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伊斯梅尔·拉吉·法鲁奇(阿拉伯语:إسماعيل راجي الفاروقي,1921年1月1日—1986年5月27日)是一位巴勒斯坦裔美国哲学家,以其在伊斯兰研究和跨宗教对话领域的贡献而闻名。他曾在开罗的艾资哈尔大学学习,并在北美的多所大学任教,包括加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学。法鲁奇在天普大学担任宗教教授,创立并主持了伊斯兰研究项目。他还创立了国际伊斯兰思想研究所(IIIT)。法鲁奇撰写了超过100篇文章和25本书籍,包括“《基督教伦理:其主导思想的历史与系统分析》”和“《一神论:其对思想和生活的影响》”。
伊斯梅尔·拉吉·法鲁奇 إسماعيل راجي الفاروقي | |
出生 | 雅法,英属巴勒斯坦托管地 | 1921年1月1日
逝世 | 1986年5月27日 美国宾夕法尼亚州温科特 | (65岁)
国籍 | 巴勒斯坦、美国 |
学术背景 | |
教育程度 | 贝鲁特美国大学、印第安纳大学、哈佛大学、艾资哈尔大学 |
学术工作 | |
学科 | 哲学、伊斯兰研究 |
研究机构 | 麦吉尔大学、芝加哥大学、天普大学 |
著名作品 | 《基督教伦理》《伊斯兰教与以色列问题》《一神论》《伊斯兰文化图谱》 |
著名思想 | 知识的伊斯兰化、一神论、跨宗教对话 |
法鲁奇出生于英国托管下的巴勒斯坦雅法。[1] 他的父亲阿卜杜·胡达·法鲁奇是一位伊斯兰法官(qadi)。法鲁奇早年在家中和当地的清真寺接受宗教教育。1936年,他进入法国道明会创办的Collège des Frères de Jaffa学习。
在他的硕士论文中,法鲁奇探讨了伊曼努尔·康德和弗里德里希·尼采的伦理学。他于1951年在哈佛大学获得第二个哲学硕士学位,并于1952年在印第安纳大学获得博士学位,博士论文题目为《善的正当性》。[3] 在他的博士论文中,法鲁奇论证了价值是绝对的、自存的本质,并通过情感直觉先验地被认识。他的理论基于马克斯·舍勒对现象学的应用以及尼古拉·哈特曼对伦理学的研究。[4][5]
1958年,法鲁奇受邀到麦吉尔大学神学院担任访问学者。他居住在魁北克圣洛朗,并应创始人威尔弗雷德·坎特维尔·史密斯的邀请加入麦吉尔大学伊斯兰研究所。从1958年到1961年,他与史密斯共同任教,以其对伊斯兰思想的动态和原创性方法而闻名。[7] 在此期间,他研究了基督教神学和犹太教,并结识了巴基斯坦哲学家法兹鲁·拉赫曼。1961年,拉赫曼为法鲁奇安排了在巴基斯坦卡拉奇伊斯兰研究中心为期两年的访问教授职位,使他有机会接触到不同的穆斯林文化。法鲁奇从1961年到1963年担任该中心的访问教授。[8]
1964年,法鲁奇返回美国,在芝加哥大学神学院担任访问教授,并在雪城大学担任副教授。1968年,他加入天普大学,出任宗教教授,创立了伊斯兰研究项目,并一直任职到1986年去世为止。[9] 在天普大学任职期间,法鲁奇指导了许多学生,其中包括他的第一位博士生约翰·埃斯波西托。[10][11]
- ^ Imtiyaz Yusuf (编). Essential Writings: Ismail Al Faruqi. Kuala Lumpur: IBT Books. 2021: 3.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il Raji. The Ethics of Reason and the Ethics of Life (Kantian and Nietzschean Ethics) (学位论文). Bloomington: Indiana University. 1949.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il. On Justifying the Good (学位论文). Bloomington: Indiana University. 1952.
