
撒旦神殿(英语:The Satanic Temple,通常缩写为TST),是一个总部设在美国的无神论宗教和人权组织。[1] [2] [3] [4] 该组织在加拿大澳大利亚英国等地亦有其他会众。 [5] [6]该组织由其发言人吕西安·格里夫斯和马尔科姆·贾里(Malcolm Jarry)共同创立, [7] [8]使用撒旦的形象来促进平等主义社会正义政教分离,以回应他们“鼓励人们(对于所有人)展现仁慈和同情”的使命。[9]撒旦神殿在其公开活动中利用讽刺、戏剧手段、幽默和法律行动来“引起关注并促使人们重新评估恐惧和自己的观点”,[10] 同时借此“突出宗教虚伪和对宗教自由的侵犯”。 [7] [11] [12] [13]

撒旦神殿不相信超自然的撒旦,而是以文学上的撒旦作为隐喻,以促进务实的怀疑主义、理性的互惠、个人自主和好奇心。 [8]因此,会众们将撒旦视为反对专制、威权,和社会规范的“永恒的反叛者”。 [14] [15]信徒通常将他们的宗教称为“撒旦教”或“现代撒旦教”(Modern Satanism),[16]部分人士则称其为“慈悲撒旦教”(Compassionate Satanism)或“七戒撒旦教”(Seven Tenet Satanism)。 [17] [18]

该组织以政治行动或游说来参与公共事务。 [19] [20]其诉求主要着重于揭发基督教霸权。 该组织认为婚姻是一种宗教圣事,应受第一修正案对宗教自由的保护,该保护应高于州法律。 [21] 此外,由于该组织将身体的不可侵犯性视为一项重要教义,因此该组织认为所有对堕胎的限制都干预了撒旦圣殿教徒的宗教权。 [22]



2012年,联合创始人吕西安·格里夫斯和马尔科姆·贾里(Malcolm Jarry)会面。2013年1月,撒旦圣殿创立。在接受《纽约时报》采访时,马尔科姆·贾里表示,之所以会建立这个教派,是在前美国总统乔治·W·布希组建信仰组织与社区合作白宫办事处英语White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships后,为了满足“小布希政府接受资金的所有标准,同时引起他们的反感”而建立。


撒旦神殿于2016年在马萨诸塞州塞勒姆开设了官方总部。该总部由前维多利亚时代的殡仪馆改建而成,并兼作塞勒姆美术馆 [23]


2019年4月25日,圣殿宣布已获得美国国税局的免税地位,被归类为“教会或教会会议或协会”。 [24]撒旦神殿此前一直不愿追求免税地位,直到2017年5月川普总统签署的“促进言论自由和宗教自由”行政命令削弱了约翰逊修正案[25]联合创始人吕西安·格里夫斯当时表示:




由于TST一开始不认为其活动范围会超出美国境内,因此当影响力扩散至全球时,该组织在满足各国追随者、分会和会众的不同需求方面遇到了挑战。由于该组织在美国本土已有不小挑战,因此并不愿花费过多心力在容易引发宗教暴力的地区设立分会(如秘鲁乌干达)。 [26]这个决定导致该组织出现第一次宗教分裂,进而促使另一个名为“全球撒旦教团”(Global Order of Satan)的组织诞生。 [27]



撒旦圣殿的使命是鼓励所有人的仁慈和同理心,拒绝专横的权威,倡导实用的常识,反对不公正,追求崇高的追求。撒旦圣殿公开对抗仇恨团体,争取废除公立学校体罚英语School corporal punishment,在公共财产上放置宗教设施时申请平等代表,提供宗教豁免和法律保护不受不科学地限制妇女生殖自主权的法律的侵害,在心理保健中暴露有害的伪科学从业者,在被劝导组织围困的学校中与其他宗教课后俱乐部一起组织俱乐部,并根据我们的信条。


撒旦圣殿有七个基本原则: [28]

