Timeline_of_LGBT_history (English version)
以下内容为女同性恋者,男同性恋者,双性恋者,与跨性别者(LGBT) 的历史年表。
- 佩皮二世作为法老统治埃及时期流传的故事《Neferkare国王和Sasenet将军》(King Neferkare and General Sasenet),暗示他在夜间造访他的将军并发生同性关系。[4][5]
- 公元前385年,柏拉图出版了会饮篇,其中斐德罗,厄里克希马库斯,阿里斯多芬尼斯以及其他希腊学者提出男子与男子之间的恋情是最高形式的爱恋,与女子之间的恋情是出于色欲和功利的(参见柏拉图式恋爱)[9]。而苏格拉底对此持不同观点[10],他在受到漂亮的亚西比德(Alcibiades)的引诱时显示出极大的自我控制[11]。
- 公元前350年,柏拉图出版法律篇,其中雅典的外来者和他们的同伴批评说同性恋是色欲的产物,并且对于社会是错误的,因为这种行为不会延续后代并会使市民不负责任。[12]
- 公元前338年,希腊城邦底比斯的一支由150对娈童恋者组成的由精英部队底比斯圣队在喀罗尼亚战役中被腓力二世的部队歼灭,腓力二世为其牺牲而惋惜并赞扬了他们的英勇。[13]
- 公元前326年,亚历山大大帝完成了对大部分当时所知的西方世界的征服后,开启了希腊化时代。期间数以百万的人秉持希腊的观点,对同性恋关系呈正面态度。
- 公元1世纪 - 沃伦杯被制作,这个银质饮水杯上有描绘了两个男性的同性性行为场景的浮雕。
- 54年 – 尼禄 成为罗马皇帝. 尼禄先后与两个男性公民通过合法的仪式结婚,罗马自由人Pythagoras作为其“丈夫”和阉人Sporus作为其“妻子”,其中Sporus佩戴标志着罗马皇帝妻子的徽章同尼禄共同出入公共场合。[17] 尤维纳利斯和马提亚尔(有争议)记录了当时男性伴侣们举行了传统的婚姻仪式。
- 79年 – 维苏威火山的爆发掩埋了滨海城市庞贝和赫库兰尼姆古城,保存了大量的庞贝古城和赫库兰尼姆的情色艺术(Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum),包括大量具有代表性的男性与男性以及女性与女性的作品.
- 1007年 – 神学家The Decretum of Burchard of Worms将同性恋行为比作通奸,因此主张犯此类“罪行”的人应该用同样的方法忏悔(一般是禁食)。[12]
- 1051年 – 宗教改革家Peter Damian在他的著作《Liber Gomorrhianus》中主张牧师对于“违反自然”的人应该施以更重的惩罚。[28]
- 1100年 – 主教Ivo of Chartres试图说服教宗乌尔巴诺二世关于同性恋的危险性。Ivo指控图尔大主教Rodolfo促使法国国王指任Giovanni为奥尔良主教。Giovanni被人所知是Rodolfo的情人,甚至法国国王也常常公开宣扬与Giovanni的密切关系。但是乌尔巴诺二世并未对此加以考虑。Giovanni此后担任了四十年的主教,而Rodolfo也继续享有盛名和被人尊敬。[29][失效链接]
- 1308-14年 – 法国国王腓力四世以异端、偶像崇拜和鸡奸罪命令逮捕所有圣殿骑士,但是实际上他们只是国王为了解决财务危机的牺牲品。骑士团领袖被判处死刑并于1314年3月18日在巴黎圣母院附近于火刑柱上烧死。
- 1321年 – 但丁在神曲中将鸡奸者置于地狱第七层。
- 1327年 – 英格兰废王爱德华二世被杀,据说被用烧热的拨火棍刺穿直肠而死。爱德华二世曾经为他多次被驱逐的情人第一任康沃尔伯爵皮尔斯格·威斯顿与贵族争斗。[来源请求]
- 1347年 – Rolandino Roncaglia因被指控鸡奸而在意大利引起轰动。他承认自己从未与妻子或者其他女人有过性接触,因为他对此从未感到过渴望也从未因她们而勃起过。在他的妻子因瘟疫死后,Rolandino开始衣着女性服装卖淫。尽管他有着男性而不是女性的性器官,很多人还是认为他是女人,因为他有着女性的外观、声音和步态。[30]
- 1370左右 – Jan van Aersdone 和 Willem Case 两位男性在1370年左右在比利时的安特卫普被判处死刑,他们被指控因进行同性性行为而严重触犯欧洲中世纪的法律。[来源请求] 相关文件的发现使得Aersdone 和 Case的名字为人所知。十四世纪另一对已知的同性恋者是威尼斯的Giovanni Braganza 和 Nicoleto Marmagna。[31]
- 1395年 – John Rykener是英国伦敦附近活跃于牛津的一位变装男妓,他于1395年因变装被逮捕和审讯。
- 1424年 – 天主教圣徒锡耶纳的圣伯纳丁(Bernardio_of_Siena)在意大利佛罗伦萨讲道三日,斥责同性恋和其他形式的肉欲,并以焚烧化妆品、假发以及其他美容装饰品的仪式结束。他同时呼吁判处鸡奸者以陶片放逐制驱逐流放。这种布道以及其他神职人员的做法强化并鼓动了政府更多的对于同性恋人群的迫害。[32]
- 1432年 – 佛罗伦萨建立了第一个特别为检举鸡奸者的组织“夜间警卫”,在之后的70年里逮捕了大约1000名成年男子和男孩,判罪2000余人,大多数处以罚款。
- 1451年 – 教宗尼古拉五世授意宗教裁判所迫害鸡奸者。
- 1475年 – 秘鲁卡帕克·尤潘基统治下的一部编年史记录了对同性恋者处以公开火刑并捣毁住所的迫害(通常用于被征服的部落)。
- 1476年 – 佛罗伦萨法庭1476年的一份记录显示达芬奇和其他三名年轻男性两次被指控犯有鸡奸罪,最后无罪释放。[33]
- 1483年 – 西班牙宗教裁判所建立,鸡奸罪犯被处以石刑、阉割和火刑。在1540到1700年间,超过1600人被判处鸡奸罪。[12]
- 1492年 – 著名的人文主义思想家和神学家德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟在荷兰Steyn的一座修道院期间写作了一系列情书给另一位僧侣。[34]
- 1494年 – 意大利多明我会修士萨佛纳罗拉 批判佛罗伦萨民众"可怕的罪行"(主要是同性恋和赌博)并且劝告他们离开他们年轻无须的情人。
- 1497年 – 在西班牙,斐迪南和伊莎贝拉加强了一直以来只是在城市实行的鸡奸法,使其在严重程度上等同于叛国罪和异端罪,而判罚所需的证据数量却被减少了,并允许使用刑罚来获取证据,被告人的财产会被没收。
- 1502年 – 意大利艺术家桑德罗·波提切利被指控犯有鸡奸罪。[35]
- 1523年 – 佛罗伦萨艺术家本韦努托·切利尼第一次受到鸡奸罪的指控。[36]
- 1532年 – 神圣罗马帝国宣布判处鸡奸罪死刑。[12]
- 1532年 – 佛罗伦萨艺术家米开朗基罗写作了超过300首情诗给托马索卡瓦列利。[37]
- 1533年 – 英格兰国王亨利八世 通过了1533年鸡奸法,对施行肛交者判处死刑。[38]
- 1542年 – 拉普拉塔河口和巴拉圭总督阿尔瓦·努涅斯·卡韦萨·德·巴卡在他的著作《阿尔瓦·努涅斯·卡韦萨·德·巴卡一行从佛罗里达到太平洋的日记 1528-1536》(The Journey of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions from Florida to the Pacific 1528-1536)中记录了美洲印第安人部落中的同性婚姻以及“身着女性服装并施以女性礼仪,但是使用弓箭并从事重体力劳动”的男性。
- 1543年 – 英格兰国王亨利八世通过1535-1542威尔士法案,将1533年鸡奸法引入威尔士。
- 1553年 – 女王玛丽一世继承英格兰王位,在1530年左右的英格兰宗教改革中废除了被亨利八世通过的所有法案。
- 1558年–1563年 – 英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世 回复了亨利八世的法律,包括1533年鸡奸法。[12]
- 1620年 – 勃兰登堡-普鲁士将鸡奸有罪化,判以死刑。[12]
- 1624年 – 英国在北美大陆上设立的殖民地弗吉尼亚自治领将鸡奸者判处绞刑。[39]
- 1649年 – 三月,在美洲殖民地马萨诸塞自治领的普利茅斯,莎拉白·诺尔曼(Sarah White Norman)被指控与玛丽·文森特·汉墨(Mary Vincent Hammon)于床上互相淫猥。其中汉墨由于未满16岁被免于起诉。这是北美第一起为人所知的女同性恋案件。[40]
- 1655年 – 美洲殖民地康涅狄格自治领通过了包括针对妇女在内的鸡奸法。[41]
- 1688年 - 1704年 – 阴间茶屋出现在日本江户时代,是为贩卖男色的茶楼,提供宴席或歌舞表演等。[42]
- 1721年 – 在德国,Catherina Margaretha Linck 因女性鸡奸罪被执行死刑。
- 1726年 – 玛格丽特·克莱普的茉莉屋在伦敦被警方搜查,三个男性被判处死刑。在茉莉屋中男性被允许穿着女式服装出入,可以自由结交朋友。[43]
- 1730年-1811年,荷兰共和国内出现一股恐慌,导致许多针对鸡奸者的判罚,这股迫害在1730年到1737年,1764年,1776年,1795年到1798年最为严重。[来源请求]
- 1785年 – 英国哲学家、法学和社会改革家杰里米·边沁在英格兰第一个为鸡奸者的无罪化辩护。[12]
- 1791年 – 法国在大革命期间(以及安道尔)施行1791法国刑法典,不再将鸡奸行为判罪。法国成为西欧第一个将成年人间自愿的同性行为去罪化的国家。[44]
- 1794年 – 普鲁士王国废除了对于鸡奸者的死刑。[12]
- 1800年代 – 19世纪初出版了最早的关于女同性恋的学术研究。
- 1811年 – 荷兰和印度尼西亚将同性恋行为去罪化。
- 1814年 – “违反自然的性关系或行为”词条第一次出现在美国刑法典中。
- 1830年 – 巴西将同性恋行为去罪化。
- 1832年 – 俄罗斯根据其新刑法典的“995条款”判处同性恋者在西伯利亚5年以下流放。
- 1835年 – 在瓜分波兰事件发生后,成为俄国一部分的波兰会议王国或称俄属波兰历史上第一次判定同性恋行为违法。
- 1836年 – 最后一起对于同性恋的处决发生在大不列颠岛上。詹姆斯·普拉特和约翰·史密斯在位于伦敦的私人住所中被逮捕,并与新门监狱处以绞刑。[45]
- 1852年 – 葡萄牙将同性恋行为去罪化。[46]
- 1856年 – 摩门教中的女同性恋者第一次被记录。盐湖城一名男子在日记中记录一名摩门教女性“试图勾引一个年轻女孩”。[47]
- 1858年 – 奥斯曼帝国(土耳其的前身)将同性恋行为去罪化。[48] 东帝汶将同性恋合法化。
- 1861年 – 在英格兰,Offences against the Person Act 1861法案 的修订中移除了对于鸡奸的死刑判决(自1836年后就未实施过),将判罚改为10年以上有期徒刑至终身监禁。
- 1865年 – 圣马力诺将同性恋行为去罪化。
- 1867年 – 1867年8月29日,卡尔·亨利希·乌尔利克斯 成为史上第一个公开自己同性恋身份的人,并在慕尼黑的德国法律家委员会发表公开演讲呼吁保护同性恋权利废除反同性恋法案。
- 1869年 – “同性恋”一词第一次出版印刷在德国-匈牙利国内人权活动家Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–1882)编写的宣传册上。
- 1870年 – 约瑟夫和他的朋友:宾夕法尼的故事 出版,这是美国小说史上第一部关于同性恋关系的小说。
- 1871年 – 根据德国刑事法第175条,同性恋在德意志帝国全面有罪化;危地马拉和墨西哥将同性恋行为去罪化。
- 1880年 – 大日本帝国将同性恋行为(肛交)去罪化,但是在明治维新早期是违法的。
- 1886年 – 在英格兰,根据维多利亚女王的御准1885年刑法修正案宣布男性之间的性行为违法(但是女性之间则不然)。阿根廷将同性恋行为去罪化。葡萄牙再次将同性恋行为有罪化。
- 1889年 – 同性恋在意大利合法化。 英格兰克利夫兰街丑闻爆发。
- 1892年 – “双性恋”和“异性恋”两个词第一次根据它们现在的含义出现在Charles Gilbert Chaddock翻译的Richard von Krafft-Ebing的著作《性心理疾病》中。
- 1892年 – 著名双性恋诗人埃德娜·圣文森特·米莱出生在1892年2月22日。
- 1894年 – 生物学家及人类性学开拓者阿尔弗雷德·金赛博士出生于6月23日。
- 1895年 – 奥斯卡·王尔德根据1885年刑法修正案被告“与其他男性发生有伤风化的行为”而被判处在监狱两年服刑。 Adolfo Caminha在巴西出版了他富有争议的小说Bom-Crioulo(意为“非洲男人和侍童”),其中有同性恋的内容并以黑人男性为故事主角。
- 1897年 – 内科医生及性学家马格努斯·赫希菲尔德在5月14日建立了科学人道委员会来组织同性恋权益维护运动并反对德国刑事法第175条。
- 1897年 – 诗人、作家、同性恋人权活动家George Cecil Ives建立英格兰了第一个同性恋人权组织罗尼亚社.
