OpenGALEN是一家非营利性组织。其网站之上提供有一部可供下载的开源型医学术语集。该术语集是采用一种称为GRAIL(GALEN Concept Representation Language,GALEN概念表达语言)的形式化语言编制的。
- Rogers J.E., Roberts A., Solomon W.D., van der Haring E.J., Wroe C.J., Zanstra P.E., Rector, A.L. (2001), GALEN Ten Years On: Tasks and Supporting tools, Proceedings of MEDINFO2001, V.Patel et al. (Eds) IOS Press;: 256-260
- Napel H.T., Rogers J.E. (2001), Assessment of the GALEN Methodology on Holistic Classifications for Professions Allied to Medicine Proceedings of MEDINFO2001, V. Patel et al. (Eds) IOS Press;: 1369-1373
- Rogers J.E., Rector, A.L. (2000), GALEN's Model of Parts and Wholes: Experience and Comparisons Annual Fall Symposium of American Medical Informatics Association, Los Angeles CA. Hanley & Belfus Inc. Philadelphia PA;:714-8
- Solomon W.D., Roberts A., Rogers J.E., Wroe C.J. , Rector, A.L. (2000), Having our cake and eating it too: How the GALEN Intermediate Representation reconciles internal complexity with users' requirements for appropriateness and simplicity, Annual Fall Symposium of American Medical Informatics Association, Los Angeles CA. Hanley & Belfus Inc. Philadelphia PA;:819-23
- OpenGALEN(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 网站(英文)
- CCAM, Classification Commune des Actes Médicaux(法文)
- 英国曼彻斯特大学医学信息学工作组(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(英文)
- 奈梅亨大学医学信息学部[永久失效链接](英文)