
1934年西岸码头工人罢工(英语:1934 West Coast waterfront strike)持续了83天,于1934年5月9日开始,至同年的7月31日结束。[1]当时美国西海岸每个港口装卸工都罢工了。由国际码头和仓库联盟英语International Longshore and Warehouse Union(ILWU)组织的这场罢工达到顶峰,导致“血腥星期四”那一天有两名工人死亡,旧金山总罢工导致美国西海岸的主要港口城市之所有工作停止四天,劳资双方最终达成和解。[3]

1934 年旧金山大罢工期间,一名挥舞警棍的警察与一名罢工者之间的对峙
日期May 9 – July 31, 1934 (84 days)[1]
方法罢工, 抗议, 示威
Harry Bridges;
Paddy Morris;
Jack Bjorklund;
Joseph P. Ryan
逮捕, etc
死亡: 9,
逮捕: >500.[2]

罢工的结果是美国西海岸所有港口都成立了工会。1934年的旧金山总罢工,以及美国共产主义联盟英语Communist League of America领导的1934年明尼阿波利斯卡车司机罢工英语Minneapolis general strike of 1934,都是20世纪30年代工业工会主义英语Industrial unionism兴起的催化剂。其中大部分是通过产业工会联合会组织的。[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Preis, Art. Labor's giant step: twenty years of the CIO. Pathfinder Press. 1974: 31–33. ISBN 9780873480246 (英语). 
  2. ^ Kimeldorf, Howard. Reds or Rackets?: The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront. University of California Press. 1988: 101 [2024-02-26]. ISBN 9780520912779. (原始内容存档于2023-06-03) (英语). 
  3. ^ David F. Selvin, A terrible anger: The 1934 waterfront and general strikes in San Francisco (Wayne State University Press, 1996).


  • Workers on the Waterfront, Seamen, Longshoremen and Unionism in the 1930s, by Bruce Nelson, ISBN 0252061446
  • Cherny, Robert W. "The making of a labor radical: Harry Bridges, 1901–1934." Pacific Historical Review 64.3 (1995): 363–388 online页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  • A Terrible Anger: The 1934 Waterfront and General Strikes in San Francisco, by David F. Selvin. Wayne State University Press (1996). ISBN 0814326102.
  • Dock Strike: History of the 1934 Waterfront Strike in Portland, Oregon, by Roger Buchanan
  • Reds or Rackets, The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront, by Howard Kimeldorf, ISBN 0520078861
  • The Big Strike, by Mike Quin, ISBN 0717805042
  • Harry Bridges, The Rise and Fall of Radical Labor in the U.S., by Charles Larrowe, ISBN 0882080016
  • Agitate, Educate, Organize: Portland, 1934, by William Bigelow & Norman Diamond, Oregon Historical Quarterly, Spring 1988
  • 1934: The Great Strike页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), a multimedia section of the Waterfront Workers History Project, including film and photographs of the strike, a day-by-day account of the strike and digitized copies of newspaper articles and worker newsletters.