- 1903年 – 1903年2月21日,纽约市警察局实施了美国第一次有记录的针对同性恋浴室的搜捕行动。在针对名为“Ariston Hotel Baths”的搜捕行动中,26名男性被拘留,其中12名被控鸡奸罪,7名被判处4到20年徒刑。[49]
- 1906年 – 美国第一部幸福结局的公开同性恋小说《伊姆雷:备忘录》出版。[12]
- 1907年 – 致力于推翻德国刑事法第175条的“Gemeinschaft der Eigenen”运动领袖阿道夫·布兰迪宣称德意志帝国总理伯恩哈德·冯·比洛王子为同性恋。王子控告其诽谤并要求恢复声誉;布兰迪被判处18个月徒刑。[50]
- 1907年–1909年 – en:Harden-Eulenburg Affair事件在德国爆发,记者Maximilian Harden指控欧伦堡王子Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg-Hertefeld和中将Kuno von Moltke存在同性恋关系。[51]
- 1910 – 埃玛·戈尔德曼(Emma Goldman)首先在公开演讲中对同性权益表达支持, first begins speaking publicly in favor of homosexual rights. 之后写道”她是第一个也是唯一一个女人,第一个也是唯一一个美国人在公众面前捍卫同性恋爱”。[52] [53]
- 1912 –在摩门教杂志《青年妇女杂志》(Young Woman's Journal)的支持下“莱斯沃斯岛的莎孚[47]”首次明确涉及女同性恋。Jacob Schorer.博士创立了第一个荷兰反歧视同性恋组织“荷兰科学人权委员会”([Committee|the Scientific Humanitarian Committee of the Netherlands])[10] (NWHK)
- 1913 – faggot 一词在波特兰出版的犯罪俚语词典中指代同性恋 "All the fagots [sic] (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight". 马塞尔·普鲁斯特的《追忆似水年华》在法国出版,意味着同性恋公开在现代西方作家文学作品中。
- 1917 – 俄国的“十月革命”完全废除了之前的刑罚典,包括995条款.[54][55] 布尔什维克 领导人宣称“同性恋和异性恋关系在法律面前是平等的。”
- 1919 –在德国柏林,马格努斯·赫希菲尔德博士组建了一个具有开拓性的私立学术和咨询组织,性学研究所(Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sex Research))。 1933年5月纳粹组织销毁了其数千卷文献。[56][57][58]
- 1919 - 第一部同性恋电影《与众不同》(Different From the Others)发布,马格努斯·赫希菲尔德博士在其中出现并资助了这部电影。
- 1921 – 在英格兰历史上,第一次试图将女同性恋设为违法的尝试以失败告终。[59]
- 1922 – 苏联在刑法典中讲同性恋行为去刑事化(合法化)。
- 1923 – 同性恋一词fag 第一次在Nels Anderson 的作品 The Hobo 中出现: "Fairies or Fags are men or boys who exploit sex for profit."
- 1923 – 女同性恋Elsa Gidlow 在英格兰出生。 她在美国发表了第一部描写女同性恋的诗歌《On A Grey Thread》[60]
- 1924 – Henry Gerber 在芝加哥建立了美国第一个同性恋权益组织“人权协会“[61]。该组织在警方的压力下只维持了几个月[62]。 同性恋在巴拿马,巴拉圭和秘鲁合法化。
- 1926 – 同性恋“homosexuality”一词第一次出现在美国主流刊物纽约时报上[12]。
- 1927– 波兰同性恋作曲家卡罗尔·马切伊·席曼诺夫斯基被任命为国立音乐学院 Fryderyk Chopin Music Academy主任。
- 1928 – 瑞克里芙·霍尔的《寂寞之井》在英国出版,之后进入美国。它的发表出发了法律争议并将同性恋问题带入公众议题。
- 1929 – 5月22日,《美丽的阿美利加》作者Katharine Lee Bates去世。 10月16日,德意志帝国议会投票废除德国刑事法第175条,纳粹掌权后制止了投票的生效。
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- 1931 - Mädchen in Uniform, one of the first explicitly lesbian films and the first pro-lesbian film, is released.
- 1932 – Poland codifies the homosexual and heterosexual age of consent equally at 15. Polish law had never criminalized homosexuality, although occupying powers had outlawed it in 1835.[27]
- 1933 – New Danish penalty law decriminalizes homosexuality.
- 1933 – The National Socialist German Workers Party bans homosexual groups. Homosexuals are sent to concentration camps. Nazis burn the library of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Research, and destroy the Institute; Denmark and Philippines decriminalizes homosexuality. Homosexual acts are recriminalized in the USSR. (Certain persons, including Scott Lively (presently charged with Crimes against humanity[63]), assert that the Nazi opposition to homosexuality was 'selective'. In order to persecute other 'types' of people, the Nazi party used homosexual behavior as a convenient excuse. The faithful Nazis, who were themselves blatant homosexuals, were tolerated.[64]) Scholars and historians in general reject this allegation and Lively is named a holocaust revisionist both the Southern Poverty Law Center and by the ADL [65][66][67]
- 1934 – Uruguay decriminalizes homosexuality. The USSR once again criminalizes muzhelozhstvo (specific Russian definition of “male sexual intercourse with male”, literally “man lying with man”), punishable by up to 5 years in prison – more for the coercion or involvement of minors.[68]
- 1936 – Mona's 440 Club, the first lesbian bar in America, opened in San Francisco in 1936.[69][70] Mona's waitresses and female performers wore tuxedos and patrons dressed their roles.[70]
- 1936 – Federico García Lorca, Spanish poet, is shot at the beginning of the civil war.
- 1937 – The first use of the pink triangle for gay men in Nazi concentration camps.
- 1938 – The word Gay is used for the first time in reference to homosexuality.[71]
- 1939 – Frances V. Rummell, an educator and a teacher of French at Stephens College, published an autobiography under the title Diana: A Strange Autobiography; it was the first explicitly lesbian autobiography in which two women end up happily together.[72] This autobiography was published with a note saying, "The publishers wish it expressly understood that this is a true story, the first of its kind ever offered to the general reading public".[72]
- 1940 – Iceland decriminalizes homosexuality; the NWHK is disbanded in the Netherlands in May due to the German invasion, and most of its archive is voluntarily destroyed, while the rest is confiscated by Nazi soldiers.
- 1941 – Transsexuality was first used in reference to homosexuality and bisexuality.
- 1942 – Switzerland decriminalizes homosexuality, with the age of consent set at 20.
- 1944 – Sweden decriminalizes homosexuality, with the age of consent set at 20 and Suriname legalizes homosexuality.
- 1945 – Upon the liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces, those interned for homosexuality are not freed, but required to serve out the full term of their sentences under Paragraph 175; Portugal decriminalises homosexuality for the second time in its history. Four honourably discharged gay veterans form the Veterans Benevolent Association, the first LGBT veterans' group.[73] Gay bar Yanagi opened in Japan.[74]
- 1946 – "COC" (Dutch acronym for "Center for Culture and Recreation"), one of the earliest homophile organizations, is founded in the Netherlands. It is the oldest surviving LGBT organization.
- 1947 – Vice Versa, the first North American lesbian publication, is written and self-published by Lisa Ben (real name Edith Eyde) in Los Angeles.
- 1948 – "Forbundet af 1948" ("League of 1948"), a homosexual group, is formed in Denmark.
- 1948 – The communist authorities of Poland make 15 the age of consent for all sexual acts, homosexual or heterosexual.
- 1950 – The Organization for Sexual Equality, now Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL), is formed in Sweden; East Germany partially abrogates the Nazis' emendations to Paragraph 175; The Mattachine Society, the first sustained American homosexual group, is founded in Los Angeles (11 November); 190 individuals in the United States are dismissed from government employment for their sexual orientation, commencing the Lavender scare.
- 1951 – Greece decriminalizes homosexuality.
- 1951 – Jordan In 1951, a revision of the Jordanian Criminal Code legalized private, adult, non-commercial, and consensual sodomy, with the age of consent set at 16.
- 1952 – "Spring Fire," the first lesbian paperback novel, and the beginning of the lesbian pulp fiction genre, was published in 1952 and sold 1.5 million copies.[75][76] It was written by lesbian Marijane Meaker under the false name Vin Packer.[75]
- 1952 – In the spring of 1952, Dale Jennings was arrested in Los Angeles for allegedly soliciting a police officer in a bathroom in Westlake Park, now known as MacArthur Park. His trial drew national attention to the Mattachine Society, and membership increased drastically after Jennings contested the charges, resulting in a hung jury.[77]
- 1952 – Christine Jorgensen(George William Jorgensen, Jr.) becomes the first widely publicized person to have undergone sex reassignment surgery, in this case, male to female, creating a world-wide sensation.
- 1952 – In Japan it was "Adonis" launched. Mishima Yukio was Contributed to this magazine.
- 1954 – 7 June–Mathematical and computer genius Alan Turing commits suicide by cyanide poisoning, 18 months after being given a choice between two years in prison or libido-reducing hormone treatment for a year as a punishment for homosexuality.[78] A succession of well-known men, including Lord Montagu, Michael Pitt-Rivers and Peter Wildeblood, were convicted of homosexual offences as British police pursued a McCarthy-like purge of Society homosexuals.[79] Arcadie, the first homosexual group in France, is formed.
- 1955 – The Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) was founded in San Francisco in 1955 by four lesbian couples (including Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon) and was the first national lesbian political and social organization in the United States.[80] The group's name came from "Songs of Bilitis," a lesbian-themed song cycle by French poet Pierre Louÿs, which described the fictional Bilitis as a resident of the Isle of Lesbos alongside Sappho.[80] DOB's activities included hosting public forums on homosexuality, offering support to isolated, married, and mothering lesbians, and participating in research activities.[80] Mattachine Society New York chapter founded.
- 1956 – Thailand decriminalizes homosexual acts.
- 1957 – The word "Transsexual" is coined by U.S. physician Harry Benjamin; The Wolfenden Committee's report recommends decriminalizing consensual homosexual behaviour between adults in the United Kingdom; Psychologist Evelyn Hooker publishes a study showing that homosexual men are as well adjusted as non-homosexual men, which becomes a major factor in the American Psychiatric Association removing homosexuality from its handbook of disorders in 1973.
- 1958 – The Homosexual Law Reform Society is founded in the United Kingdom; Barbara Gittings founds the New York chapter of Daughters of Bilitis.
- 1958 – The United States Supreme Court rules in favor of the First Amendment rights of a gay and lesbian magazine, marking the first time the United States Supreme Court had ruled on a case involving homosexuality.
- 1959 – ITV, at the time the UK's only national commercial broadcaster, broadcasts the first gay drama, South, starring Peter Wyngarde.[81]
- 1960 – Cpls. Fannie Mae Clackum and Grace Garner, U.S. Air Force reservists in the late 1940s and early 1950s, became the first people to successfully challenge their discharges from the U.S. military for being gay, although the ruling turned on the fact that there wasn’t enough evidence to show the women were lesbians — rather than that there was nothing wrong with it if they were.[82]
- 1961 – Czechoslovakia and Hungary decriminalize sodomy; the Vatican declares that anyone who is "affected by the perverse inclination" towards homosexuality should not be allowed to take religious vows or be ordained within the Roman Catholic Church; The Rejected, the first documentary on homosexuality, is broadcast on KQED TV in San Francisco on 11 September 1961; José Sarria becomes the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States when he runs for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.[83]
- 1961 – Illinois becomes first U.S. state to remove sodomy law from its criminal code (effective 1962).[84]
- 1963 – Israel de facto decriminalizes sodomy and sexual acts between men by judicial decision against the enforcement of the relevant section in the old British-mandate law from 1936 (which in fact was never enforced).[来源请求]
- 1964 – Canada sees its first gay-positive organization, ASK, and first gay magazines: ASK Newsletter (in Vancouver), and Gay (by Gay Publishing Company of Toronto). Gay was the first periodical to use the term 'Gay' in the title and expanded quickly, including outstripping the distribution of American publications under the name Gay International. These were quickly followed by Two (by Gayboy (later Kamp) Publishing Company of Toronto).[85][86]
- 1964 – Canada March 1964, ted northe founds the 'Imperial Court of Canada' a monarchist society compromised primarily of drag personalities and becomes a driving force in the effort to achieve equality in Canada. The Courts of Canada now have over 14 chapters across the country and is the oldest, continuously running, GLBT Organization in Canada.
- 1964 – The first photograph of lesbians on the cover of lesbian magazine The Ladder was done in September 1964, showing two women from the back, on a beach looking out to sea.
- 1965 – Everett George Klippert, the last person imprisoned in Canada for homosexuality, is arrested for private, consensual sex with men. After being assessed "incurably homosexual", he is sentenced to an indefinite "preventive detention" as a dangerous sexual offender. This was considered by many Canadians to be extremely homophobic, and prompted sympathetic articles in Maclean's and The Toronto Star, eventually leading to increased calls for legal reform in Canada which passed in 1969.[来源请求] Conservatively dressed gays and lesbians demonstrate outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia on 4 July 1965. This was the first in a series of Annual Reminders that took place through 1969.
- 1966 – The Mattachine Society stages a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City challenging a New York State Liquor Authority prohibiting serving alcohol to gays; the National Planning Conference of Homophile Organizations is established (to became NACHO—North American Conference of Homophile Organizations later that year); the Compton's Cafeteria Riot occurred in August 1966 by transgender women and Vanguard members in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. This incident was one of the first recorded transgender riots in United States history, preceding the more famous 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City by three years. Vanguard was founded to demonstrate for equal rights.
