芝加哥警署 (第2季)


美国警匪剧《芝加哥警署》第二季从2014年9月24日到2015年5月20日于美国东部时间晚上10点/美国中部时间晚上9点在NBC播出,由迪克·沃夫担任执行制片,德里克·哈斯英语Derek Haas麦克·勃兰特英语Michael Brandt马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead担任制片。[1]本季共有23集。

国家/地区 美国
播出日期2014年9月24日 (2014-09-24)—2015年5月20日 (2015-05-20)
芝加哥警署集数列表英语List of Chicago P.D. episodes



Call It Macaroni
马克·廷克英语Mark Tinker马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead2014年9月24日 (2014-09-24)8.51[2]
Get My Cigarettes
亚瑟·W·福尼克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什2014年10月1日 (2014-10-01)6.63[3]
The Weigh Station
尼克·戈梅兹英语Nick Gomez麦克·巴蒂斯蒂克2014年10月8日 (2014-10-08)6.67[4]
Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw
雷萨·塔布瑞奇莫·玛斯2014年10月15日 (2014-10-15)6.78[5]
An Honest Woman
马克·廷克英语Mark Tinker麦克·魏斯英语Michael Weiss2014年10月22日 (2014-10-22)6.85[6]
Prison Ball
桑佛·布克斯塔佛英语Sanford Bookstaver爱德华多·哈维尔·坎托 & 莱恩·马尔多纳多2014年11月5日 (2014-11-05)6.15[7]
鲁泽克和阿特沃特尔到监狱假扮囚犯以调查一起12岁女童谋杀案,博伊特和欧林斯基则调查该案件的其它线索。伯尔吉斯和罗曼带三位男孩参观警局,本以为他们是“执法机关探索英语Law Enforcement Exploring”活动的参加者,却发现事实并非如此。
They'll Have to Go Through Me
桑佛·布克斯塔佛剧本创作 :迪克·沃夫 & 马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead
故事构思 :麦莎·克洛松
2014年11月12日 (2014-11-12)9.54[8]


本集完结联动《芝加哥烈焰》及《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》、始于《什么都别碰英语Chicago Fire (season 3)#ep53》并续于《芝加哥交叉集英语Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)#ep350》的交叉集。本集收录于《芝加哥烈焰》第三季与《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》第十六季DVD中。
Assignment of the Year
尼克·戈梅兹英语Nick Gomez米克·贝坦柯特英语Mick Betancourt2014年11月19日 (2014-11-19)7.29[9]
Called In Dead
亚力克·沙克罗夫英语Alik Sakharov克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什2014年12月10日 (2014-12-10)6.71[10]
娜迪亚的朋友差点在爱琳的家使用毒品过量身亡,爱琳发现她使用的海洛因来自藏在一家脱衣舞俱乐部的毒品实验室。情报组执行一场未经批准的毒品打击行动,并逮捕一对夫妻。但当幕后黑手绑架欧林斯基的妻子以要胁拿回毒品时,欧林斯基和博伊特用“他们的方式”解决问题,并发现这群罪犯拥有内线消息。他们跟随线索找上一名贪污的法官秘书。与此同时,爱琳仍在考虑离开情报组。伯尔吉斯必须忍受如今已是K-9警员的罗曼前搭档兼前女友詹·卡西迪(史宾瑟·葛拉莫英语Spencer Grammer)。稍晚,当罗曼和卡西迪还在斗嘴时,伯尔吉斯按了一家门铃随后中弹倒地。
Shouldn't Have Been Alone
佛瑞德·伯纳麦克·魏斯英语Michael Weiss2015年1月7日 (2015-01-07)7.41[11]
We Don't Work Together Anymore
马力欧·范毕柏斯麦克·巴斯蒂克 & 莫·玛斯2015年1月14日 (2015-01-14)6.77[12]
Disco Bob
荷莉・戴儿英语Holly Dale麦莎·克洛松 & 柯尔·马利斯卡2015年1月21日 (2015-01-21)7.00[13]
A Little Devil Complex
史蒂夫·希尔英语Steve Shill麦克·勃兰特英语Michael Brandt & 德里克·哈斯英语Derek Haas2015年2月4日 (2015-02-04)7.58[14]