- ^ Scheler, Max. On the Eternal Man. 由Bernard Noble翻译. London: SCM Press. 1960.
- ^ Scheler, Max. Man's Place in Nature. Boston: Beacon Press. 1961.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Inter-faith Dialogue and the Work of Ismail Al-Faruqi. United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris. 2014: 34.
- ^ Balfour, Clair. Islamic scholar slain in U.S. was figure in Montreal. The Gazette (Montreal). 1986-07-31.
- ^ Imtiyaz Yusuf (编). Essential Writings: Ismail Al Faruqi. Kuala Lumpur: IBT Books. 2021: 4.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Inter-faith Dialogue and the Work of Ismail Al-Faruqi. United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris. 2014.
- ^ Quraishi, M. Tariq. Ismail al-Faruqi: An Enduring Legacy. MSA Publications. 1986: 9.
- ^ Editorial. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 2011, 28 (3): ii–xii.
- ^ Editorial. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 2011, 28 (3): ii–xii.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il R. 'Urubah and Religion: An Analysis of the Dominant Ideas of Arabism and of Islam as Its Heights Moment of Consciousness. On Arabism 1. Amsterdam: Djambatan. 1962.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il R. 'Urubah and Religion: An Analysis of the Dominant Ideas of Arabism and of Islam as Its Heights Moment of Consciousness. On Arabism 1. Amsterdam: Djambatan. 1962.
- ^ Bakar, Osman. Strum, Philippa , 编. The Intellectual Impact of American Muslim Scholars on the Muslim World, with Special Reference to Southeast Asia. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 2005: 96–97. ISBN 1-933549-98-X.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 35–37.
- ^ Ba-Yunus, Ilyas. Al Faruqi and Beyond: Future Directions in Islamization of Knowledge. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 1988, 5 (1): 14.
- ^ Ba-Yunus, Ilyas. Al Faruqi and Beyond: Future Directions in Islamization of Knowledge. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 1988, 5 (1): 14.
- ^ Quraishi, M. Tariq. Ismail al-Faruqi: An Enduring Legacy. MSA Publications. 1986: 9.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 35–37.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 43–45.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 46–48.
- ^ Ahsan, Muhammad Amimul. Islamization of Knowledge: An Agenda for Muslim Intellectuals. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Administration and Management. 2013, 13 (10).
- ^ Bakar, Osman. Strum, Philippa , 编. The Intellectual Impact of American Muslim Scholars on the Muslim World, with Special Reference to Southeast Asia. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 2005: 96–97. ISBN 1-933549-98-X.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il Raji. Islamization of Knowledge: General Principles and Work Plan. IIIT. 1982.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il Raji. Islamization of Knowledge: General Principles and Work Plan. IIIT. 1982.
- ^ Hashim, Rosnani; Rossidy, Imron. Islamization of Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi. Intellectual Discourse. 2000, 8 (1): 19–45.
- ^ Hashim, Rosnani; Rossidy, Imron. Islamization of Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi. Intellectual Discourse. 2000, 8 (1): 19–45.
- ^ Hashim, Rosnani; Rossidy, Imron. Islamization of Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi. Intellectual Discourse. 2000, 8 (1): 19–45.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 151–152.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il R. Islam and the Problem of Israel. London: The Islamic Council of Europe. 1980.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il R. Islam and the Problem of Israel. London: The Islamic Council of Europe. 1980.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles D. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma'il al-Faruqi. London: I.B. Tauris. 2015: 152.
- ^ Ismail R. al-Faruqi, "Islam and Zionism," in John L. Esposito, ed., Voices of Resurgent Islam (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), 265.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Inter-faith Dialogue and the Work of Ismail Al-Faruqi. United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris. 2014.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il Raji. Islamization of Knowledge: General Principles and Work Plan. IIIT. 1982.
- ^ Al-Faruqi, Isma'il Raji. Islam: Source and Purpose of Knowledge: Proceedings and Selected Papers of Second Conference on Islamization of Knowledge. IIIT. 1982.