- 1966 – The first lesbian to appear on the cover of the lesbian magazine The Ladder with her face showing was Lilli Vincenz in January 1966.
- 1967 – The Black Cat Tavern in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles is raided on New Year's day by 12 plainclothes police officers who beat and arrested employees and patrons. The raid prompted a series of protests that began on 5 January 1967, organized by P.R.I.D.E. (Personal Rights in Defense and Education). It's the first use of the term "Pride" that came to be associated with LGBT rights.
- 1967 – The Advocate was first published in September as "The Los Angeles Advocate," a local newsletter alerting gay men to police raids in Los Angeles gay bars.
- 1967 – The Sexual Offences Act decriminalised homosexual acts between two men over 21 years of age in private in England and Wales.;[87] The act did not apply to Scotland, Northern Ireland nor the Channel Islands; The book Homosexual Behavior Among Males by Wainwright Churchill breaks ground as a scientific study approaching homosexuality as a fact of life and introduces the term "homoerotophobia", a possible precursor to "homophobia"; The Oscar Wilde Bookshop, the world's first homosexual-oriented bookstore, opens in New York City; "Our World" ("Nuestro Mundo"), the first Latino-American homosexual group, is created in Argentina; A raid on the Black Cat Tavern in Los Angeles, California promotes homosexual rights activity. The Student Homophile League at Columbia University is the first institutionally recognized gay student group in the United States.[来源请求]
- 1968 – Paragraph 175 is eased in East Germany decriminalizing homosexual acts over the age of 18; Bulgaria decriminalizes adult homosexual relations.
- 1969 – The Stonewall riots occur in New York; Paragraph 175 is eased in West Germany; Bill C-150 is passed, decriminalizing homosexuality in Canada. Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister is quoted as having said: "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation."; Poland decriminalizes homosexual prostitution; An Australian arm of the Daughters of Bilitis forms in Melbourne and is considered Australia's first homosexual rights organisation.[来源请求]
- 1969 – On 31 December 1969, the Cockettes perform for the first time at the Palace Theatre on Union and Columbus in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco.
- 1970 – The first Gay Liberation Day March is held in New York City; The first LGBT Pride Parade is held in New York; The first "Gay-in" held in San Francisco; Carl Wittman writes A Gay Manifesto;[88][89] CAMP (Campaign Against Moral Persecution) is formed in Australia.[90][91]
- 1971 – Society Five (a homosexual rights organization) is formed in Melbourne, Australia; Homosexuality is decriminalized in Austria, Costa Rica and Finland; Colorado and Oregon repeal sodomy laws; Idaho repeals the sodomy law — Then re-instates the repealed sodomy law because of outrage among Mormons and Catholics.[92][93] The Netherlands changes the homosexual age of consent to 16, the same as the straight age of consent; The U.S. Libertarian Party calls for the repeal of all victimless crime laws, including the sodomy laws; Dr. Frank Kameny becomes the first openly gay candidate for the United States Congress; The University of Michigan establishes the first collegiate LGBT programs office, then known as the "Gay Advocate's Office." The UK Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was recognized as a political movement in the national press and was holding weekly meetings of 200 to 300 people.;[94] George Klippert, the last man jailed for homosexuality in Canada, is released from prison. Ken Togo ran for national election, in Japan.
- 1972 – Sweden becomes first country in the world to allow transsexuals to legally change their sex, and provides free hormone therapy;[95] Hawaii legalizes homosexuality; In South Australia, a consenting adults in private-type legal defence was introduced; Norway decriminalizes homosexuality; East Lansing, Michigan and Ann Arbor, Michigan and San Francisco, California become the first cities in United States to pass a homosexual rights ordinance. Jim Foster, San Francisco and Madeline Davis, Buffalo, New York, first gay and lesbian delegates to the Democratic Convention, Miami, McGovern; give the first speeches advocating a gay rights plank in the Democratic Party Platform. "Stonewall Nation" first gay anthem is written and recorded by Madeline Davis and is produced on 45 rpm record by the Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier. Lesbianism 101, first lesbianism course in the U.S. taught at the University of Buffalo by Margaret Small and Madeline Davis.[来源请求]Jeanne Manford marched with her gay son in New York's Pride Day parade. This was the beginning of PFLAG - Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.[96] Nancy Wechsler became the first openly gay or lesbian person in political office in America; she was elected to the Ann Arbor City Council in 1972 as a member of the Human Rights Party and came out as a lesbian during her first and only term there.[97] Also in 1972, Camille Mitchell became the first open lesbian to be awarded custody of her children in a divorce case, although the judge restricted the arrangement by precluding Ms. Mitchell's lover from moving in with her and the children.[98] Freda Smith became the first openly lesbian minister in the Metropolitan Community Church (she was also their first female minister).[99][100] Beth Chayim Chadashim was founded in 1972 as the world's first lesbian and gay synagogue recognized by the Reform Jewish community.[101] A Quaker group, the Committee of Friends on Bisexuality, issued the “Ithaca Statement on Bisexuality” supporting bisexuals.[102]
The Statement, which may have been "the first public declaration of the bisexual movement" and "was certainly the first statement on bisexuality issued by an American religious assembly," appeared in the Quaker Friends Journal and The Advocate in 1972.[103][104][105]
Today Quakers have varying opinions on LGBT people and rights, with some Quaker groups more accepting than others.[106]
- 1973 – The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), based largely on the research and advocacy of Evelyn Hooker; Malta legalizes homosexuality; In West Germany, the age of consent is reduced for homosexuals to 18 (though it is 14 for heterosexuals).[来源请求]; Sally Miller Gearhart became the first open lesbian to obtain a tenure-track faculty position when she was hired by San Francisco State University, where she helped establish one of the first women and gender study programs in the country.[107]
- 1974 – Kathy Kozachenko becomes the first openly gay American elected to public office when she wins a seat on the Ann Arbor, Michigan city council; In New York City Dr. Fritz Klein founds the Bisexual Forum, the first support group for the Bisexual Community; Elaine Noble becomes the second openly gay American elected to public office when she wins a seat in the Massachusetts State House; Inspired by Noble, Minnesotta state legislator Allan Spear comes out in a newspaper interview; Ohio repeals sodomy laws. Robert Grant founds American Christian Cause to oppose the "gay agenda", the beginning of modern Christian politics in America. In London, the first openly LGBT telephone help line opens, followed one year later by the Brighton Lesbian and Gay Switchboard;[来源请求] the Brunswick Four are arrested on 5 January 1974, in Toronto, Ontario. This incident of Lesbophobia galvanizes the Toronto Lesbian and Gay community;[108] the National Socialist League (The Gay Nazi Party) is founded in Los Angeles, California.[来源请求] The first openly gay or lesbian person to be elected to any political office in America was Kathy Kozachenko, who was elected to the Ann Arbor City Council in April 1974.[109] Also in 1974, the Lesbian Herstory Archives opened to the public in the New York apartment of lesbian couple Joan Nestle and Deborah Edel; it has the world's largest collection of materials by and about lesbians and their communities.[110]
- 1975 – Homosexuality is legalized in California due to the Consenting Adult Sex Bill, authored by and successfully lobbied for in the state legislature by State Assemblyman from San Francisco Willie Brown; Leonard Matlovich, a Technical Sergeant in the United States Air Force, becomes the first U.S. gay service member to purposely out himself to fight their ban; South Australia becomes the first state in Australia to make homosexuality legal between consenting adults in private. Panama is the second country in the world to allow transsexuals who have gone through gender reassignment surgery to get their personal documents reflecting their new sex; [来源请求] UK journal Gay Left begins publication.;[111] Minneapolis becomes the first city in the United States to pass trans-inclusive civil rights protection legislation.[112]
- 1976 – Robert Grant founds the Christian Voice to take his anti-homosexual-rights crusade national in United States; the Homosexual Law Reform Coalition and the Gay Teachers Group are started in Australia; the Australian Capital Territory decriminalizes homosexuality between consenting adults in private and equalizes the age of consent; Out Minnesota state legislator Allan Spear is reelected; and Denmark equalizes the age of consent.[来源请求] Association of homosexual liberation was founded in Japan.[113]
- 1977 – Harvey Milk is elected city-county supervisor in San Francisco, becoming the fifth out American elected to public office. Dade County, Florida enacts a Human Rights Ordinance; it is repealed the same year after a militant anti-homosexual-rights campaign led by Anita Bryant. Quebec becomes the first jurisdiction larger than a city or county in the world to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the public and private sectors; Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Vojvodina; legalise homosexuality.[来源请求] Welsh author Jeffrey Weeks publishes Coming Out;[114] Publication of the first issue of Gaysweek, NYC's first mainstream gay weekly. Police raided a house outside of Boston outraging the gay community. In response the Boston-Boise Committee was formed, which would lead to the founding of NAMBLA.[115] Anne Holmes became the first openly lesbian minister ordained by the United Church of Christ;[116] Ellen Barrett became the first openly lesbian priest ordained by the Episcopal Church of the United States (serving the Diocese of New York).[117][118] The first lesbian mystery novel in America was published; it was Angel Dance, by Mary F. Beal.[119][120] The National Center for Lesbian Rights was founded. Shakuntala Devi published the first[121] study of homosexuality in India.[122][123] Platonica Club and Front Runners were founded in Japan.[113]
- 1978 – San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone are assassinated by former Supervisor Dan White; the first Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is held, with 2000 people attending and 53 subsequently arrested and some seriously beaten by police. ; The rainbow flag is first used as a symbol of homosexual pride; Sweden establishes a uniform age of consent. Samois the earliest known lesbian-feminist BDSM organization is founded in San Francisco; well-known members of the group include Patrick Califia and Gayle Rubin; the group is among the very earliest advocates of what came to be known as sex-positive feminism[来源请求]; The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) is established.[124] Robin Tyler became the first out lesbian on U.S. national television, appearing on a Showtime comedy special hosted by Phyllis Diller. The same year she released her comedy album, Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Groom, the first comedy album by an out lesbian.[125]
- 1979 – The first national homosexual rights march on Washington, DC is held; The White Night riots occur, Harry Hay issues the first call for a Radical Faerie gathering in Arizona, and Cuba and Spain decriminalize homosexuality.[来源请求]
- 1979 A number of people in Sweden called in sick with a case of being homosexual, in protest of homosexuality being classified as an illness. This was followed by an activist occupation of the main office of the National Board of Health and Welfare. Within a few months, Sweden became the first country in the world to remove homosexuality as an illness.[95] Japan Gay Center was established in Japan.[113]
- 1980 – The United States Democratic Party becomes the first major political party in the U.S. to endorse a homosexual rights platform plank; Scotland decriminalizes homosexuality; David McReynolds becomes the first openly LGBT individual to run for President of the United States, appearing on the Socialist Party U S A ticket; The Human Rights Campaign Fund is founded by Steve Endean; The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality.[126]
- 1981 – The European Court of Human Rights in Dudgeon v. United Kingdom strikes down Northern Ireland's criminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults, leading to Northern Ireland decriminalising homosexual sex the following year; Victoria (Australia) and Colombia decriminalize homosexuality with a uniform age of consent; The Moral Majority starts its anti-homosexual crusade; Norway becomes the first country in the world to enact a law to prevent discrimination against homosexuals; Hong Kong's first sex-change operation is performed. The first official documentation of the condition to be known as AIDS was published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on 5 June 1981.[127] Tennis player Billie Jean King became the first prominent professional athlete to come out as a lesbian, when her relationship with her secretary Marilyn Barnett became public in a May 1981 "palimony" lawsuit filed by Barnett.[128] Due to this she lost all of her endorsements.[129] Mary C. Morgan became the first openly gay or lesbian judge in America when she was appointed by California Governor Jerry Brown to the San Francisco Municipal Court.[130]
- 1982 – Laguna Beach, CA elects the first openly gay mayor in United States history; France equalizes the age of consent; The first Gay Games is held in San Francisco, attracting 1,600 participants; Northern Ireland decriminalizes homosexuality; Wisconsin becomes the first US state to ban discrimination against homosexuals; New South Wales becomes the first Australian state to outlaw discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived homosexuality. The condition to be known as AIDS had acquired a number of names – GRID5 (gay-related immune deficiency), ‘gay cancer’, ‘community-acquired immune dysfunction’ and ‘gay compromise syndrome’[131] The CDC used the term AIDS for the first time in September 1982, when it reported that an average of one to two cases of AIDS were being diagnosed in America every day.[132] Ken Togo is founding the Deracine Party in Japan.
- 1983 – Massachusetts Representative Gerry Studds reveals he is gay on the floor of the House, becoming the first openly gay member of Congress; Guernsey (Including Alderney, Herm and Sark) decriminalizes homosexuality; Portugal decriminalizes homosexuality for the third time in its history; AIDS is described as a "gay plague" by Reverend Jerry Falwell.
- 1984 – The lesbian and gay association "Ten Percent Club" is formed in Hong Kong; Massachusetts voters reelect representative Gerry Studds, despite his revealing himself as homosexual the year before; New South Wales and the Northern Territory in Australia make homosexual acts legal; Chris Smith, newly elected to the UK parliament declares: "My name is Chris Smith. I'm the Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury, and I'm gay", making him the first openly out homosexual politician in the UK parliament. The Argentine Homosexual Community (Comunidad Homosexual Argentina, CHA) is formed uniting several different and preexisting groups. Berkeley, California becomes the first city in the U.S. to adopt a program of domestic partnership health benefits for city employees; West Hollywood, CA is founded and becomes the first known city to elect a city council where a majority of the members are openly gay or lesbian. Reconstructionist Judaism became the first Jewish denomination to allow openly lesbian rabbis and cantors.[133] ILGA Japan was founded in Japan.