  1. 一个人应该努力按照理性以同情和同理心对待所有生物。
  2. 争取正义是一项持续的和必要的追求,应高于法律和制度。
  3. 一个人的身体是不可侵犯的,只服从于自己的意志。
  4. 他人的自由应该得到尊重,包括冒犯的自由。故意和不公正地侵犯他人的自由就是放弃自己的自由。
  5. 信念应该符合一个人对世界的最佳科学理解。一个人应该注意永远不要扭曲科学事实以适应自己的信仰。
  6. 人们容易犯错。如果一个人犯了错误,应该尽力纠正它并解决可能造成的任何伤害。
  7. 每一条信条都是指导原则,旨在激发行动和思想的高贵。慈悲、智慧和正义的精神应该永远胜过书面或口头的文字。


撒旦圣殿提倡五个假日。 [29]

日期 事件
2月15日 牧神节
4月30日 沃普尔吉斯之夜
7月25日 揭幕日
10 月 31 日 万圣节
12月25日 无敌者索尔日


灰色派系(Grey Faction)

灰色派系是撒旦神殿的一个项目,旨在揭露与撒旦仪式滥用阴谋论相关的渎职和伪科学。灰色派抗议医学会议,发起法律诉讼,并向医学委员会请愿。该派系抗议国际创伤与分离研究协会召开的会议,该协会提倡恢复记忆疗法的不可信实践。该组织还请求调查 Gigi Jordan 杀害她孩子的事件,这与不可信的便利沟通做法有关。 [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]

校园祷告者(Prayer in schools)

该组织于2013年1月首次获得媒体关注,此前一群撒旦教徒聚集在佛罗里达州议会大厦,表示他们批准州长里克·斯科特在前一年签署成为法律的法案,即参议院第 98 号法案,该法案允许学生在学校集会上进行祈祷。该组织进一步表示,由于该法案没有具体说明哪一个宗教可以进行祈祷,因此任何宗教的学生应该都有领导祈祷的权利,包括撒旦教。TST成员表示“我们出来展现我们的喜悦,因为现在我们信仰撒旦教的孩子们可以在学校向撒旦祈祷。”[7][35] [8] [3]


2013年7月,撒旦神殿在威斯特布路浸信会创始人弗雷德·菲尔普斯的母亲凯瑟琳·约翰斯顿(Catherine Johnston)的坟墓上举行了“粉红弥撒”。弥撒是在威斯特伯勒浸信会宣布他们打算为波士顿马拉松爆炸案遇难者的葬礼设置纠察线后举行的。Queerty.com建议他们将群众的想法建立在后期圣徒运动派别举行的类似活动的基础上,他们将在那里进行代理洗礼。粉红色弥撒由格里夫斯主持,两名男同性恋者在约翰斯顿的坟墓上亲吻,格里夫斯用他的生殖器触摸墓碑并念诵旨在改变死者性取向的咒语。格里夫斯因此受轻罪指控,并被告知如果他回到密西西比州劳德代尔县(约翰斯顿的坟墓所在的地方)的话将会被捕。在菲尔普斯于2014年3月19日去世前不久,撒旦神殿表示有兴趣为教会创始人举行类似的仪式。撒旦神殿允许同性婚姻的祝福。 [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41][42]

黑弥撒(Black Mass)

2014年5月,圣殿安排在哈佛大学校园举行黑弥撒,由哈佛大学推广文化研究俱乐部赞助;由于波士顿罗马天主教大主教管区和学校管理人员的强烈反对,该活动被迫搬离校园。 [43] [44] [45]

巴风特雕像(Baphomet statue)


儿童保护计划(Protect Children Project)

该计划于2014年春季发起,旨在保护学校儿童不受到教师和管理人员精神或身体的虐待,如约束和体罚。该计划请参与者打印预先写好的信件,并在“儿童保护日”寄给学校董事会,作为抗议的一种形式。2017年3月,作为该计划的一分子,撒旦圣殿发起了一项反对学校体罚的反打屁股运动。他们在德克萨斯州为广告牌揭幕,牌上写着“别在学校挨打,行使你的宗教权。”(Never be hit in school again. Exercise your religious rights.)[46][47] [48][49]


