
危地马拉珠毒蜥Heloderma charlesbogerti),是毒蜥属下的一个濒危物种,分布在危地马拉东北部莫塔瓜河谷的干旱森林[3]牠们只是异域性亚种,与邻近的墨西哥毒蜥亚种只相差250公里。[4]。目前该物种据信野外只有少于200条,为濒危物种。[5]

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行纲 Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
科: 毒蜥科 Helodermatidae
属: 毒蜥属 Heloderma
危地马拉珠毒蜥[1] H. charlesbogerti
Heloderma charlesbogerti
Campbell & Vannini, 1988

Heloderma horridum charlesbogerti



危地马拉珠毒蜥最初是由一个农业工人于1984年在莫塔瓜河谷发现。[4][5]其亚种名是为纪念美国爬虫学家Charles Mitchill Bogert。[4][5]




  1. ^ Heloderma charlesbogerti . ITIS. [20 September 2008]. 
  2. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为CITES的参考文献提供内容
  3. ^ Ariano-Sánchez, D. & G. Salazar. Notes on the distribution of the endangered lizard, Heloderma horridum charlesbogerti, in the dry forests of eastern Guatemala: an application of multi-criteria evaluation to conservation. Iguana. 2007, 14: 152–158. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Campbell, J.; J. Vannini. A new subspecies of beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum, from the Motagua Valley of Guatemala. Journal of Herpetology. 1988, 22: 457–468. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Beck, Daniel D. Biology of Gila Monsters and Beaded Lizards (Organisms and Environments). University of California Press. 2005: 247. ISBN 0520243579. 
  6. ^ Ariano-Sánchez, D. Envenomation by a wild Guatemalan beaded lizard Heloderma horridum charlesbogerti. Clinical toxicology. 2008, 46 (9): 897–899. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Ariano-Sánchez, D. The Guatemalan beaded lizard: endangered inhabitant of a unique ecosystem. Iguana. 2006, 13: 178–183. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Ariano Sánchez, Daniel. Distribución e historia natural del escorpión, heloderma horridum charlesbogerti Campbell y Vannini, (Sauria:Helodermatidae) en Zacapa, Guatemala y caracterización de su veneno. Guatemala: U.V.G. 2003: 68. 
  9. ^ Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. 2007. Resume of the 14th Convention of the Parts. The Hague. The Netherlands.