- 1985 – France prohibits discrimination based on lifestyle (moeurs) in employment and services; the first memorial to gay Holocaust victims is dedicated; Belgium equalizes the age of consent; the Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (the Gay Mormon Church) is founded by Antonio A. Feliz.[134] Actor Rock Hudson dies of AIDS. He is the first major public figure known to have died from an AIDS-related illness.[135] The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College ordained Deborah Brin as the first openly gay or lesbian rabbi in Judaism.[136] Terry Sweeney becomes Saturday Night Live's first openly gay male cast member; Sweeney was "out" prior to being hired as a cast member.[137] The Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) in Massachusetts has served the bisexual community since 1985.
- 1986 – Homosexual Law Reform Act passed in New Zealand, legalizing sex between males over 16; Haiti decriminalizes homosexuality, June in Bowers v. Hardwick case, U.S. Supreme Court upholds Georgia law forbidding oral or anal sex, ruling that the constitutional right to privacy does not extend to homosexual relations, but it does not state whether the law can be enforced against heterosexuals. Becky Smith and Annie Afleck became the first openly lesbian couple in America granted legal, joint adoption of a child.[138] From 1 till 3 May, the 1986, ILGA Asia Conference took place in Japan's capital Tokyo.[139]
- 1987 – AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power(ACT-UP) founded in the US in response to the US government’s slow response in dealing with the AIDS crisis.[140] ACT UP stages its first major demonstration, seventeen protesters are arrested; U.S. Congressman Barney Frank comes out. Boulder, CO citizens pass the first referendum to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation.[141][142] In New York City a group of Bisexual LGBT rights activist including Brenda Howard found the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN); Homomonument, a memorial to persecuted homosexuals, opens in Amsterdam. David Norris is the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in the Republic of Ireland.
- 1988 – Sweden is the first country to pass laws protecting homosexual regarding social services, taxes, and inheritances. The anti-gay Section 28 passes in England and Wales; Scotland enacts almost identical legislation; Canadian MP Svend Robinson comes out; Canada lowers the age of consent for sodomy to 18; Belize and Israel decriminalize (de jure) sodomy and sexual acts between men (the relevant section in the old British-mandate law from 1936 was never enforced in Israel). After losing an Irish High Court case (1980) and an Irish Supreme Court case (1983), David Norris takes his case (Norris v. Ireland) to the European Court of Human Rights. The European Court strikes down the Irish law criminalising male-to-male sex on the grounds of privacy. Stacy Offner became the first openly lesbian rabbi hired by a mainstream Jewish congregation, Shir Tikvah Congregation of Minneapolis (a Reform Jewish congregation).[143][144]
- 1989 – Western Australia decriminalizes male homosexuality (but the age of consent is set at 21); Liechtenstein legalizes homosexuality; Denmark is the first country in the world to enact registered partnership laws (like a civil union) for same-sex couples, with most of the same rights as marriage (excluding the right to adoption (until June 2010) and the right to marriage in a church).
(See individual year page for more info)
- 1990
- Equalization of age of consent: Czechoslovakia (see Czech Republic, Slovakia)
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: UK Crown Dependency of Jersey and the Australian state of Queensland
- LGBT Organizations founded: BiNet USA (USA), OutRage! (UK) and Queer Nation (USA)
- Other: Justin Fashanu is the first professional footballer to come out in the press.
- Reform Judaism decided to allow openly lesbian and gay rabbis and cantors.[145]
- Dale McCormick became the first open lesbian elected to a state Senate (she was elected to the Maine Senate).[146]
- In 1990, the Union for Reform Judaism announced a national policy declaring lesbian and gay Jews to be full and equal members of the religious community. Its principal body, the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), officially endorsed a report of their committee on homosexuality and rabbis. They concluded that "all rabbis, regardless of sexual orientation, be accorded the opportunity to fulfill the sacred vocation that they have chosen" and that "all Jews are religiously equal regardless of their sexual orientation."
- 1991
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Bahamas, Hong Kong and Ukraine
- AIDS Related: The red ribbon is first used as a symbol of the campaign against HIV/AIDS.
- Sherry Harris was elected to the City Council in Seattle, Washington, making her the first openly lesbian African-American elected official.[147]
- The first lesbian kiss on television occurred; it was on "L.A. Law" between the fictional characters of C.J. Lamb (played by Amanda Donohoe) and Abby (Michele Greene).[148]
- 1992
- Equalization of age of consent: Iceland, Luxembourg and Switzerland
- Homosexuality no longer an illness: The World Health Organization
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Estonia and Latvia
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: UK Crown Dependency of Isle of Man (homosexuality still illegal until 1994)
- End to ban on gay people in the military: Australia, Canada
- Recriminalisation of homosexuality: Nicaragua (until Mar 2008).
- Althea Garrison was elected as the first transgender state legislator in America, and served one term in the Massachusetts House of Representatives; however, it was not publicly known she was transgender when she was elected.[149]
- The Lesbian Avengers was founded in New York City by Ana Maria Simo, Sarah Schulman, Maxine Wolfe, Anne-christine D'Adesky, Marie Honan, and Anne Maguire
- Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival was held in Japan.
- 1993
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Norway (without adoption until 2002, replaced with same-sex marriage in 2008/09)
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: Australian Territory of Norfolk Island
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Belarus, UK Crown Dependency of Gibraltar, Ireland, Lithuania, Russia (with the exception of the Chechen Republic);
- Anti-discrimination legislation: US state of Minnesota (gender identity), New Zealand parliament passes the Human Rights Amendment Act which outlaws discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or HIV.
- Ban on gays serving openly in the military: USA (see Don't ask, don't tell, repealed 2010)
- End to ban on gay people in the military: New Zealand
- Significant LGBT Murders: Brandon Teena
- Melissa Etheridge came out as a lesbian.
- The Triangle Ball was held; it was the first inaugural ball in America to ever be held in honor of gays and lesbians.
- The first Dyke March (a march for lesbians and their straight female allies, planned by the Lesbian Avengers) was held, with 20,000 women marching.[150][151]
- Roberta Achtenberg became the first openly gay or lesbian person to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate when she was appointed to the position of Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton.[152]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- 1994
- Unregistered Cohabitation recognition:
- Passed and Came into effect: Israel (without adoption, without step-adoption until 2005)
- Anti-discrimination legislation: South Africa (sexual orientation, interim constitution)
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Bermuda, Germany, UK Crown Dependency of Isle of Man and Serbia
- Equalization of age of consent:
- Partial: UK reduces the age of consent for homosexual men to 18;
- Homosexuality no longer an illness: American Medical Association
- LGBT Organizations founded: National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality (South Africa)
- Other : Canada grants refugee status to homosexuals fearing for their well-being in their native country; Toonen v. Australia decided by UN Human Rights Committee; fear of persecution due to sexual orientation becomes grounds for asylum in the United States.[153]
- Deborah Batts became the first openly gay or lesbian federal judge; she was appointed to the U.S. District Court in New York.[154][155]
- Gay Parade was held in Japan. (8.1994)
- Susan Stryker's essay "My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix" became the first article to be published in a peer-reviewed academic journal by an openly transgender author.[156]
- Unregistered Cohabitation recognition:
- 1995
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Sweden (with adoption, replaced with same-sex marriage in Apr 2009)
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Canada (sexual orientation)
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Albania and Moldova
- AIDS Related: Triple combination therapy of drugs such as 3TC, AZT and ddC shown to be effective in treating HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS[157]
- Other : The Human Rights Campaign drops the word "Fund" from their title and broadens their mission to promote "an America where gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are ensured equality and embraced as full members of the American family at home, at work and in every community;"
- LGBT Organizations founded: Gay Advice Darlington/Durham was founded by local gay and bisexual men, and has developed into a Charity that work with and for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community of County Durham and Darlington.
- Rachel Maddow became the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes scholarship.
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- 1996
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Iceland (with step-adoption, without joint adoption until 2006, replaced with same-sex marriage in 2010)
- Unregistered Cohabitation recognition:
- Passed and Came into effect: Hungary (replaced with registered partnerships in 2009)
- Restriction of LGBT partnership rights: USA, (federal, see DOMA)
- Equalization of age of consent: Burkina Faso
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Romania, Macedonia, Macau
- The first lesbian wedding on television occurred, held for fictional characters Carol (played by Jane Sibbett) and Susan (played by Jessica Hecht) on the TV show "Friends".[158]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- 1997
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Fiji (sexual orientation, constitution) and South Africa (sexual orientation, constitution)
- Equalization of age of consent: Russia
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Ecuador, Venezuela and the Australian state of Tasmania
- Other : Israeli President Ezer Weizman compares homosexuality to alcoholism in front of high school students.[159] The UK extends immigration rights to same-sex couples akin to marriage; Ellen DeGeneres came out as a lesbian, one of the first celebrities to do so.[160] Furthermore, later that year her character Ellen Morgan came out as a lesbian on the TV show "Ellen", making Ellen DeGeneres the first openly lesbian actress to play an openly lesbian character on television.[161][162]
- Patria Jiménez became the first openly gay person to win a position in the Mexican Congress, doing so for the Party of the Democratic Revolution.[163]
- 1998
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Ecuador (sexual orientation, constitution), Ireland (sexual orientation) and the Canadian province of Alberta
- Significant LGBT Murders: Rita Hester, Matthew Shepard
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa (retroactive to 1994), Southern Cyprus and Tajikistan
- Equalization of age of consent: Croatia and Latvia
- End to ban on gay people in the military: Romania, South Africa
- Gender identity was added to the mission of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays after a vote at their annual meeting in San Francisco.[164] Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays is the first national LGBT organization to officially adopt a transgender-inclusion policy for its work.[165]
- Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay or lesbian non-incumbent ever elected to Congress, and the first open lesbian ever elected to Congress, winning Wisconsin's 2nd congressional district seat over Josephine Musser.[166][167]
- Dana International became the first transsexual to win the Eurovision Song Contest, representing Israel with the song "Diva".[168]
- Robert Halford comes out as being the first openly gay heavy metal musician.[169]
- The first bisexual pride flag was unveiled on Dec 5th, 1998.[170]
- 1999
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: US State of California (without adoption, without step adoption until 2001, same-sex marriage in Jun 2008-Nov 2008)
- Passed and Came into effect: France
- Equalization of age of consent: Finland (without adoption)
- LGBT Organizations founded: "Queer Youth Alliance" (UK)
- Other: Israel’s supreme court recognizes a lesbian partner as another legal mother of her partner’s biological son; South Africa grants spousal immigration benefits to same-sex partners.
- Steven Greenberg publicly came out as gay in an article in the Israeli newspaper Maariv. As he has a rabbinic ordination from the Orthodox rabbinical seminary of Yeshiva University (RIETS), he is generally described as the first openly gay Orthodox Jewish rabbi.[171] However, some Orthodox Jews, including many rabbis, dispute his being an Orthodox rabbi.[172]
- In 1999, the first Celebrate Bisexuality Day was organized by Michael Page, Gigi Raven Wilbur, and Wendy Curry.[173]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- 2000
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: US State of Vermont
- Anti-discrimination legislation: South Africa (discrimination, hate speech, harassment; see PEPUDA)
- Revoking of discrimination legislation: UK subdivision of Scotland (Section 28)
- End to ban on gay people in the military: United Kingdom. See also: Sexual orientation and military service and Stonewall
- Equalization of age of consent: Belarus, Israel, United Kingdom (passed eff. 2001)
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Azerbaijan, Gabon and Georgia
- Other: In Germany the Bundestag officially apologizes to gays and lesbians persecuted under the Nazi regime, and for "harm done to homosexual citizens up to 1969"; Israel recognizes same-sex relations for immigration purposes for a foreign partner of an Israeli resident.
- The Transgender Pride flag was first shown, at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona.
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
21st century
同性性行为合法 | 同性性行为非法 | ||
| 同性婚姻法制化 | | 违法但未执行或极少执行 |
| 非婚姻形式的伴侣登记、民事结合 | | 有期徒刑 |
| 承认事实上的同居关系 | | 无期徒刑 |
承认外国同婚伴侣但不承认本国 | | 死刑但未施行或极少施行 | |
| 有限承认(外国居留权) | | 法外处决 |
| 无任何保障 | | 死刑 |
| 言论及结社自由受法律限制 |
(See individual year page for more info)
- 2001
- Same-sex marriages laws:
- Came into effect: The Netherlands (with joint adoption)
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Anti-discrimination legislation: US states of Rhode Island (private sector, gender identity) and Maryland (private sector, sexual orientation)
- Equalization of age of consent: Albania, Estonia and Liechtenstein, United Kingdom.