2015年8月22日,撒旦神殿的底特律分会在芬代尔英语Ferndale, Michigan计划生育联合会地点外举行了一场反抗议活动,以回应计划在同一天抗议计划生育的反堕胎团体。作为抗议的一部分,圣殿举行了一场游击戏剧英语Guerrilla theatre表演,其中包括两名打扮成神职人员的男子向跪着的女演员倒牛奶。这不是圣殿为支持该组织而举行的第一次此类抗议活动,因为他们之前曾在2013年举行过一次抗议活动,他们将孩子带到德克萨斯州议会大厦,他们高呼“操你”和“撒旦万岁”,并举著写有“远离我妈阴道”的标语。[50] [51]

2016年4月23日,底特律分会的成员抗议公民支持生命支持协会对计划生育的抗议。神庙成员身着奴役装束英语Fetish fashion,戴着婴儿面具和尿布进行鞭打。分会表示,抗议的原因是“将反选择抗议暴露为胎儿偶像崇拜的行为,突出对‘婴儿’的迷信和抽象。” [52]


2015年11月,圣殿因主动接纳因2015年巴黎恐怖袭击而害怕遭到强烈敌视的穆斯林或难民而受到媒体关注。[53] [3]


圣殿的洛杉矶分会也抗议方济各胡尼佩罗·塞拉封为圣徒,并于2015年10月举行了一个仪式,将这位基督教传教士“妖魔化”,称塞拉帮助奴役了成千上万的美洲原住民,他“也在他的领土上领导西班牙宗教裁判所,以巫术、巫术和恶魔崇拜罪审判传教士的居民。”[54] [55]


2016年6月6日,圣殿在洛杉矶县的加利福尼亚州兰开斯特市举行了五角星仪式,以支持加利福尼亚州参议员候选人史蒂夫希尔,他希望成为第一位当选公职的撒旦圣殿成员。[56] [57]

课后撒旦(After School Satan)

课后撒旦是由撒旦神殿赞助的课外活动。它创建于2016年7月,作为基督教课后团体好消息俱乐部英语Good News Club的替代品。 [58] [59] [60]


