
新鲜冷冻血浆(fresh frozen plasma, FFP)为一从全血制备而成的血液制品[3],一般是在采集全血后八小时内分离制备[4],用于治疗体内凝血因子过低(INR>1.5)或是血浆蛋白过少之患者[3][1],也做为血浆置换的置换液[2][5],通常会建议(但非必要)使用ABO血型相符的血浆[6][7]。不建议使用新鲜冷冻血浆作为代用血浆英语volume expander[3]。使用方式为缓慢输注至静脉内[2]

Photograph of a bag containing one unit of fresh frozen plasma

副作用包含恶心和发痒[3],并有低几率发生过敏反应血栓,或感染[3][1]。在怀孕期间或哺乳期间使用,对婴儿的安全性仍未知[2]。患有蛋白质S缺乏症英语protein S deficiency免疫球蛋白A缺乏英语IgA deficiency,或心脏衰竭的病人在使用上须特别注意[2]。新鲜冷冻血浆是由水,蛋白质碳水化合物,脂质,与维生素组成的复杂混合物[1]。零下18度冷冻下可保存约一年[1]

第二次世界大战期间血浆制品第一次被应用于医疗中[1][8],名列世界卫生组织基本药物清单,该清单罗列一个健康照护体系中所需要的各项最安全有效的药物。[9]。在英国一单位的新鲜冷冻血浆价钱约30英磅[10]。亦有其他种类的新鲜冷冻血,包含采血后24小时内冷冻血浆英语Plasma frozen within 24 hours冷冻沉淀品减除血浆英语Cryoprecipitate reduced plasma、冷冻血浆、以及溶剂清洁剂处理血浆[1]。其中冷冻血浆类似新鲜冷冻血浆,不过是在采集全血八小时分离,在零下18度冰箱可存放五年[4]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Shaz, Beth H.; Hillyer, Christopher D.; Roshal, Mikhail; Abrams, Charles S. Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects. Newnes. 2013: 209–212. ISBN 9780123977885. (原始内容存档于2017-09-23). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Plasma Intravenous Advanced Patient Information - Drugs.com. www.drugs.com. [10 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2017). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 British national formulary : BNF 69 69. British Medical Association. 2015: 172. ISBN 9780857111562. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 台灣血液學基金會 血液成分精要 (PDF). [2019-03-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-03-04). 
  5. ^ Schwartz, Joseph; Padmanabhan, Anand; Aqui, Nicole; Balogun, Rasheed A.; Connelly-Smith, Laura; Delaney, Meghan; Dunbar, Nancy M.; Witt, Volker; Wu, Yanyun. Guidelines on the Use of Therapeutic Apheresis in Clinical Practice-Evidence-Based Approach from the Writing Committee of the American Society for Apheresis: The Seventh Special Issue. Journal of Clinical Apheresis. June 2016, 31 (3): 149–338. ISSN 0733-2459. doi:10.1002/jca.21470. 
  6. ^ Sikka, Paul K.; Beaman, Shawn T.; Street, James A. Basic Clinical Anesthesia. Springer. 2015: 102 [2019-03-25]. ISBN 9781493917372. (原始内容存档于2019-05-19) (英语). 
  7. ^ Aglio, Linda S.; Lekowski, Robert W.; Urman, Richard D. Essential Clinical Anesthesia Review: Keywords, Questions and Answers for the Boards. Cambridge University Press. 2015: 218 [2019-03-25]. ISBN 9781107681309. (原始内容存档于2019-05-19) (英语). 
  8. ^ Plasma Equipment and Packaging, and Transfusion Equipment. [2019-03-25]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-09). 
  9. ^ WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (19th List) (PDF). World Health Organization. April 2015 [8 December 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于13 December 2016). 
  10. ^ Yentis, Steven M.; Hirsch, Nicholas P.; Ip, James. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care A-Z: An Encyclopedia of Principles and Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2013: 147. ISBN 9780702053757. (原始内容存档于2017-09-23). 