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: US state of Arizona
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: the rest of the United Kingdom's territories[来源请求]
- Homosexuality no longer an illness: China
- Marches and Prides: Protesters disrupt the first Pride march in the Serbian city of Belgrade
- Same-sex marriages laws:
- 2002
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Canadian province of Quebec (with joint adoption)
- Came into effect: Finland (without joint adoption until May 2009, then with step-adoption)
- Passed: Argentinian city of Buenos Aires (without joint adoption)
- Limited Partnerships laws:
- Passed: Swiss canton of Zurich (without joint adoption)
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: South Africa (joint and step adoption), Sweden (step adoption)
- Anti-discrimination legislation: US states of Alaska (public sector, sexual orientation) and New York (private sector, sexual orientation)
- Equalization of age of consent: Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and the Australian state of Western Australia
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: Romania, Costa Rica and the US States of Arkansas and Massachusetts
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: China, Mongolia
- Other: openly gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf
- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays established its Transgender Network, also known as TNET, as its first official "Special Affiliate," recognized with the same privileges and responsibilities as its regular chapters.[174]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- 2003
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Belgium (without joint adoption until Apr 2006) and the Canadian provinces of Ontario, British Columbia
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Came into effect: Argentinian city of Buenos Aires (without joint adoption)
- Passed:: Australian state of Tasmania (step adoption only)
- Limited Partnerships laws:
- Anti-discrimination legislation:Bulgaria ( all sectors, sexual orientation), United Kingdom (excluding religious organisations, sexual orientation), US states of Arizona (public sector, sexual orientation), Kentucky (public sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Michigan (executive branch of the state government, sexual orientation), New Mexico (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Pennsylvania (public sector, gender identity)
- End to ban on gay people in the military: Russia
- Equalization of age of consent: Australian state and territory (resp.) of New South Wales and Northern Territory
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: Armenia, USA (Lawrence v. Texas)
- Repeal of the concept of Buggery in law: United Kingdom
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Iraq
- Recriminalisation of homosexuality: Belize
- Other: Section 28 is repealed in England and Wales and Northern Ireland. Gene Robinson becomes the first openly gay Bishop in the Episcopal church in the USA.
- Reuben Zellman became the first openly transgender person accepted to the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where he was ordained in 2010.[175][176][177]
- In 2003, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards approved a rabbinic ruling that concluded that sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is permissible as a treatment of gender dysphoria, and that a transgender person's sex status under Jewish law is changed by SRS.[178][失效链接]
- Legal recognition of indeterminate gender: Alex MacFarlane became the first person reported to obtain a birth certificate and passport, in Australia, showing indeterminate gender.
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2004
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Canadian provinces of Manitoba (with adoption), Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec (with adoption), Saskatchewan and Yukon, US State of Massachusetts
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, Luxembourg (without joint adoption) and US state of Maine
- Came into effect:: Australian state of Tasmania (step adoption only)
- Passed: New Zealand (without joint adoption)
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: New Jersey
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: Germany (Step Adoption)
- Banning of Same-sex marriage: Australia, US states of Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Oregon and Utah
- Banning of Same-sex marriage and civil unions: US states of Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia and Wisconsin
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Portugal, US States of Indiana (public sector, gender identity), Louisiana (public sector, sexual orientation) and Maine
- Equalization of age of consent: Lithuania
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Cape Verde, Marshall Islands and San Marino
- Other: UK Gender Recognition Bill, James McGreevey becomes the first openly gay Governor in U.S. history.[来源请求]
- The first all-transgender performance of the Vagina Monologues was held. The monologues were read by eighteen notable transgender women, and a new monologue revolving around the experiences and struggles of transgender women was included.[179]
- Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon became the first same-sex couple to be legally married in the United States,[180] when San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom allowed city hall to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples.[181] However, all same-sex marriages done in 2004 in California were annulled.[182] After the California Supreme Court decision in 2008 that granted same-sex couples in California the right to marry, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon remarried, and were again the first same-sex couple in the state to marry.[183][184] Later in 2008 Prop 8 illegalized same-sex marriage in California,[185] but the marriages that occurred between the California Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage and the approval of Prop 8 illegalizing it are still considered valid, including the marriage of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.[186] However, Del Martin died in 2008.[187]
- James McGreevey, then governor of New Jersey, came out as gay, thus becoming the first openly gay state governor in United States history.[188] He resigned soon after.[188]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2005
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passes and Came into effect: Andorra, United Kingdom (without joint adoption (England and Wales) until Dec 2005,[189] without joint adoption (Scotland) until Sep 2009, without joint adoption (Northern Ireland)), US state of Connecticut
- Came into effect: New Zealand (without joint adoption), US state of California
- Passed: Switzerland (without adoption), Slovenia
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: UK Subdivisions of England and Wales
- Banning of Same-sex marriage: Latvia and Uganda
- Banning of Same-sex marriage and civil unions: US states of Kansas and Texas
- Anti-discrimination legislation: US States of Illinois (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity) and Maine (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity)[来源请求]
- Repeal of Sodomy laws: Puerto Rico
- Other: two gay male teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, are executed in Iran, André Boisclair is chosen leader of the Parti Québécois, becoming the first openly gay man elected as the leader of a major political party in North America. Bonnie Bleskachek became the first openly lesbian fire chief of a major metropolitan area in the United States (specifically, Minneapolis.) The Roman Catholic Church issues an instruction prohibiting any individuals who "present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called 'gay culture'" from joining the priesthood.[190]
- The Simpsons became the first cartoon series to dedicate an entire episode to the topic of same-sex marriage.[191]
- 2006
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: South Africa (with joint adoption)
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Czech Republic (without joint adoption)
- Came into effect: Slovenia
- Passed: Mexican City of Mexico City and US state of New Jersey
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Passed: Australian State of South Australia[192]
- Abroad Union recognition: Israel
- Banning of Same-sex marriage: US State of Tennessee
- Banning of Same-sex marriage and civil unions: US States of Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, Wisconsin
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: Belgium
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Faroe Islands,[193] Germany (sexual orientation and gender identity), New Zealand (gender identity)[来源请求] and US States and Districts of Illinois (sexual orientation), New Jersey (private sector, gender identity), Washington (sexual orientation and gender identity) and Washington, D.C. (private sector, gender identity)
- Voiding of Anti-discrimination legislation: Kentucky
- Equalization of age of consent: Hong Kong, Isle of Man,[194] Serbia
- Marches and Prides: the first homosexual pride march in Moscow ends with violence, the first regional Eastern European Pride is held in Zagreb, Croatia
- Other: Springfield, Missouri repeals gay soliciting laws,[195] the United States Senate fails to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment, the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights is held in Montreal, another section 28 "successfully repealed" in Isle of Man[196][失效链接] Chaya Gusfield and Rabbi Lori Klein, both ordained in America, became the first openly lesbian rabbis ordained by the Jewish Renewal movement. Conservative Judaism decided to allow openly lesbian rabbis and cantors.[197]
- Elliot Kukla, who came out as transgender six months before his ordination in 2006, was the first openly transgender person to be ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.[198]
- State Rep. Patricia Todd, D-Birmingham, became Alabama's first openly gay public official when she was elected in 2006.[199]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2007
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Mexican state of Coahuila
- Came into effect: Mexican City of Mexico City, Switzerland (without adoption), US state of New Jersey
- Passed: Hungary (with adoption), US state of New Hampshire, Uruguay (without adoption until Sep 2008)
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: US state of Washington and Colombia
- Came into effect: Australian state of South Australia, US state of Oregon
- Anti-discrimination legislation: United Kingdom[200] (sexual orientation) and US states of Colorado (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Iowa (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Kansas (public sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Michigan (public sector, gender identity), Ohio (public sector, sexual orientation and gender identity), Oregon (private sector, sexual orientation and gender identity) and Vermont (private sector, gender identity)
- Equalization of age of consent: Portugal, South Africa, UK territory of Jersey,[201][202] Vanuatu
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Nepal and New Zealand territories of Niue and Tokelau
- Marches and Prides: the first ever gay pride parade in a Muslim country is held in Istanbul, Turkey;[203]
- Other: on 9 August 2007, the Logo cable channel hosts the first presidential forum in the United States focusing specifically on LGBT issues. Six Democratic Party candidates participate in the event. GOP candidates were asked to attend but turned it down. On 29 November, the first foreign gay wedding was held in Hanoi, Vietnam between a Japanese and an Irish national. The wedding raised much attention in the gay and lesbian community in Vietnam.[204]
- From 2007 to 2008 actress Candis Cayne played Carmelita Rainer, a transgender woman having an affair with married New York Attorney General Patrick Darling (played by William Baldwin), on the ABC prime time drama Dirty Sexy Money.[205][206][207] The role made Cayne the first openly transgender actress to play a recurring transgender character in prime time.[205][206][207]
- On 29 November, the first foreign gay wedding was held in Hanoi, Vietnam between a Japanese and an Irish national. The wedding raised much attention in the gay and lesbian community in Vietnam.[204]
- Jalda Rebling, a German woman born in Holland and ordained in America, became the first openly lesbian cantor ordained by the Jewish Renewal movement.
- Rabbi Toba Spitzer became the first openly lesbian or gay person to head a rabbinical assembly when she was elected president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Assembly at the group's annual convention, held in Scottsdale, Arizona.[208]
- Joy Ladin became the first openly transgender professor at an Orthodox institution (Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University).[209][210]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Amaranta Gómez Regalado (for México Posible) became the first transsexual person to appear in the Mexican Congress.
- Ellen DeGeneres became the first open lesbian to host the Academy Awards.[211]
- 2008
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: US states of California (May–Nov 2008) and Connecticut
- Passed: Norway (with joint adoption)
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: The Australian Capital Territory, Ecuador (without joint adoption), US state of Washington (expansion of previous legislation)
- Came into effect: US state of New Hampshire, Uruguay (without joint adoption until Sep 2008)
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Banning of Same-sex marriage: US states of Arizona and California
- Banning of Same-sex marriage and civil unions: US state of Florida
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: Uruguay
- Banning of Same-sex adoption: Arkansas (struck down by the Arkansas Supreme Court in 2011)
- Anti-discrimination legislation: California[来源请求]
- Equalization of age of consent: Nicaragua, Panama
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Nicaragua and Panama
- Marches and Prides: the first ever gay pride parade in Bulgaria
- Other: Kosovo declares itself to be an independent country with a new constitution that includes mention of "sexual orientation", the first of its kind in Eastern Europe,[来源请求] Portland voters elect Sam Adams (Oregon politician) mayor, making it the largest city in the US with an openly gay mayor (the next largest is Providence, Rhode Island), 3 June the first two same-sex civil marriages (two men and two women)take place in Greece on the island of Tilos, the supreme court prosecutor and the minister of Justice claim the marriages are null and void.
- Silverton, Oregon elected Stu Rasmussen as the first openly transgender mayor in America.[212][213]
- Angie Zapata, a transgender woman, was murdered in Greeley, Colorado. Allen Andrade was convicted of first-degree murder and committing a bias-motivated crime, because he killed her after he learned that she was transgender. This case was the first in the nation to get a conviction for a hate crime involving a transgender victim.[214] Angie Zapata's story and murder were featured on Univision's "Aqui y Ahora" television show on 1 November 2009.
- The first ever U.S. Congressional hearing on discrimination against transgender people in the workplace was held, by the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.[215]
- Rachel Maddow became the first openly gay or lesbian anchor of a major prime-time news program in the United States when she began hosting The Rachel Maddow Show on U.S. cable network MSNBC.[216]
- Annise Parker was elected as the first openly gay or lesbian mayor of Houston, Texas.[217]
- Kate Brown was elected as the Oregon Secretary of State in the 2008 elections, becoming America's first openly bisexual statewide officeholder.[218][219][220][221]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2009
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Sweden[222] (with joint adoption), US states of Iowa,[223] and Vermont[224]
- Came into effect: Norway (with joint adoption) and same-sex marriage in the Coquille Indian Tribe on the southern Oregon coast,[225] In 2009 Kitzen and Jeni Branting married in the Coquille Indian tribe's Coos Bay plankhouse, a 3-year-old meeting hall built in traditional Coquille style with cedar plank walls. They were the first same-sex couple to have their marriage recognized by the tribe, of which Kitzen was a member.[226][227]
- Passed: Mexican City of Mexico City (with joint adoption), US states and districts of New Hampshire (step adoption only), Maine[228] (never came into effect), Washington, D.C.[229]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Abroad Union recognition: Japan,[231] US district of Washington, D.C.
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: Finland[232] (step adoption), UK Subdivision of Scotland
- Banning of Same-sex marriage: Maine[233]
- Anti-discrimination legislation: Serbia, US state of Delaware (private sector, sexual orientation), USA Matthew Shepard Act.[234]
- End to ban on gay people in the military: Argentina, Philippines, Uruguay
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: India[235]
- Other: Iceland elects the first openly gay head of government in the world, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir;[236] On 10 March 2009, in Tel Aviv, Uzi Even and his life partner was the first same-sex male couple in Israel whose right of adoption has been legally acknowledged.;[237] (26 May), the California Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage in November 2008, with a 6–1 vote;[238] the Canadian province of Alberta becomes the last province to include the words "sexual orientation" in the Human Rights Act;[239] Washington state voters approve keeping same-sex relationship rights as Domestic Partnerships by 51 percent; (12 Dec), Annise Parker is elected mayor of Houston, Texas, which becomes the largest city in the United States with an openly gay mayor[240] Welsh rugby star Gareth Thomas becomes the first known top-level professional male athlete in a team sport to come out while still active.[241]
- Diego Sanchez became the first openly transgender person to work on Capitol Hill; he was hired as a legislative assistant for Barney Frank.[242] Sanchez was also the first transgender person on the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Platform Committee in 2008.[243][244]
- Barbra “Babs” Siperstein was nominated and confirmed as an at-large member of the Democratic National Committee, becoming its first openly transgender member.[245]
- Carol Ann Duffy was chosen as the first openly lesbian or gay Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom.[246]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
(See individual year page for more info)
- 2010
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Portugal (without joint adoption), Iceland (with joint adoption), Argentina (with adoption)[247]
- Came into effect: Mexican City of Mexico City (with joint adoption). US state of New Hampshire (step adoption only) and Washington, D.C.[229]
- Recognition: The Mexican Supreme Court rules that marriages contracted in Mexico City are valid throughout the country, although no other jurisdiction is required to perform them. Australian State of Tasmania recognises same-marriages performed in other jurisdictions.