本集完结联动《芝加哥烈焰》、始于《三声铃响英语Chicago Fire (season 3)#ep59》的交叉集。本集收录于《芝加哥烈焰》第三季DVD中。

客串演出:摩妮卡·雷蒙德英语Monica Raymund饰演加布里埃拉·道森;查理·巴奈特英语Charlie Barnett (actor)饰演彼得·米尔斯;埃蒙·沃克英语Eamonn Walker饰演华莱士·博登。
Erin's Mom
马克·廷克英语Mark Tinker克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什2015年2月11日 (2015-02-11)6.58[15]
What Do You Do
尼克·戈梅兹英语Nick Gomez麦克·勃兰特英语Michael Brandt & 德里克·哈斯英语Derek Haas2015年2月18日 (2015-02-18)7.08[16]
What Puts You on that Ledge
佛瑞德·伯纳爱德华多·哈维尔·坎托 & 莱恩·马尔多纳多2015年2月25日 (2015-02-25)7.43[17]
Say Her Real Name
尼克·戈梅兹英语Nick Gomez剧本创作 :迪克·沃夫 & 马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead
故事构思 :克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什
2015年3月25日 (2015-03-25)6.34[18]
Get Back to Even
珍·特纳麦克·魏斯英语Michael Weiss2015年4月1日 (2015-04-01)6.59[19]
The Three Gs
桑佛·布克斯塔佛英语Sanford Bookstaver克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什2015年4月8日 (2015-04-08)6.73[20]
The Number of Rats
尼克·戈梅兹英语Nick Gomez剧本创作 :马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead & 沃伦·莱特英语Warren Leight
故事构思 :马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead & 柯尔·马利斯卡
2015年4月29日 (2015-04-29)8.07[21]


本集接续联动《芝加哥烈焰》和《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》、始于《我们叫她果冻豆英语Chicago Fire (season 3)#67》并终于《白日梦妄想者英语Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)#ep363》的交叉集。本籍收录于《芝加哥烈焰》第三季和《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》第十六季DVD中。
There's My Girl
马克·廷克英语Mark Tinker麦克·博斯蒂克 & 莫·玛斯2015年5月6日 (2015-05-06)6.54[22]
Push the Pain Away
桑佛·布克斯塔佛英语Sanford Bookstaver剧本创作 :爱德华多·哈维尔·坎托 & 莱恩·马尔多纳多
故事构思 :麦克·魏斯英语Michael Weiss
2015年5月13日 (2015-05-13)6.94[23]
Born Into Bad News
马克·廷克英语Mark Tinker克雷格·戈尔 & 提姆·沃尔什2015年5月20日 (2015-05-20)7.21[24]



高圣远饰演的谢尔登·吉恩于第一季最后一集被杀,因此他的角色不会在第二季出现。[25]不过,节目统筹马特·奥姆斯特德英语Matt Olmstead透露“(金的死)影响了每个人...至少持续三四集,直到大家能再次凝聚成大家庭,但有些人对事态发展感到不太舒服。”[26]

巡警金·伯尔吉斯将迎来新搭档,欧姆斯特德形容这个新搭档在第二季相当重要,特别是对伯尔吉斯。[26]布莱恩·格拉格提后来宣布将会饰演金·伯尔吉斯(玛琳娜·斯奎尔恰提英语Marina Squerciati)的新搭档萧恩·罗曼。[27]