  1. ^ Gutierrez, Lisa. Satanists emerge as advocate as Planned Parenthood restores Missouri abortion services. The Kansas City Star. September 13, 2017 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  2. ^ Lewis, James R.; Tollefsen, Inga B. The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements, Volume 2. Oxford University Press. 2016: 441–453. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Miller, Matt. Why the Satanic Temple Is Opening Its Doors to American Muslims. Esquire. November 21, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11). co-founded the Temple in 2012 ... The Satanic Temple is an openly atheistic religion that Mesner says does not advocate for any supernatural belief. Really, the "Satanic" term is only there because they have the right to use it, as does any other religion. 
  4. ^ Satanic Temple to open first headquarters in Salem, host art gallery, lectures, possibly weddings. MassLive. September 14, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-30). 
  5. ^ TST: Find a Chapter. Satanic Temple. 2018-12-12 [June 3, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-16). 
  6. ^ Felperin, Leslie. ‘Hail Satan?’: Film Review. The Hollywood Reporter. [16 September 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-20). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Merlan, Anna. Trolling Hell: Is the Satanic Temple a Prank, the Start of a New Religious Movement — or Both?. Village Voice. July 22, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-09). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Oppenheimer, Mark. A Mischievous Thorn in the Side of Conservative Christianity. The New York Times. July 10, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2020-12-15). 
  9. ^ about-us. thesatanictemple.com. ABOUT US. [2022-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-11). The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. 
  10. ^ FirstHand - The Satanic Temple. FirstHand. 2018-09-04 [2022-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-21). 
  11. ^ Ohlheiser, Abby. The Satanic Temple's giant statue of a goat-headed god is looking for a home. The Washington Post. July 1, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于2021-02-02). 
  12. ^ Asher-Shapiro, Avi. The Satanic Temple Is Suing Missouri Over Its Abortion Law. Vice.com. June 24, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-28). 
  13. ^ Laycock, Joseph P. Speak of the Devil: How the Satanic Temple Is Changing the Way We Talk About Religion. New York: Oxford University Press. 2020. ISBN 9780190948498. 
  14. ^ FAQ. The Satanic Temple. [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-29). 
  15. ^ What does Satan mean to the Satanic Temple?. CNN. November 30, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-26). 
  16. ^ About us. thesatanictemple. [2022-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-11). The Satanic Temple has become the primary religious Satanic organization in the world ... The Seven Fundamental Tenets of The Satanic Temple, while inspired by 18th Century enlightenment values, were designed for current times, to assist the modern Satanist in noble undertakings. 
  17. ^ /r/SatanicTemple_Reddit FAQ. [2022-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-08). The Satanic Temple holds the seven tenets as the prime descriptor of our sincerely held religious beliefs. They represent the common beliefs of those who consider themselves Compassionate/Seven Tenet/TST Satanists. 
  18. ^ MIROSLAV VRZAL and IVONA VRZALOVÁ. Speak of the Devil: How The Satanic Temple is Changing the Way We Talk about Religion. Religio. 2021-01-01. ISSN 1210-3640. doi:10.5817/Rel2021-1-9. From today's perspective, Laycock understands TST's Satanism in terms of its main focus 
  19. ^ Hayoun, Massoud. Group aims to put Satanist monument near Oklahoma capitol. Al Jazeera America. December 8, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-20). 
  20. ^ Bugbee, Shane. Unmasking Lucien Greaves, Leader of the Satanic Temple. Vice.com. July 30, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-16). 
  21. ^ Mehta, Hemant. When It Comes to The Satanic Temple, Christians Seem to Love Bearing False Witness. Patheos. January 13, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-20). 
  22. ^ Kutner, Jenny. Satanist challenges Missouri's 72-hour abortion wait: It's "a burden on my sincerely held religious beliefs". Salon. May 1, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-19). 
  23. ^ Carmina, La. Salem's Satanic Temple hosts macabre art and movie nights in a former funeral home. Roadtrippers. 2021-01-22 [2021-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-05). 
  24. ^ Satanic Temple: IRS has designated it a tax-exempt church. Associated Press. April 25, 2019 [April 27, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-13). 
  25. ^ Bustamonte, Star. Interview with Lucien Greaves. The Wild Hunt. 2019-05-21 [2019-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-15). 
  26. ^ Joseph P. Laycock. Satanic Schisms. 2020-02-17: 9.23. ISBN 978-0190948498. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190948498.001.0001. There are communities all over the world that have expressed interest in TST, and many have formed unofficial chapters. However, there have been numerous difficulties in incorporating these groups into the US-based structure ... Greaves explained the NC was already overwhelmed by the demand for new chapters in the United States. He also had concerns about extending the TST brand into nations troubled by conflict. He had been contacted by a woman in Peru who wanted to create a chapter but was worried they might be subjected to violence by "Catholic militants." Greaves ... advised the woman to be safe and not start a chapter. Greaves explained he could never endorse, say TST-Uganda, asking, "How are we gonna feel if they all get fucking gunned down over it?" 