- Other: U.S. state of California, United States District Judge Vaughn Walker strikes down California's Proposition 8 as violative of the United States Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses.[248]
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Limited Partnership laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: Australian state of New South Wales (without joint adoption until Sep 2010)
- Same-sex couple adoption legislation: Australian state of New South Wales, Denmark
- End to ban of same-sex couple adoption: US states of Arkansas and Florida
- End to ban of gay people in the military: Serbia
- Passed: USA (See Don't Ask Don't Tell)
- End to ban of trans people in the military: Australia
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Fiji[249]
- Marches and Prides: the first ever legal gay pride parade in Russia, held in St. Petersburg
- Tyler Clementi committed suicide
- Guinness World Records recognized transgender man Thomas Beatie as the world's "First Married Man to Give Birth."[250]
- Amanda Simpson became the first openly transgender presidential appointee in America when she was appointed as senior technical adviser in the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security.[251]
- Kye Allums became the first openly transgender athlete to play in NCAA basketball.[252][253] He was a transgender man who played on George Washington University's women's team.[254][255]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Victoria Kolakowski became the first openly transgender judge in America.[256]
- Mary Albing became the first openly lesbian minister ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving the Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer on the south side of Minneapolis.[257]
- Chai Feldblum, who was openly lesbian, became the first openly LGBT person to serve on the EEOC.[258]
- Donna Ryu became the first Asian-American woman, first Korean American, and first lesbian to be appointed as a judge of the United States District Court, Northern District of California.[259]
- 2011
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and Came into effect: New York, the Suquamish tribe of Washington; at least one member of a same-sex couple has to be an enrolled member of the Suquamish tribe to be able to marry in the jurisdiction.[260]
- India's first married lesbian couple: LGBT rights in India (July 2011)
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Came into effect: Ireland (without adoption rights)[261]
- Passed and Came into effect: Isle of Man (with joint adoption), US State of Illinois (with joint adoption rights), Liechtenstein, Rhode Island
- Passed: US State of Delaware (came into effect 2013) and Hawaii (came into effect Jan 2012)
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Mozambique
- End to ban on gay people in the military: USA (see Don't Ask, don't tell)
- Tony Briffa, believed to be the world’s first intersex mayor, elected in the City of Hobsons Bay in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, at the end of November.[262]
- Elio Di Rupo, first openly-gay male head of government, becomes Prime Minister of Belgium, 6 December.
- Chaz Bono appeared on the 13th season of the US version of Dancing with the Stars in 2011. This was the first time an openly transgender man starred on a major network television show for something unrelated to being transgender.[263]
- Harmony Santana became the first openly transgender actress to receive a major acting award nomination; she was nominated by the Independent Spirit Awards as Best Supporting Actress for the movie Gun Hill Road.[264]
- The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted to allow the ordination of openly gay and lesbian ministers.[265]
- Rachel Isaacs became the first openly lesbian rabbi ordained by the Conservative movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary.[266]
- Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta of California and Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell of Los Angeles became the first same-sex couple chosen to share the first kiss upon a U.S. Navy ship's return.[267][268]
- Brenda Sue Fulton was named to the West Point Board of Visitors, making her the first openly gay member of the board that advises the Academy.[269]
- Brooke (last name withheld) was hired as the New York Fire Department's first openly transgender employee.[270]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2012
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and came into effect: Denmark, Mexican state of Quintana Roo, U.S. states of Maine and Washington
- Passed: U.S. state of Maryland
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Came into effect: U.S. State of Hawaii
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: São Tomé and Príncipe
- The first gay Israeli couple was granted a divorce by an Israeli family court. The divorce of Tel Aviv University Professor Avi Even, the first openly gay Knesset member, and Dr. Amit Kama was granted on Sunday by the Ramat Gan Family Court, according to Haaretz, which ordered the Interior Minister to register their status as divorced.[271]
- The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity issued a regulation to prohibit LGBT discrimination in federally assisted housing programs. The new regulations ensure that the Department's core housing programs are open to all eligible persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Katie Ricks became the first open lesbian ordained by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)[272]
- Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to publicly announce support for same-sex marriage on 9 May.[273][274]
- Taiwan's first same-sex Buddhist wedding was held for Fish Huang and her partner You Ya-ting, with Buddhist master Shih Chao-hui presiding over the ritual.[275]
- City Councilmember Marlene Pray joined the Doylestown, Pennsylvania council in 2012, though she resigned in 2013; she was the first openly bisexual office holder in Pennsylvania.[276][277]
- Tammy Baldwin was elected as the first openly lesbian or gay U.S. Senator.[278]
- Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) became the first openly bisexual person elected to the US Congress.[279]
- Stacie Laughton became the first openly transgender person elected to any American state legislature when she won a seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives.[280] However, she resigned from the New Hampshire state legislature before she took office, after it was revealed that she had served four months in Belknap County House of Corrections following a 2008 credit card fraud conviction.[281][282]
- San Francisco voted to become the first U.S. city to provide and cover the cost of sex reassignment surgeries for uninsured transgender residents.[283]
- Mark Pocan was elected in Wisconsin’s 2nd Congressional District, becoming the first openly gay candidate who will follow an openly gay member of the U.S. Congress (in this case Tammy Baldwin).[284]
- Sean Patrick Maloney became the first openly gay candidate elected to represent New York in Congress.[285]
- Mark Takano became the first openly gay person of color to win election to the U.S. House. He was elected to represent California’s 41st Congressional District.[284]
- Josh Boschee was elected as North Dakota's first openly gay legislator.[286]
- Stephen Skinner was elected as West Virginia's first openly gay state legislator.[287]
- Jacob Candelaria was elected as New Mexico's first openly gay male state legislator.[288]
- Brian Sims became Pennsylvania's first openly gay state legislator who was out when he was elected.[289]
- After Brian Sims was elected but before he took office, Rep. Mike Fleck came out as gay, making him Pennsylvania's first openly gay state legislator.[290]
- David Richardson was elected as Florida's first openly gay state legislator.[291]
- Colorado Democrats elected Mark Ferrandino as the first openly gay House speaker in state history.[292]
- Tina Kotek is elected the first openly gay House speaker in the State of Oregon.[293]
- Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to pass same-sex marriage by popular vote.[294] Maine was the very first state to do so, followed by Maryland.[295]
- The first same-sex marriage at the U.S. Military Academy was held for a young lieutenant and her partner (Ellen Schick and Shannon Simpson) at the Old Cadet Chapel in West Point’s cemetery.[296][297]
- The first same-sex marriage at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel at West Point (not to be confused with the Old Cadet Chapel) was held for Brenda Sue Fulton and Penelope Dara Gnesin.[296][298] Fulton was a veteran and the communications director of an organization called Outserve, which represents actively serving gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender military personnel.[298]
- The first same-sex couple became engaged in the White House (Ben Schock and Matthew Phelps).[299]
- Air Force Col. Ginger Wallace became the first known out member of the U.S. military to have their same-sex partner participate in the pinning ceremony tradition that had been reserved for spouses and family members. Her partner of 10 years, Kathy Knopf, pinned colonel wings on Wallace days after the two attended President Obama's State of The Union address as a guest of the First Lady.[300]
- At a ceremony in Arlington, Army Reserve officer Tammy Smith became the first openly gay, active duty general in American history. Smith was promoted to brigadier general at a private ceremony at the Women's Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.[301]
- Navy Chief Elny McKinney and Anacelly McKinney became the first known same-sex couple to marry on a U.S. military base. They were wed at Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego.[302]
- Kate McKinnon became Saturday Night Live's first openly lesbian cast member; Danitra Vance never disclosed her sexual orientation publicly, but was revealed to be a lesbian when she died.[303][304]
- On 28 June 2012 Diana King declared "Yes I am a Lesbian" to her fans from her official facebook page, thus becoming the first Jamaican artist to ever publicly come out.[305][306]
- California became the first state to sign a ban on therapy that claims to convert gay people into heterosexual. The California law, enacted in 2012, is as of 2013 held up in federal courts on first amendment grounds.[307][308]
- Orlando Cruz became the world's first professional boxer to come out as gay.[309]
- On September 18, 2012, Berkeley, California became what is thought to be the first city in the U.S. to officially proclaim a day recognizing bisexuals.[310] The Berkeley City Council unanimously and without discussion declared Sept. 23 as Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day.[311]
- Emily Aviva Kapor, who had been ordained privately by a Conservadox rabbi in 2005, began living as a woman in 2012, thus becoming the first openly transgender female rabbi.[312]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2013
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Passed and came into effect: New Zealand, Uruguay, Brazil (federal level), France, Brazilian states of Ceará, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Santa Catarina and Paraíba, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation in the state of Washington, the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, and the Santa Ysabel Tribe,[313][314][315][316][317][318] the U.S. states of Delaware, Rhode Island, Minnesota, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico and Utah
- Restored: California
- Passed: England and Wales, US state of Illinois
- Passed but then overturned: Australian Capital Territory
- Came into effect: U.S. State of Maryland
- Recognition: The Supreme Court of the United States ruled Section 3 of Defense of Marriage Act uncostitutional, thus giving same-sex marriage federal recognition.,[319] US state of Oregon
- Civil Union/Registered Partnership laws:
- Came into effect: U.S. State of Colorado
- Same-sex couple adoption legalisation: New Zealand, Gibraltar, France
- Decriminalisation of homosexuality: Benin
- Recriminalisation of homosexuality: India
- Anti-discrimination legislation:
- For sexual orientation and gender identity: Cyprus, Puerto Rico
- For gender identity: Delaware
- Anti-discrimination executive action: Virginia
- Barack Obama mentioned the word "gay" and the issue of gay rights for the first time in a speech at the U.S. presidential swearing in; specifically, he did so in his inaugural address.[320]
- Kathleen Wynne became the first openly LGBT premier of a Canadian province, namely Ontario, after defeating Sandra Pupatello in the third round of voting of the Ontario Liberal party's leadership race on January 26, 2013. Sworn in on February 11, 2013, she is the party's first openly LGBT leader and Ontario's first female premier.[来源请求]
- Robbie Rogers announced he was gay on February 15, 2013, becoming the only male fully capped international association footballer to do so.
- Jason Collins on April 29, 2013, became the first active male professional athlete in a major North American team sport to publicly come out as gay.
- Rep. Mark Pocan's spouse Philip Frank became the first same-sex spouse of a federal lawmaker to officially receive a House Spouse ID.[321][322] In 2009, Marlon Reis, the spouse of Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), was issued a congressional spouse ID, but later card services told him that he had been given the designation accidentally.[322]
- For the first time the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs decided to allow the same-sex spouse of a military veteran to be buried in a U.S. national cemetery. VA Secretary Eric Shinseki gave permission for retired Air Force officer Linda Campbell, 66, to bury the ashes of her same-sex spouse Nancy Lynchild at Williamette National Cemetery in Oregon.[323]
- Autumn Sandeen, a U.S. veteran and transgender woman, received a letter from a Navy official stating, “Per your request the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) has been updated to show your gender as female effective April 12th, 2013.” Allyson Robinson of Outserve declared, "To our knowledge, this is the first time that the Department of Defense has recognized and affirmed a change of gender for anyone affiliated, in a uniformed capacity — in this case a military retiree."[324]
- The first same-sex kiss ever on a Eurovision stage occurred at the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest when Krista Siegfrids, who sang "Marry Me", ended her semi-final performance by kissing one of her female dancers.[325]
- Dr. Saul Levin was named on May 15, 2013 as the new chief executive officer and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association, making him the first known openly gay person to head the APA.[326]
- Ukraine had its first gay pride march, which was held in Kiev.[327]
- Robbie Rogers joined the Los Angeles Galaxy, making him the first openly gay male athlete to compete in Major League Soccer.[328]
- Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar, both from Pakistan, became the first Muslim lesbian couple to enter into civil partnership in the United Kingdom.[329]
- Fallon Fox came out as transgender, thus becoming the first openly transgender athlete in mixed martial arts history.[330]
- Jallen Messersmith of Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan., came out and is believed to be the first openly gay player in U.S. men's college basketball.[331]
- Guy Erwin became the first openly gay bishop to be elected by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; he was elected to the Southwest California Synod of the ELCA.[332]
- Major General Patricia “Trish” Rose became the first openly lesbian two-star general in the U.S. Air Force, and the highest ranking openly gay officer in the entire U.S. military at the time.[333]
- Kristin Beck, formerly Chris Beck, came out as the first openly transgendered retired Navy SEAL.[334]
- The Bi Writers Association, which promotes bisexual writers, books, and writing, announced the winners of its first Bisexual Book Awards.[335] An awards ceremony was held at the Nuyorican Poets Café in New York City.[335]
- The U.S. Senate confirmed Nitza Quiñones Alejandro to a federal judgeship, making her the first openly gay Latina to hold such a post.[336]
- Cason Crane became the first openly gay man to summit the Seven Summits and the first the bring the rainbow flag to the summit of Mt. Everest.[337]
- U.S. Air Force Under Secretary Eric Fanning took over as acting secretary of the U.S. Air Force, becoming the highest ranking openly LGBT official at the Department of Defense; he is openly gay.[338]
- The Directors Guild Of America elected Paris Barclay as its first black and first openly gay president.[339]
- Julian Marsh and Traian Povov become the first married gay couple to have a green card application approved, in this case for Julian Marsh.[340]
- Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier became the first same-sex couple to be married in California since Proposition 8 was overturned.[341]
- Daniel Kawczynski became the first MP in Britain to come out as bisexual.[342]
- A married lesbian couple in Colorado became the first to receive a marriage-based green card, making Cathy Davis the first same-sex spouse to become a lawful permanent resident of the United States.[343]
- Maureen Le Marinel became the first openly lesbian union president elected in Britain.[344] She was elected to the presidency of Unison, one of Britain's largest trade unions.[344]
- Same Love, a hit single from Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, became the first Top 40 song in the U.S. to promote and celebrate same-sex marriage.[345]
- For the first time, the California Department of Education's list of recommended books for grades Pre-K-through-12 included a book with a transgender theme, I Am J by Cris Beam.[346]
- Benjamin Medrano was elected as the first openly gay mayor in Mexico's history, being elected mayor of the township of Fresnillo.[347]
- The first UFC match between two openly-gay fighters, Liz Carmouche and Jessica Andrade, was held.[348]
- Although same-sex marriage is illegal in Pennsylvania as of July 2013, in that month Loreen Bloodgood married Alicia Terrizzi, making them the first same-sex couple to marry in Pennsylvania; the Montgomery County register of wills, D. Bruce Hanes, had said that his office would issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.[349][350]
- Although same-sex marriage is illegal in Pennsylvania as of August 2013, in that month Mayor John Fetterman officiated the first same-sex marriage in Allegheny County, between John Kandray and Bill Gray.[351]
- California enacted America's first law protecting transgender students; the law, called the School Success and Opportunity Act, declares that every public school student in California from kindergarten to 12th grade must be “permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”[352]
- New Jersey became the second state, after California, to sign a ban on therapy that claims to convert gay people into heterosexual. The California law, enacted in 2012, is as of 2013 held up in federal courts on first amendment grounds.[307][308]
- Darren Young (real name: Fred Rosser) became the first active professional wrestler to come out as gay.[353]
- Russia's government adopted a federal bill banning the distribution of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" to minors. The law imposes heavy fines for using the media or internet to promote "non-traditional relations".