标题 播出日期 收视率/份额
1 称它为通心粉 2014年9月24日 1.9/6 8.51[2] 1.2 3.42 3.1 11.98[30]
2 把我的烟拿来 2014年10月1日 1.5/5 6.63[3] 1.1 3.38 2.6 10.06[31]
3 秤重站 2014年10月8日 1.5/5 6.63[4] 1.1 3.18 2.6 9.85[32]
4 鸡、炸药、电锯 2014年10月15日 1.6/5 6.78[5] 1.0 2.98 2.6 9.76[33]
5 诚实的女人 2014年10月22日 1.5/5 6.85[6] 0.9 2.92 2.4 9.76[34]
6 脚铐球 2014年11月5日 1.4/4 6.15[7] 1.1 3.53 2.5 9.68[35]
7 他们得先通过我这关 2014年11月12日 2.2/7 9.54[8] 1.5 4.02 3.7 13.56[36]
8 年度任务 2014年11月19日 1.6/5 7.29[9] 1.1 3.16 2.7 10.44[37]
9 家里有事 2014年12月10日 1.5/5 6.71[10] 1.0 3.29 2.5 10.00[38]
10 不该一个人 2015年1月7日 1.6/5 7.41[11] 1.1 3.16 2.7 10.62[39]
11 我们不再共事了 2015年1月14日 1.5/5 6.77[12] 1.1 3.10 2.6 9.87[40]
12 迪斯科鲍勃 2015年1月21日 1.5/5 7.00[13] 1.2 3.54 2.7 10.54[41]
13 一点点的恶魔情节 2015年2月4日 1.6/5 7.58[14] 1.2 3.47 2.8 11.05[42]
14 爱琳的母亲 2015年2月11日 1.4/4 6.58[15] 1.1 3.31 2.5 9.89[43]
15 你会怎么做 2015年2月18日 1.7/5 7.08[16] 0.9 3.18 2.6 10.26[44]
16 是什么把你推上边缘 2015年2月25日 1.5/5 7.43[17] 1.1 3.26 2.6 10.68[45]
17 叫她的本名 2015年3月25日 1.5/5 6.34[18] 1.0 3.14 2.5 9.43[46]
18 回到互不相欠 2015年4月1日 1.6/5 6.59[19] 1.0 3.10 2.6 10.05[47]
19 三个G 2015年4月8日 1.5/5 6.73[20] 1.0 3.23 2.5 9.92[48]
20 告密者的人数 2015年4月29日 1.8/6 8.07[21] 1.0 3.11 2.8 11.05[49]
21 我的好女孩 2015年5月6日 1.4/5 6.54[22] 1.0 3.00 2.4 9.56[50]
22 强忍悲痛 2015年5月13日 1.6/5 6.94[23] 1.0 3.26 2.6 10.19[51]
23 天生容易扯上坏消息 2015年5月20日 1.4/5 7.21[24] 1.1 3.31 2.5 10.53[52]



包装内容 特别收录
  • 23集
  • 1186分钟(区域1
  • 6碟装
  • 1.78:1长宽比
  • 语言:
    • 英语(杜比数码2.0环绕音效)
  • 字幕:
  美国   英国   澳大利亚
2015年9月1日[53] 2015年10月26日[54] 2015年12月3日[55]