- ^ Kalin, Ibrahim. God, Life and the Cosmos. Ashgate. 2002: 60–61.
Ismail al-Faruqi’s work known under the rubric of 'Islamization of knowledge' is a good example of how the idea of method or methodology ('manhaj' and 'manhajiyyah', the Arabic equivalents of method and methodology, which are the most popular words of the proponents of this view) can obscure deeper philosophical issues involved in the current discussions of science. Even though al-Faruqi’s project was proposed to Islamize the existing forms of knowledge imported from the West, his focus was exclusively on the humanities, leaving scientific knowledge virtually untouched. This was probably due to his conviction that the body of knowledge generated by modern natural sciences is neutral and as such requires no special attention. Thus, al-Faruqi’s work and that of IIIT after his death concentrated on the social sciences and education. This had two important consequences. First, al-Faruqi’s important work on Islamization provided his followers with a framework in which knowledge (ilm) came to be equated with social disciplines, thus ending up in a kind of sociologism. The prototype of al-Faruqi’s project is, we may say, the modern social scientist entrusted as arbiter of the traditional Alim. Second, the exclusion of modern scientific knowledge from the scope of Islamization has led to negligent attitudes, to say the least, toward the secularizing effect of the modern scientific worldview. This leaves the Muslim social scientists, the ideal-types of the Islamization program, with no clue as to how to deal with the questions that modern scientific knowledge poses. Furthermore, to take the philosophical foundations of modern, natural sciences for granted is tantamount to reinforcing the dichotomy between the natural and human sciences, a dichotomy whose consequences continue to pose serious challenges to the validity of the forms of knowledge outside the domain of modern physical sciences.
- ^ Yusuf, Imtiyaz. Islam and Knowledge: Al Faruqi's Concept of Religion in Islamic Thought. London: I. B. Tauris. 2012.
- ^ Bakar, Osman. Strum, Philippa , 编. The Intellectual Impact of American Muslim Scholars on the Muslim World, with Special Reference to Southeast Asia. Muslims in the United States: Identity, Influence, Innovation (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars). 2005: 96–97. ISBN 1-933549-98-X.
- ^ Yusof, Norazmi. Revisiting al-Faruqi's Islamization of Knowledge in the Context of Modern Islamic Thought. International Journal of Islamic Thought. 2015, 7 (1): 49–57. doi:10.24035/ijit.07.2015.005.
- ^ Shaikh, Saulat. Ismail al-Faruqi's Concept of the Islamization of Knowledge. Journal of Islamic Studies. 2015, 15 (3): 49–57.
- ^ Khan, Rahim. Al-Faruqi's Interfaith Dialogue and Its Contemporary Significance. Journal of Islamic Studies. 2018, 15 (3): 209–223.
- ^ Zain, Nurul. The Role of Ismail al-Faruqi in Interfaith Dialogue. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Administration and Management. 2013, 13 (10): 10–18.
- ^ Balfour, Clair. Islamic scholar slain in U.S. was figure in Montreal. The Gazette (Montreal). 1986-07-31.
- ^ Black Muslim Charged in Slaying of Islamic Scholar and His Wife. The New York Times. 1987-01-18.
- ^ O'Bryan, Ruth. Confession Details Stalking, Slaying Of Islamic Scholars. The Morning Call. 1987-07-08 [2018-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-02).
- ^ Bell, Adam. Inside the Capitol (Joseph Louis Young dies of natural causes on death row). The Patriot News. 1996-03-11.
- ^ Toth, Anthony B. Focus on Arabs and Islam. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. November 1986.
- ^ Fletcher, Charles. Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Inter-faith Dialogue and the Work of Ismail Al-Faruqi. United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris. 2014.
- ^ Assassination motive behind al-Faruqi killings. New Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). 1986-08-20 [2024-06-22].
- ^ Zionist backlash against Arab intellectuals. New Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). 1986-08-21 [2024-06-22].