- Master Sgt. Angela Shunk and her wife, Tech. Sgt. Stacey Shunk, became the first same-sex couple to receive an assignment together under the U.S. Air Force’s Join Spouse program.[354]
- Jennifer Pritzker came out as transgender in 2013 and thus became the world's first openly transgender billionaire.[355]
- On Celebrate Bisexuality Day, the White House held a closed-door meeting with almost 30 bisexual advocates so they could meet with government officials and discuss issues of specific importance to the bisexual community; this was the first bi-specific event ever hosted by any White House.[356][357]
- Movie director Kim Jho Gwang-soo and his partner Kim Seung-hwan became the first South Korean gay couple to publicly wed, although it was not a legally recognized marriage.[358]
- Harvey Milk was chosen as the first openly LGBT political official to be featured on an American postage stamp.[359]
- Carol McCrory and Brenda Clark became the first same-sex couple to have their marriage application accepted by Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Resigner, which makes them the first same-sex couple to have their marriage application accepted in the South.[360]
- Andy Herren became the first openly gay winner of the American version of the "Big Brother" reality show.[361]
- The first gay pride parade in Montenegro was held.[362]
- The first gay pride week in Curacao was held.[363]
- The first Indo-American lesbian wedding was held.[364] It was held in Los Angeles.[365]
- The first televised Romanian same-sex wedding was held.[366] It was between two men, and was done on the reality show Four Weddings and a Challenge.[366]
- The Portland Trailblazers became the first NBA team to support same-sex marriage.[367][368]
- Todd Hughes became the first openly gay U.S. circuit judge.[369]
- The first United Nations ministerial meeting on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals was held.[370] Representatives from the US, France, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, the Netherlands, Norway, Japan, New Zealand and the EU, along with executive directors of Human Rights Watch and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission reaffirmed their commitments to working together to end discrimination and violence towards the LGBT community.[370] UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay delivered remarks [press release] commending the LGBT community and praising the fact that, "many countries have embarked on historic reforms—strengthening anti-discrimination laws, combating hate crime against LGBT people and sensitizing public opinion." [370]
- New Jersey held its first legal same-sex marriages.[371]
- Rabbi Deborah Waxman was elected as the President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.[372][373] As the President, she is believed to be the first woman and first lesbian to lead a Jewish congregational union, and the first female rabbi and first lesbian to lead a Jewish seminary; RRC is both a congregational union and a seminary.[372][374]
- A six-year-old girl named Luana, who was born a boy, became the first transgender child in Argentina to have her new name officially changed on her identity documents.[375] She is believed to be the youngest to benefit from the country’s new Gender Identity Law, which was approved in May 2012.[375]
- Q Radio, which went on the airwaves in September, claims to be India’s first radio station which caters to the country’s lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people.[376]
- Jennifer Finney Boylan was chosen as the first openly transgender co-chair of GLAAD's National Board of Directors.[377]
- On 31 October 2013 Paris Lees became the first openly transgender panellist to appear on the BBC's Question Time programme, drawing praise from commentators who included former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and the Labour Party deputy leader Harriet Harman.[378]
- Stephen Alexander, of Rhode Island, became the first high school coach to come out publicly as transgender.[379]
- Nikki Sinclaire came out as transgender, thus becoming the United Kingdom’s first openly transgender Parliamentarian.[380]
- San Francisco's first Project Homeless Connect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people was held.[381]
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- 2014
- Same-sex marriage laws:
- Came into effect: England and Wales, US state of Illinois
- Same-sex marriage laws:
See also
- Bisexual American history
- Gay men in American history
- Lesbian American history
- LGBT history
- List of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender firsts by year
- Table of years in LGBT rights
- Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine
- History of human sexuality
- List of pre-Stonewall LGBT actions in the United States
- Timeline of LGBT history in Britain
- Timeline of LGBT history in Canada
- Transgender American history
- ^ Margherita Mussi, Earliest Italy: An Overview of the Italian Paleolithic and Mesolithic (Kluwer Academic, 2002), pp. 340ff., especially pp. 343–344.
- ^ Lauren E. Talalay, "The Gendered Sea: Iconography, Gender, and Mediterranean Prehistory," in The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory (Blackwell, 2005), pp. 130–148, especially p. 136.
- ^ Grave of stone age transsexual excavated in Prague. Archeology News Network. [6 July 2013].
- ^ Greenberg, David, The Construction of Homosexuality, 1988; Parkinson, R.B.,‘Homosexual’ Desire and Middle Kingdom Literature Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, vol. 81, 1995, p. 57-76; Montserrat, Dominic, Akhenaten: History, Fantasy, and Ancient Egypt, 2000. More details at [1] & [2]
- ^ Lynn Meskell, when writing about homosexuality, calls it "Another well documented example" (Archaeologies of social life: age, sex, class et cetera in ancient Egypt, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999, p.95)
- ^ Kenneth Dover, Greek Homosexuality (Harvard University Press, 1978, 1898), pp. 205-7
- ^ Boswell, John (1994). Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe. New York: Vintage Books
- ^ Stephan Steingräber, Abundance of Life: Etruscan Wall Painting (Getty Publications, 2006), pp. 67, 70, 91–92; Otto Brendel, Etruscan Art, translated by R. Serra Ridgway (Yale University Press, 1978, 1995), pp. 165–170; Fred S. Kleiner, A History of Roman Art (Wadsworth, 2007, 2010), p. xxxii.
- ^ Symposium. Symposium 189c. [18 September 2011]. Authors list列表中的
(帮助) - ^ Symposium 201d. Symposium. Authors list列表中的
(帮助) - ^ Symposium 214e. Symposium. Authors list列表中的
(帮助) - ^ 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 Fone, Byrne R. S. Homophobia: a history. New York: Metropolitan Books. 2000. ISBN 0-8050-4559-7. 引用错误:带有name属性“Fone”的
标签用不同内容定义了多次 - ^ Haggerty, George E. Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. Taylor & Francis. 2000: 418. ISBN 978-0-8153-1880-4.
- ^ Thomas A.J. McGinn, Prostitution, Sexuality and the Law in Ancient Rome (Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 140–141; Amy Richlin, The Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor (Oxford University Press, 1983, 1992), pp. 86, 224; John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century (University of Chicago Press, 1980), pp. 63, 67–68; Craig Williams, Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity(Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 116.
- ^ James L. Butrica, "Some Myths and Anomalies in the Study of Roman Sexuality," in Same-Sex Desire and Love in Greco-Roman Antiquity and in the Classical Tradition (Haworth Press, 2005), p. 231.
- ^ Eva Cantarella, Bisexuality in the Ancient World (Yale University Press, 1992, 2002, originally published 1988 in Italian), p. 120; Edward Courtney, The Fragmentary Latin Poets (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), p. 75.
- ^ Ornamentis Augustarum: Suetonius, Life of Nero 28–29, discussed by Craig A. Williams, Roman Homosexuality (Oxford University Press, 1999), p. pp. 284, 400, 424.
- ^ Dio Cassius, Epitome of Book 68.6.4; 68.21.2–6.21.3
- ^ Apologia I, 27, UTA, RANKE-HEINEMANN, Eunuchi per il regno dei cieli, Rizzoli 1990, p. 66.
- ^ Augustan History, Life of Elagabalus 10
- ^ Theodosian Code 9.8.3: "When a man marries and is about to offer himself to men in womanly fashion (quum vir nubit in feminam viris porrecturam), what does he wish, when sex has lost all its significance; when the crime is one which it is not profitable to know; when Venus is changed to another form; when love is sought and not found? We order the statutes to arise, the laws to be armed with an avenging sword, that those infamous persons who are now, or who hereafter may be, guilty may be subjected to exquisite punishment.
- ^ (Theodosian Code 9.7.6): All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning a man's body, acting the part of a woman's to the sufferance of alien sex (for they appear not to be different from women), shall expiate a crime of this kind in avenging flames in the sight of the people.
- ^ Evagrius Ecclesiastical History 3.39
- ^ Justinian Novels 77, 144
- ^ Visigothic Code 3.5.5, 3.5.6; "The doctrine of the orthodox faith requires us to place our censure upon vicious practices, and to restrain those who are addicted to carnal offences. For we counsel well for the benefit of our people and our country, when we take measures to utterly extirpate the crimes of wicked men, and put an end to the evil deeds of vice. For this reason we shall attempt to abolish the horrible crime of sodomy, which is as contrary to Divine precept as it is to chastity. And although the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and the censure of earthly laws, alike, prohibit offences of this kind, it is nevertheless necessary to condemn them by a new decree; lest if timely correction be deferred, still greater vices may arise. Therefore, we establish by this law, that if any man whosoever, of any age, or race, whether he belongs to the clergy, or to the laity, should be convicted, by competent evidence, of the commission of the crime of sodomy, he shall, by order of the king, or of any judge, not only suffer emasculation, but also the penalty prescribed by ecclesiastical decree for such offences, and promulgated in the third year of our reign."
- ^ David Bromell. Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History, London, 2000 (Ed. Wotherspoon and Aldrich)
- ^ 27.0 27.1 6. Homoerotic, Homosexual, and Ambisexual Behaviors
- ^ PETRI DAMIANI Liber gomorrhianus , ad Leonem IX Rom. Pon. in Patrologiae Cursus completus...accurante J.P., MIGNE, series secunda, tomus CXLV, col. 161; CANOSA, Romano, Storia di una grande paura La sodomia a Firenze e a Venezia nel quattrocento, Feltrinelli, Milano 1991, pp.13–14
- ^ Opera Omnia.
- ^ storia completa qui
- ^ Crompton, Louis. Homosexuality and Civilization. Cambridge & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003
- ^ Louis Crompton, Homosexuality and civilisation, Harvard University, 2003
- ^ della Chiesa, Angela Ottino. The Complete Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. 1967: 83.
- ^ Diarmaid MacCulloch (2003). Reformation: A History. pg. 95. MacCulloch says "he fell in love" and further adds in a footnote "There has been much modern embarrassment and obfuscation on Erasmus and Rogerus, but see the sensible comment in J.Huizinga, Erasmus of Rotterdam (London, 1952), pp. 11–12, and from Geoffrey Nutuall, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 26 (1975), 403
- ^ Michael Rocke, Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male culture in Renaissance Florence, Oxford University Press, 1996
- ^ I. Arnaldi, La vita violenta di Benvenuto Cellini, Bari, 1986
- ^ Buonarroti, Michelangelo (1904). Sonnets. now for the first time translated into rhymed English. Trans. John Addington Symonds. p. 26. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924014269975
- ^ R v Jacobs (1817) Russ & Ry 331 confirmed that buggery related only to intercourse per anum by a man with a man or woman or intercourse per anum or per vaginum by either a man or a woman with an animal. Other forms of "unnatural intercourse" may amount to indecent assault or gross indecency, but do not constitute buggery. See generally, Smith & Hogan, Criminal Law (10th ed), ISBN 0-406-94801-1
- ^ Godbeer, Richard. Sexual revolution in early America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-8018-6800-9. p.123
- ^ Borris, Kenneth. Same-sex desire in the English Renaissance: a sourcebook of texts, 1470–1650. New York: Routledge. 2004. ISBN 0-8153-3626-8. p.113
- ^ Foster, Thomas (2007). Long Before Stonewall: Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America. New York University Press.
- ^ オトコノコのためのボーイフレンド (1986)
- ^ Norton, Rictor. The Raid of Mother Clap's Molly House. 5 February 2005 [12 Feb 2010].
