
无产阶级革命(英语:proletarian revolution/proletariat revolution)是一种由工人阶级引发和领导的,以推翻资产阶级、改变原有政治制度为主要目标的社会革命[1][2]。无产阶级革命一般为社会主义者共产主义者以及无政府主义者所提倡[3]






  1. ^ Liulevicius, Vejas. Russia: The Unlikely Place for a Proletarian Revolution. The Great Courses Daily. 13 July 2020 [19 January 2022]. (原始内容存档于19 January 2022). 
  2. ^ Lenin, V. I. Chapter I: Class Society and the State. The State and Revolution. 1918 –通过Marxists Internet Archive. 
  3. ^ Haupt, Georges. In What Sense and to What Degree Was the Russian Revolution a Proletarian Revolution?. Review (Fernand Braudel Center). 1979, 3 (1): 21–33. JSTOR 40240824. 
  4. ^ Blake, William James. An American Looks at Karl Marx. Cordon Company. 1939: 622 –通过Google Books. 
  5. ^ Spector, Maurice. The Paris Commune and the Proletarian Revolution. The Militant. Vol. III no. 11. 15 March 1934: 3 –通过Marxists Internet Archive. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Blackburn 1976.
  7. ^ Eagles 2017,第23–24页.
  8. ^ Ree, Erik van. German Marxism and the Decline of the Permanent Revolution, 1870–1909 (PDF). History of European Ideas. 2012, 38 (4): 570–589 [574–575]. doi:10.1080/01916599.2011.652474. 
  9. ^ Ree 2013,第32页.


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