1138年阿勒颇大地震是发生在1138年10月11日一场在叙利亚南部城镇阿勒颇附近(现主要道路Ghrintana St.上)的地震,被美国地质调查局列为历史上第三大具破坏性的地震[1]。地震所造成的死亡人数的统计是在15世纪的Ibn Taghribirdi首次提及;然而,230,000人死亡的数字是基于1137年11月贾兹拉平原大地震以及1139年9月30日阿塞拜疆占贾更大规模的地震的两组数据所推测的。[2]
日期 | 1138年10月11日 |
震级 | 不明 |
震中 | 叙利亚阿勒颇 (现主要道路Ghrintana St. 上) 36°13′N 37°10′E / 36.217°N 37.167°E |
影响地区 | 阿勒颇、埃德萨以及周边地区 |
伤亡 | 230,000人死亡 |
而在 12世纪中叶,叙利亚北部战乱频繁;西欧曾占领该地并建立十字军国家(如:安条克公国),并与阿勒颇、摩苏尔为首的穆斯林国家不断在叙利亚北部和贾兹拉平原一带爆发武装冲突。
根据当时一位身处大马士革的编年史学者伊本·开拉尼希记载,阿勒颇大地震主震时发生在1138年10月11日;他同时指出在10月10日有一次轻微的地震,很有可能是大地震的前波;另外,他亦记载在10月20日、10月25日、10月30日至11月1日数晚以及11月3日清晨都有出现余震。但是另一位学者Kemal al-Din在其编年史中指出,该地震只在10月19日至20日发生,与伊本·开拉尼希的记载有出入
However, Kemal al-Din, an author writing later recorded only one earthquake on 19–20 October, which disagrees with al Qalanisi's account. Given that al Qalanisi was writing as the earthquakes occurred and that accounts from other historians support a 10 or 11 October date, his date of 11 October is considered authoritative.
The worst hit area was Harem, where Crusaders had built a large citadel. Sources indicate that the castle was destroyed and the church fell in on itself. The fort of Atharib, then occupied by Muslims, was destroyed. The citadel also collapsed, killing 600 of the castle guard, though the governor and some servants survived, and fled to Mosul. The town of Zaradna, already sacked by the warring forces, was utterly obliterated, as was the small fort at Shih.
The residents of Aleppo, a large city of several tens of thousands during this period, had been warned by the foreshocks and fled to the countryside before the main quake. The walls of the citadel collapsed, as did the walls east and west of the citadel. Numerous houses were destroyed, with the stones used in their construction falling in streets. Contemporary accounts of the damage simply state that Aleppo was destroyed, though comparison of reports indicate that it did not bear the worst of the quake.距离震央较远的Azrab、Bizaah、Tell Khalid及Tell Amar也录得地震并留下破坏;大马士革同样亦能感受到地震,但在耶路撒冷却感受不到任何地震。
- ^ 美国地质调查局-世界上最具破坏性地震列表(英文) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ ([//web.archive.org/web/20170808210947/http://www.earth-prints.org/bitstream/2122/793/1/31Ambraseys.pdf 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) "The 12th century seismic paroxysm in the Middle East: a historical perspective" (PDF)(英文)] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 47, N. 2/3, April/June 2004, p. 743.
- ^ Guidoboni1, E.; Bernardini, F. & Comastri1, A., The 1138–1139 and 1156–1159 destructive seismic crises in Syria, south-eastern Turkey and northern Lebanon, Journal of Seismology, 2004, 8 (1): 105–127, doi:10.1023/B:JOSE.0000009502.58351.06
- Ambraseys, Nicholas N., http://www.earth-prints.org/bitstream/2122/793/1/31Ambraseys.pdf(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 47, N. 2/3, April/June 2004, pp. 733–758.