- ^ Gunther, Scott (2009). "The Elastic Closet: A History of Homosexuality in France, 1942–present" Book about the history of homosexual movements in France (sample chapter available online). Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009. ISBN 0-230-22105-X.
- ^ Galloway, Bruce. Prejudice and Pride: Discrimination Against Gay People in Modern Britain. Routledge. 1984. ISBN 978-0-7100-9916-7.
- ^ Sodomylaws.org. Sodomylaws.org. [2013-10-05].
- ^ 47.0 47.1 Gay & Lesbian Mormons. Affirmation. Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ Kazi, Tehmina. The Ottoman empire's secular history undermines sharia claims – Tehmina Kazi. The Guardian (London). 7 October 2011.
- ^ (Chauncey, 1995)
- ^ Marc Vargo. Scandal: infamous gay controversies of the twentieth century Routledge, 2003. pp 165–7.
- ^ Steakley, James D. (revised 1989). "Iconography of a Scandal: Political Cartoons and the Eulenburg Affair in Wilhelmin Germany", Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay & Lesbian Past (1990), Duberman, et al., eds. New York: Meridian, New American Library, Penguin Books. ISBN 0-452-01067-5.
- ^ Goldman, Emma (1923). "Offener Brief an den Herausgeber der Jahrbücher über Louise Michel" with a preface by Magnus Hirschfeld. Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen 23: 70. Translated from German by James Steakley. Goldman's original letter in English is not known to be extant.
- ^ Left-wing Homosexuality Emancipation, Sexual Liberation, and Identity Politics. Jeffrey Escoffier,
"During the first decade of the twentieth-century, the great anarchist and feminist leader Emma Goldman argued for the acceptance of homosexuals in her speeches and writings." - ^ middlebury.edu Russian Gay History
"It was not until 1832 that the criminal code included Article 995, which made muzhelozhstvo (men lying with men, which the courts interpreted as anal intercourse) a criminal act punishable by exile to Siberia.... The October Revolution of 1917 did away with the entire Criminal Code .... The new Russian Criminal Codes of 1922 and 1926 eliminated the offence of muzhelozhstvo from the law." - ^ Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson. History of homosexuality in Europe and America. Taylor & Francis, 1992, pp. 174+
- ^ hirschfeld.in-berlin.de, The first Institute for Sexual Science
- ^ Famous GLBT & GLBTI People - Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld stonewallsociety
- ^ Atina Grossmann. Reforming Sex. Oxford University Press, 1995.
- ^ Weird Cases: Lesbian litigants Times Online, 2 May 2008
- ^ Holt, Patricia (22 June 1986). "Search for the Independent Mind". San Francisco Chronicle.
- ^ Hogan and Hudson, p. 244
- ^ Bullough, p. 28
- ^ Historic ruling: Judge orders anti-gay Scott Lively to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Gay Star News. 2013-08-15 [2013-10-05].
- ^ Scott Lively, The Pink Triangle,
- ^ Scott Lively | Southern Poverty Law Center. Splcenter.org. [2013-10-05].
- ^ Anti-Gay Religious Crusaders Claim Homosexuals Helped Mastermind the Holocaust | Southern Poverty Law Center. Splcenter.org. 1936-10-11 [2013-10-05].
- ^ http://www.anti-semitism.net/?s=Scott+Lively
- ^ West, Donald James; Richard Green. Sociolegal control of homosexuality: a multi-nation comparison. Springer. 1997: 224. ISBN 0-306-45532-3.
- ^ Duberman, Martin; Martha Vicinus, George Chauncey (Editors). Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay & Lesbian Past. New York: Meridian. 1989. ISBN 0-452-01067-5.
- ^ 70.0 70.1 James R. Smith San Francisco's Lost Landmarks, Quill Driver Books, 2004 ISBN 1884995446 p. 84
- ^ The First Time "Gay", Meaning "Homosexual", Was Used as Such in a Film. todayifoundout.com. 17 January 2011 [19 April 2013].
- ^ 72.0 72.1 History Detectives . Investigations – Diana. PBS. Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ Archer, p. 110
- ^ サービスの达人 (2008 Shinchosha)
- ^ 75.0 75.1 Spring Fire (Lesbian Pulp Fiction) (9781573441872): Vin Packer: Books. Amazon.com. Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection. Msvu.ca (20 November 2009). Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ Vern L. Bullough, RN, PhD (编). Before Stonewall, Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York: Harrington Park Press. 2002: 424 [2002]. ISBN 1-56023-192-0.
- ^ Hodges, Andrew. A short on-line biography in eight parts: Part 8 — Alan Turing's Crisis. ALAN TURING founder of computer science. Andrew Hodges. 1995 ... [24 June 2010].
- ^ Daily Mail: "Lord Montagu on the court case which ended the legal persecution of homosexuals," 17 July 2007
- ^ 80.0 80.1 80.2 Daughters of Bilitis. glbtq (20 October 2005). Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ Mark Brown, arts correspondent. Newly unearthed ITV play could be first ever gay television drama. London: guardian.co.uk. 16 March 2013 [19 April 2013].
- ^ Born On The 4th Of July: 12 American LGBT War Heroes / Queerty. Queerty.com. [2013-10-05].
- ^ Miller, p. 347
- ^ 1961 Ill. Laws 2044.
- ^ McLeod, Donald W. A Brief History of Gay: Canada's First Gay Tabloid, 1964–1966.
- ^ Our Silver Anniversary: Canadians have been organizing for twenty five years!. Newsletter of the Canadian Gay Archives (National Archives for Lesbians and Gay Men). June 1989, 7.
- ^ "From Section 28 to a Home Office float - Tories come out in force at gay march", The Guardian, London, 3 July 2010.
- ^ Wittman, Carl. A Gay Manifesto (1970). Gay Homeland Foundation. 1970 [28 June 2010].
- ^ Blasius, Mark; Shane Phelan. We are everywhere: a historical sourcebook in gay and lesbian politics. Routledge. 1997: 380–90. ISBN 0-415-90859-0. 参数
值左起第5位存在C1控制符 (帮助) - ^ Jennings, Rebecca. Lesbians. Dictionary of Sydney. 21 October 2008 [28 June 2010].
- ^ Willett, Graham. Living out loud: a history of gay and lesbian activism in Australia. Allen & Unwin. 2000: 33.
- ^ Getting Rid of Sodomy Laws: History and Strategy that Led to the Lawrence Decision
- ^ Sodomy Laws, Idaho
- ^ Victora Brittain. An Alternative to Sexual Shame: Impact of the new militancy among homosexual groups. The Times. 28 August 1971: 12.
- ^ 95.0 95.1 Bergh, Frederick Quist. Jag känner mig lite homosexuell idag [I feel a bit gay today]. 2001 [12 December 2009] (Swedish).
- ^ PFLAG: Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays. community.pflag.org. 26 March 1973 [19 April 2013].
- ^ Gay Politicians. eQualityGiving. Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
- ^ GLINN's Timeline of Gay and Lesbian Family Issues. Glinn.com. Retrieved on 30 November 2010.
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- ^ Liz Carmouche Wins Historic UFC Match Between Two Openly Gay Fighters - VIDEO| Gay News. Towleroad. [2013-10-05].
- ^ Brandt, Evan; Mercury, Pottstown. First Pa. same-sex couple to marry become reluctant focus of debate. Denver Post.
- ^ Montco will not deny same-sex marriage licenses - Philly.com. Articles.philly.com. 2013-07-25 [2013-10-05].
- ^ Braddock Mayor Performs First Gay Marriage in Allegheny County - The 412 - August 2013. Pittsburghmagazine.com. 2013-09-24 [2013-10-05].
- ^ Wetzstein, Cheryl. California enacts nation’s first law protecting transgender students. Washingtontimes.com. August 12, 2013 [August 13, 2013].
- ^ WWE superstar Darren Young comes out as gay - News | FOX Sports on MSN. Msn.foxsports.com. 2013-08-16 [2013-10-05].
- ^ USAF lesbian couple first to receive ‘Join Spouse’ assignment – LGBTQ Nation. Lgbtqnation.com. 2013-09-22 [2013-10-05].
- ^ Solomon, Brian. Jennifer Pritzker becomes first transgender billionaire. Forbes. [2013-10-05].
- ^ In Historic First, Bi Activists Gather at White House. http://www.bilerico.com. September 25, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. 外部链接存在于
(帮助) - ^ White House to hold closed-door session on bisexual issues next month. http://www.washingtonpost.com/. August 22, 2013 [October 10, 2013].
- ^ First South Korean Gay Couple To Publicly Wed Plans Challenge To Marriage Law - On Top Magazine | Gay news & entertainment. Ontopmag.com. 2013-09-25 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Post by Harvey Milk Foundation. Harvey Milk To Be Honored With U.S. Postage Stamp. Huffingtonpost.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ Carol McCrory And Brenda Clark, North Carolina Lesbian Couple, Apply For Marriage License Successfully. Huffingtonpost.com. 2013-10-15 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Andy Herren wins Big Brother, becomes first openly gay winner of CBS reality show | Voices. Voices.suntimes.com. 2013-09-18 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Montenegro's First Gay Pride Parade Takes Place Under Heavy Security. Huffingtonpost.com. 2013-10-20 [2014-01-18].
- ^ GAYCURAÇAO.COM - We live and let live!. Gaycuracao.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ First Indo-American lesbian wedding made guests cry. daily.bhaskar.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ That's a first, Indian bride marries American bride | First Indo-American Lesbian Marriage | Indo-American Lesbian Couple | Lesbian Wedding | Shannon And Seema | Wedding Photographer Steph Grant. Andhrawishesh.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ 366.0 366.1 Ring, Trudy. First Televised Romanian Same-Sex Wedding Gets High Ratings. Advocate.com. 2013-09-13 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Portland Trailblazers Back Gay Marriage, Becoming First NBA Team To Do So. Huffingtonpost.com. 2013-10-16 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Greg Hernandez. Portland Trail Blazers become first NBA team to endorse gay marriage. Gay Star News. 2013-10-17 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Todd Hughes, first openly gay U.S. circuit judge confirmed by Senate. UPI.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ 370.0 370.1 370.2 Paper Chase: UN holds first ministerial meeting on gay rights. JURIST. 2013-09-27 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Rawlings, Nate. New Jersey Couples Celebrate the State's First Gay Marriages | TIME.com. Nation.time.com. 2013-10-21 [2014-01-18].
- ^ 372.0 372.1 JTA. Reconstructionists Pick First Woman, Lesbian As Denominational Leader. The Jewish Week. [2014-01-18].
- ^ Trailblazing Reconstructionist Deborah Waxman Relishes Challenges of Judaism –. Forward.com. [2014-01-18].
- ^ http://www.rrc.edu/sites/default/files/ORPHAN_PDFs/RRC_WaxmanPresidentElect-ForPress3.pdf?hero=1615
- ^ 375.0 375.1 Bowater, Donna. Six-year-old becomes first transgender child in Argentina to change identity. Telegraph. [2014-01-18].
- ^ Tasneem Nashrulla. India Gets Its First Radio Station For The LGBT Community. Buzzfeed.com. 2013-10-04 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Reynolds, Daniel. GLAAD Appoints First Transgender Cochair. Advocate.com. 2013-11-08 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Roberts, Scott. Harriet Harman and John Prescott heap praise on Paris Lees in Question Time debut. Pink News. 1 November 2013 [7 November 2013].
- ^ Transition game: America’s first publicly out transgender high school coach is opening minds in the conservative rural town of Glocester, R.I.. Outsports. [2014-01-18].
- ^ Former UKIP MEP reveals she is the UK’s first transgender Parliamentarian ·. Pinknews.co.uk. 2013-11-17 [2014-01-18].
- ^ Kevin Fagan. S.F. tackles dual challenge - being homeless and gay. SFGate. 2013-10-07 [2014-01-18].
- Archer, Bert (2004). The End of Gay: And the Death of Heterosexuality. Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56025-611-7.
- Bullough, Vern L. (2002). Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York, Harrington Park Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press. ISBN 1-56023-193-9.
- Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890–1940 Reprint. Basic Books. 1995. ISBN 0-465-02621-4.
- Burleson, William E. (2005). Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community. United Kingdom, Routledge. ISBN 978-1560234791
- Fone, Byrne R. S. Homophobia: a history. New York: Metropolitan Books. 2000. ISBN 0-8050-4559-7.
- Gallo, Marcia M. (2007) Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement. California: Seal Press. ISBN 1580052525
- Hogan, Steve and Lee Hudson (1998). Completely Queer: The Gay and Lesbian Encyclopedia. New York, Henry Holt and Company. ISBN 0-8050-3629-6.
- Miller, Neil (1995). Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present. New York, Vintage Books. ISBN 0-09-957691-0.
- Percy III, William Armstrong. Pederasty and pedagogy in archaic Greece. University of Illinois Press. 1996. ISBN 0-252-02209-2.
- Stryker, Susan (2008). Transgender History. New York, Seal Press. ISBN 978-1580052245
External links
- A Brief History of the Bisexual Movement, by BiNet Usa
- Chronicle of gay history
- First use of "gay" Meaning Homosexual* * 8
- Gay Movie History
- History of Gay Rights
- ILGA's Legal Wrap-up 2006
- Latina/o LGBT History Brief Timeline: 1955-2013
- LGBT History Month, United Kingdom
- LGBT History Timeline
- Our Story (Another Timeline)
- The Development of Homosexuality in Australia
- The Trans Timeline
- Timeline of D.C. Bi History, by the Rainbow History Project
- UK LGBT History Project - Timeline of UK LGBT History
- Timeline: The Bisexual Health Movement in the U.S.
- Transgender Visibility Timeline