  27. ^ Joseph P. Laycock. Satanic Schisms. 2020-02-17: 9.19-9.23. ISBN 978-0190948498. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190948498.001.0001. TST-UK collaborated with artist Darren Culleb to subvert a new law in Bavaria requiring all public buildings to be adorned with a cross ... When TST leadership learned of this, they asked [TST-UK's leader] to step down as chapter head. ... [TST-UK's leader] was briefly replaced as chapter head by Cain Abaddon ... there were personality clashes and [TST decided] to remove Abaddon as well. ... At this point TST-UK had ... "a universal vote of no confidence" ... and elected to become independent. ... [TST-UK and London] created its own leadership, rituals, and tenets (the six pillars) and began networking with TST members in such countries as France, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland. in February 2019, the group changed its name to the rather ominous sounding Global Order of Satan. 
  28. ^ THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS. thesatanictemple.com. The Satanic Temple. [29 June 2020]. (原始内容存档于29 June 2020). 
  29. ^ Holidays. The Satanic Temple. [2020-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-14) (英语). 
  30. ^ Harris, Malcolm. Satan Has No Interest in Molesting Your Kids. Pacific Standard. October 25, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-26). 
  31. ^ Nguyen, Gary. How Science Created A Panic About Satanic Cults. World Religion News. March 27, 2018 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-27). 
  32. ^ Laycock, Joseph. Satanic Temple Protests Pseudoscientific Therapies for Satanic Abuse and Witchcraft. Religion Dispatches. April 6, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-03). 
  33. ^ Saint Thomas, Sophie. Satanists Call for Investigation into 'Satanic Panic' Killing of 8-Year-Old Boy. Broadly. February 17, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-18). 
  34. ^ Shewan, Dan. Conviction of Things Not Seen: The Uniquely American Myth of Satanic Cults. Pacific Standard. September 8, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-18). 
  35. ^ Bashir: Satanists hail Florida Gov. Rick Scott. MSNBC. January 14, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06). 
  36. ^ Tharrett, Matthew. Satanic Temple Makes Deceased Westboro Baptists "Gay Forever" In Pink Mass Ceremony. Queerty. July 20, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-11). 
  37. ^ Mintz, Zoe. Satanic Temple Turns Westboro Baptist Church Founder's Mom Gay, 'Pink Mass' Performed On Catherine Idalette Johnston [PHOTO]. International Business Times. July 18, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-26). 
  38. ^ More Photos of Fred Phelps' Moms Gravesite. The Gauntlet. [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-01). 
  39. ^ Arrest Warrants Issued For Satanists That Performed Ritual At Westboro Gravesite. Queerty. July 25, 2013 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-18). 
  40. ^ Feldman, Josh. NY Satanic Temple Wants to Posthumously Make Fred Phelps Gay. Mediaite. March 18, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-11). 
  41. ^ Gryboski, Michael. Satanic Group Plans to Turn Westboro Baptist Church Founder Gay in the Afterlife. Christian Post. March 19, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-26). 
  42. ^ Pinknews: The Satanic Temple is in favour of equal rights for LGBT+ people. [2022-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-19). 
  43. ^ A Response from the Organizers of the Black Mass. Harvard Political Review. May 11, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-31). 
  44. ^ Andersen, Travis; Anderson, Derek J. Amid outcry, black mass at Harvard is called off. Boston Globe. May 13, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-20). 
  45. ^ Delwiche, Theodore R.; Patel, Alexander H. Even after Harvard Group Drops Sponsorship, Black Mass Takes Place at Hong Kong. The Harvard Crimson. May 12, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-17). 
  46. ^ Protect Children Project. [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-28). 
  47. ^ Levy, Emily. The Satanic Temple, Now Wooing Kids and Moms. Vocativ. May 6, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-27). 
  48. ^ Marie, Brownie. Satanic Temple launches school campaign to "protect" children and permit them to pray to Satan. Christian Today. April 11, 2014 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-04). 
  49. ^ Satanic Temple Billboard Targets North Texas School District's Use of Corporal Punishment. NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth. [2021-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-15) (美国英语). 
  50. ^ Boland, Barbara. Satanists drench women with milk for Planned Parenthood counter-protest. Washington Examiner. August 23, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-11). 
  51. ^ Planned Parenthood Supporters: Satanists Drench Women in 'Breast' Milk To Stand Against 'Forced Motherhood' (VIDEO). Headlines & Global News. August 26, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-27). 
  52. ^ Zavala-Offman, Alysa. The Satanic Temple will interrupt Planned Parenthood protests in classic Satanic Temple fashion. Detroit Metro Times. April 23, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-30). 
  53. ^ Blake, Andrew. Satanic Temple offers help to Muslims amid post-Paris backlash. The Washington Times. November 19, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-15). 
  54. ^ Vargo, Samuel. Nice try, Pope Francis, but to many, Junipero Serra is no saint. Daily Kos. November 4, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). 
  55. ^ Rylah, Juliet Bennett. The Satanic Temple Is 'Demonizing' St. Junipero Serra Next Week. LAist. October 6, 2015 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-09). 
  56. ^ Romero, Dennis. Satanists Plan to Celebrate 6/6/16 in L.A.. L.A. Weekly. May 26, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-30). 
  57. ^ Sanburn, Josh. He's an Atheist. A Satanist. And He Wants Your Vote. TIME.com. May 12, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-17). 
  58. ^ FAQ. After School Satan. [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-16). 
  59. ^ Anderson, Rick. Yes, an after-school Satan Club could be coming to your kid's grade school. LA Times. September 28, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-30). 
  60. ^ Portland OKs "After School Satan" for elementary kids. CBS News. September 28, 2016 [November 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-14).