  1. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. NBC Sets Fall Premiere Dates for 'The Blacklist', 'The Mysteries of Laura', 'Parenthood', 'Bad Judge', 'Constantine' & More. TV by the Numbers. June 2, 2014 [July 30, 2014]. (原始内容存档于June 4, 2014). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs', 'Modern Family', 'Law and Order: SVU' & 'Red Band Society' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. September 25, 2014 [September 25, 2014]. (原始内容存档于September 27, 2014). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Modern Family', 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs', 'black-ish', 'The Mysteries of Laura' & 'Nashville' Adjusted Up; 'Chicago P.D.' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. October 2, 2014 [October 2, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 4, 2014). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Bibel, Sara. Revised Wednesday, October 8 Final Ratings: 'The Flash' Encore Adjusted Up; 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs', 'Modern Family', 'black-ish' & 'Nashville' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. October 16, 2014 [October 16, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 14, 2014). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'The Mysteries of Laura', 'Modern Family' & 'Red Band Society' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. October 16, 2014 [October 16, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 18, 2014). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs', 'Modern Family' & 'Criminal Minds' Adjusted Up; 'black-ish' Adjusted Down + Final World Series Numbers. TV by the Numbers. October 23, 2014 [October 23, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 25, 2014). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Arrow', 'The Mysteries of Laura' & 'Chicago P.D.' Adjusted Up; 'The 100' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. November 6, 2014 [November 6, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 8, 2014). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Modern Family' Adjusted Up; 'The 100' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. November 13, 2014 [November 13, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 15, 2014). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Stalker' Adjusted Down + No Adjustment for 'The 100', 'Red Band Society' or 'Nashville'. TV by the Numbers. November 20, 2014 [November 20, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 22, 2014). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Arrow', 'Hell's Kitchen' & 'Chicago P.D.' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. December 11, 2014 [December 11, 2014]. (原始内容存档于December 19, 2014). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: No Adjustments Beyond Previously Released Increases for 'Empire' & 'American Idol'. TV by the Numbers. January 9, 2015 [January 9, 2015]. (原始内容存档于August 25, 2017). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'American Idol' & 'The Mentalist' Adjusted Up; 'The Mysteries of Laura' and 'Blackish' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. January 16, 2015 [January 16, 2015]. (原始内容存档于August 25, 2017). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Empire', 'American Idol', 'Criminal Minds' & 'Law & Order: SVU' Adjusted Up; 'The 100' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. January 22, 2015 [January 22, 2015]. (原始内容存档于January 23, 2015). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'American Idol' Adjusted Up, 'Fresh Off the Boat' & 'The 100' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. February 5, 2015 [February 5, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2015). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Empire', 'Arrow' & 'American Idol' Adjusted Up; 'The Goldbergs', 'The 100', 'The Mentalist', 'The Mysteries of Laura', 'black-ish' & 'Criminal Minds' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. February 12, 2015 [February 12, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 12, 2015). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Empire', 'Arrow', 'American Idol' & 'Modern Family' Adjusted Up; 'The 100' & 'Stalker' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. February 19, 2015 [February 19, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 25, 2015). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Empire', 'American Idol', 'Survivor' & 'Arrow' Adjusted Up; 'The 100', 'black-ish' & 'Nashville' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. February 26, 2015 [February 26, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 27, 2015). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Survivor', 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs', 'Modern Family' & Criminal Minds' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. March 26, 2015 [March 26, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 2, 2015). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'American Idol', 'Survivor', 'The Middle', 'The Goldbergs' & 'Modern Family' Adjusted Up; 'The Mysteries of Laura' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. April 2, 2015 [April 2, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 7, 2015). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Survivor', 'The Voice', 'The Middle', 'Criminal Minds', 'CSI: Cyber' and 'The Goldbergs' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. April 9, 2015 [April 9, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 12, 2015). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Arrow', 'Survivor', 'Criminal Minds' & 'Law & Order: SVU' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. April 30, 2015 [April 30, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 4, 2015). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Arrow', 'Nashville', & 'The Goldbergs' Adjusted Up; 'American Idol', 'Criminal Minds' 'Supernatural' & 'Blacki-ish' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. May 7, 2015 [May 7, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 8, 2015). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Bibel, Sara. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Law & Order: SVU', 'Survivor, 'The Middle' & 'American Idol' Adjusted Up; 'Supernatural', 'black-ish' & 'Nashville' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. May 14, 2015 [May 14, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 16, 2015). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Kondolojy, Amanda. Wednesday Final Ratings: 'Survivor', 'Survivor: Reunion' & 'Modern Family' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. May 21, 2015 [May 21, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 25, 2015). 
  25. ^ Stanhope, Kate. 'Chicago P.D. Season Finale Recap: Which Series Regular Didn't Make It Out Alive?'. TV Guide. May 21, 2014 [July 30, 2014]. (原始内容存档于July 25, 2014). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Stanhope, Kate. 'Chicago PD Season 2 Spoilers'. TV Guide. July 20, 2014 [July 30, 2014]. (原始内容存档于July 23, 2014). 
  27. ^ 'Chicago PD' Enlists 'Boardwalk Empire' Alum as New Series Regular. August 4, 2014 [August 6, 2014]. (原始内容存档于August 7, 2014). 
  28. ^ Brown, Laurel. 'Chicago PD's' Jon Seda and Jesse Lee Soffer Preview the Season 1 Finale and Season 2 Changes'. TV by the Numbers. May 13, 2014 [July 30, 2014]. (原始内容存档于August 8, 2014). 
  29. ^ Bibel, Sara. Three-Part 'Chicago Fire', 'Chicago P.D.' & 'Law & Order: SVU' Crossover to Air November 11–12 on NBC. TV by the Numbers. September 29, 2014 [October 9, 2014]. (原始内容存档于December 3, 2014). 
