you I would kill the one who did it ;-) but actually I didn't know why you created the article with such an improper name.

sorry for copying yours , I never did it before but if you were me you would probably did it cause it was about your tribe and was't good.sorry bro.and now If you have any other thing or question about the Basseri you can ask me. keep the page for your course in university.

thank you you for translating and creating the article.

your friend from Persia-Iran

Ahmadrizo留言2016年4月12日 (二) 16:09 (UTC)回覆

Dear Ahmadrizo:
I'm secretary of Wikimedia Taiwan.
The page "Basseri" you see is not an encyclopedia article, it's a subpage of Wikipedia:臺灣教育專案/政大世界民族誌學習作業(which means Wikipedia:Education Program in Taiwan/Homework of Ethnography class in National Cheng-Chi University). You can see the page with a prefix Wikipedia:.
Most students in the class have never edited Wikipedia before. So the teacher ask me create some subpages. Students edit their draft in subpage first. After reviewing by teacher, a passed work will be moved to main namespace by me, and a failed one will be keep in draft.
Chinese name of "Basseri" will be confirmed before moving.--Reke留言2016年4月13日 (三) 12:02 (UTC)回覆

Hello Grace,老師有通知我前來關心這個事情,很高興 Ahmadrizo 已經跟你對話了,一切只是誤會一場。目前英文版的 Basseri 條目中,有 3/4 是來自Ahmadrizo 貢獻的成果,也許你們可以藉這個誤會交換一下聯絡方式,很多內容的問題就可以直接向他請益。如果我的破英文沒弄錯的話,你應該從他的留言中知道他本身是 Basseri 族人了。能夠跟編輯到的民族族人對話,我想應該會是所有上過這堂課的同學中,最奇妙的遭遇了。--Reke留言2016年4月13日 (三) 12:43 (UTC)回覆

Dear Reke:
I'm so sorry I didn't know It is not an Education Program and I just copied what Grace19961102 translated to Chinese in the other article with a better name to connect it to other Wikipedias.I don't know what you wanna do but I guess 巴瑟麗 is a good and proper name for the article than 維基百科:臺灣教育專案/政大世界民族誌學習作業/Basseri (although the second is not a real article as you say)
thank you
Ahmadrizo留言2016年4月13日 (三) 14:36 (UTC)回覆
At the end dear Grace19961102 I'm so sorry for everything that I've done and hope you be successful in your university and whole life.
good luck
with love from Iran
Ahmadrizo留言2016年4月13日 (三) 18:51 (UTC)回覆

Hello Reke,謝謝你為我解決這個問題,我想Ahmadrizo大概誤會維基百科:臺灣教育專案/政大世界民族誌學習作業/Basseri是Basseri的中文翻譯名字(但我並沒有自己為Basseri做中文翻譯而是用它本身的名字Basseri),他覺得不好所以才會這樣做,但我想這應該不是誤會,即使他真的覺得名字不恰當,他應該先留言告訴我請我更改,而不是刪掉我的內容後自己另外建立維基百科而且還直接複製我的內容,我很幸運在檢視歷史中還保留我的一些紀錄,但我當初想復原的時候也沒辦法完全復原,我又花了一些時間修改才完全恢復成我原本的樣子,所以我想他在處理事情的程序上似乎不太恰當,他也向我道歉了而我也接受了,這件事情可以說也告了一段落,但我想強調的是我不覺得這是個誤會,只是想表達一下我的想法,謝謝!

Grace19961102留言2016年4月14日 (四) 17:09 (UTC)回覆


哈囉Grace,我今天有看了幾篇資料,發覺真的沒什麼人翻譯過這個民族,所以目前繁體中文是沒有看到相關譯名的。我把我查到的內容貼在Ahmadrizo的討論頁上,也跟你說一聲,給你參考囉~感謝你的中文維基百科的貢獻 :D --上官留言2016年4月14日 (四) 04:21 (UTC)回覆

哈囉Shangkuanlc,先謝謝你對這件事情的關心,我想Ahmadrizo大概誤會維基百科:臺灣教育專案/政大世界民族誌學習作業/Basseri是Basseri的中文翻譯名字,但我沒有為Basseri進行中文翻譯而是沿用Basseri這個名稱,謝謝你還特地查了資料! --Grace19961102 留言2016年4月14日 (四) 17:36 (UTC)回覆

This Iranian Narcissus flower is for you
Dear Grace19961102
I understand what "wikipedia:" articles are.But I didn't know the word Wikipedia in Chinese and when I saw that there is a Basseri page in Chinese Wikipedia I did those work