  30. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'Gotham' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'Gotham' & 'Red Band Society' Top Percentage Gains & 'How To Get Away With Murder' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending September 28. TV by the Numbers. October 12, 2014 [October 13, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 14, 2014). 
  31. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'How to Get Away With Murder' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'Parenthood' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending October 5. TV by the Numbers. October 20, 2014 [October 20, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 22, 2014). 
  32. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'How to Get Away With Murder' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'Red Band Society' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending October 12. TV by the Numbers. October 27, 2014. (原始内容存档于2014-10-29). 
  33. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'How to Get Away With Murder' & 'The Big Bang Theory' Have Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'New Girl' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week Ending October 19. TV by the Numbers. November 3, 2014 [November 3, 2014]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2016). 
  34. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'America's Next Top Model' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 5 Ending October 26. TV by the Numbers. November 10, 2014 [November 10, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 12, 2014). 
  35. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'The Originals' Top Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 7 Ending November 9. TV by the Numbers. January 16, 2015 [November 24, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 26, 2014). 
  36. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'The Vampire Diaries' Top Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 8 Ending November 16. TV by the Numbers. December 2, 2014 [December 2, 2014]. (原始内容存档于December 18, 2014). 
  37. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Modern Family' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings Increase; 'Reign' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Viewer Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 8 Ending November 16. TV by the Numbers. December 8, 2014 [December 8, 2014]. (原始内容存档于December 18, 2014). 
  38. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Has Biggest Adults 18–49 Ratings & Viewership Increase; Elementary' Tops Percentage Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 12 Ending December 14. TV by the Numbers. December 29, 2014 [December 29, 2014]. (原始内容存档于December 31, 2014). 
  39. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'The Big Bang Theory' & 'Modern Family' Have Biggest Adults 18–49 Increase, 'Revenge' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Big Bang Theory' Grows Most in Viewership in Live +7 Ratings for Week 15 Ending January 4. TV by the Numbers. January 25, 2015 [January 25, 2015]. (原始内容存档于January 28, 2015). 
  40. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Modern Family' Biggest Adults 18–49 Increase, 'Revenge', 'Forever' & 'State of Affairs' Top Percentage Gainers & 'Castle' Grows Most in Viewership in Live +7 Ratings for Week 17 Ending January 18. TV by the Numbers. February 2, 2015 [February 2, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 2, 2015). 
  41. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'Empire' Notches Biggest Adults 18–49 Increase, 'Revenge' Leads Percentage Gainers & 'Elementary' Tops Viewership Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 18 Ending January 25. TV by the Numbers. February 9, 2015 [February 9, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 9, 2015). 
  42. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18–49 & Viewership Gains, 'Glee' Tops Percentage Increases in Live +7 Ratings for Week 20 Ending February 8. TV by the Numbers. February 23, 2015 [February 23, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 26, 2015). 
  43. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Modern Family' Leads Adults 18–49 Gains, 'The Blacklist' Tops Percentage Increases & Viewer Growth in Live +7 Ratings for Week 21 Ending February 15. TV by the Numbers. March 2, 2015 [March 2, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 18, 2015). 
  44. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 & Viewership Gains + 'The Blacklist' Tops Percentage Increases in Live +7 Ratings for Week 22 Ending February 22. TV by the Numbers. March 9, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 9, 2015). 
  45. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 Gains + 'Glee' Tops Percentage Increases, 'The Blacklist' Wins in Viewer Growth in Live +7 Ratings for Week 23 Ending March 1. TV by the Numbers. March 15, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 9, 2015). 
  46. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Modern Family' Leads Adults 18–49 Gains, 'Forever' Tops Percentage Increases & 'The Blacklist' Wins Viewership Growth in Live +7 Ratings for Week 27 Ending March 29. TV by the Numbers. April 13, 2015 [April 13, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 16, 2015). 
  47. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 Gains, 'The Blacklist' Tops Percentage & Viewership Growth in Live +7 Ratings for Week 28 Ending April 5. TV by the Numbers. April 20, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 23, 2015). 
  48. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 & Viewership Gains, 'The Following' Tops Percentage Growth in Live +7 Ratings for Week 29 Ending April 12. TV by the Numbers. April 27, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 29, 2015). 
  49. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' & 'Modern Family' Tie for Adults 18-49 Growth, 'The Messengers' Leads Percentage Gains + 'The Blacklist' Tops Viewership Increase in Live +7 Ratings for Week 32 Ending May 3. TV by the Numbers. May 18, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于June 2, 2016). 
  50. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'The Big Bang Theory' Leads Adults 18-49 & Viewership Growth, 'The Blacklist' Tops Percentage Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 33 Ending May 10. TV by the Numbers. May 26, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于May 26, 2015). 
  51. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'Modern Family' Leads Adults 18-49 & Viewership Growth, 'Wayward Pines' Tops Percentage Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 34 Ending May 17. TV by the Numbers. June 1, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于June 2, 2015). 
  52. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Modern Family' Leads Adults 18-49 & Viewership Growth, 'Wayward Pines' Tops Percentage Gains in Live +7 Ratings for Week 35 Ending May 24. TV by the Numbers. June 8, 2015 [September 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于June 9, 2015). 
  53. ^ Chicago P.D.: Season 2. Amazon. [June 9, 2015]. 
  54. ^ Chicago P.D.: Season 2 [DVD]. Amazon. [November 17, 2015]. 
  55. ^ Chicago P.D. - Season 2. JB Hi-Fi. [November 5, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 5, 2016). 
