

Woolim and Rocket Punch is a fake info.

无共识,暂时隐藏有争议内容,待日后有更好来源。--Abcet10留言2024年4月12日 (五) 13:53 (UTC)回复

Hello. I am Korean Nswer. This fake info was "first" made by a troll in Korean community DCinside in 2021. Unfortunately, many people were deceived and brought this fake info to international fans and articles. Korean fans are so angry about this.--留言2023年7月16日 (日) 01:12 (UTC)回复

请提出被证明造假的来源,谢谢。--Mafalda4144留言2023年7月16日 (日) 02:53 (UTC)回复
That troll's fake info is now deleted due to the report long time ago. How can I bring it? The author of the source article just copied that fake info which has no credits. Wikipedia should bring sources that are completely reliable.--留言2023年7月16日 (日) 04:22 (UTC)回复
@能不能进一步说明如何得知为假消息?--Abcet10留言2023年7月16日 (日) 07:23 (UTC)回复
@SKeiYuYSpecial:Diff/70302079副知。--Abcet10留言2023年7月16日 (日) 07:58 (UTC)回复
The source has no credits. This Chinese article is written by Chinese author, not Korean. Does he know Sullyoon personally? He collected random rumor from internet and wrote an article before debut. There is not any interview, picture, or video that can prove she was trainee of Woolim. Please bring 100% confirmed news.--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 05:36 (UTC)回复
@,you haven't answer my question.Secondly,you should provide the evidence that Sullyoon wasn't Woollim's trainee.Moreover,自由时报[2] also mention Sullyoon was Woollim's trainee.Please notice that 自由时报 is Reliable sources in wiki.--Abcet10留言2023年7月19日 (三) 13:42 (UTC)回复
The sources are all "Chinese" that has no credits. Is there any official proof? How did they find out? They didn't say where they found out. They just found these rumors in internet websites. Also, in Korea, there is no news article saying Sullyoon was Woolim trainee. Only Chinese news are providing fake info about her.--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 13:57 (UTC)回复
[3]--Abcet10留言2023年7月19日 (三) 14:36 (UTC)回复
This is not Korean news article...--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 14:46 (UTC)回复
This is her Bubble messenger screenshot. She answered fan's question how her friends reacted after hearing she was accepted by JYP. And her friends were jealous that she can go to Seoul city. It was her first time moving to Seoul after JYP acception. She was never a trainee before JYP because Woolim is also located in Seoul.--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 14:04 (UTC)回复
Sullyoon passing sm, yg, jyp, fantagio, blacklabel audition was true because there was evidence (picture, radio live show) long time ago.
But there is no picture, video, and interview that can prove she was a Woolim trainee.--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 15:03 (UTC)回复
There is no Korean news article saying Sullyoon was Woolim trainee.--留言2023年7月19日 (三) 16:39 (UTC)回复
Every news article should include specific citations and sources. But your Chinese article source does not have any reference or citations. They must tell where and how the information was found. Your source article does not follow the rules of journalism.--留言2023年7月20日 (四) 01:49 (UTC)回复
When Sullyoon was first introduced on September 3rd 2021, a troll account who was famous for making rumors about many Kpop idols wrote a fake information that Sullyoon was Woolim trainee without providing any evidence. And many international Kpop fans spread this rumor all over the world without knowing that he was a troll. His account and all of his posts were deleted by website manager a long time ago.
This is the community website where the rumor started. And it is now deleted by website manager.--留言2023年7月22日 (六) 01:39 (UTC)回复
整理一下,上述韩国NSWER主要提出以下讯息:1.表示该假消息来自于dcinside论坛上的账号,现时该账号及贴文已被删除;2.用韩文关键字(설윤 울림)(Woollim Sullyoon)在搜索引擎Naver[10]及Google[11]上没有相关新闻。--Abcet10留言2023年7月22日 (六) 02:11 (UTC)回复
Many days has passed. Why is nobody removing this unreliable rumor in Sullyoon Wikipedia page? They are not even caring about this discussion anymore. It is so frustrating.--留言2023年7月29日 (六) 02:45 (UTC)回复
@上面说了,这些来源在维基百科视为可靠来源,官方没有澄清前只能保留了。按现时讨论发展,结果应为无共识,内容将会保留。--Abcet10留言2023年7月29日 (六) 05:47 (UTC)回复
It is so sad that the fake news is treated as a source in Chinese Wikipedia. I hope Chinese people never publish fake news without checking facts properly. And I hope people never visit Chinese Wikipedia. Good bye guys.--留言2023年7月29日 (六) 07:39 (UTC)回复




  1. 有关昵称有来源支撑[12][13],其中星光云本人认为是可靠来源,如对上述2来源有质疑,可作讨论;
  2. 如有争议将会恢复最一开始版本再作讨论,即82150478版本。本人将等待你24小时,请阁下自行回退到该版本;
  3. NC:NFM中的名从主人是指条目名,不是昵称,故此不适用;
  4. 本人倾向先从讨论页先讨论,如阁下认为需到VIP,请自行提报。--Abcet10留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:06 (UTC)回复

@Abcet10 你好,我会提报到WP:AN3,我想让管理员厘清。 本人在Telegram群组有提出过以下的观点,您可以参考一下。

你维对于人物模板的“昵称”一栏写的是“在新闻媒体上广泛流传的名称(类似意思)”,但是其他韩星条目绝大部分都不会把“在媒体上广泛流传”的错误译名加到“昵称”一栏,所以我觉得这个点其实有待厘清”--JL留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:09 (UTC)回复
@TanoDano这不是正名或译名,是昵称。最早正名是在B站[14](2022-09-09),故此可理解为该日期后的来源理应知道正名。与此同时,亦无误会或错误的成分,除了Sullyoon、薛仑娥(仑娥)外,仍有来源直接使用雪允[15][16]--Abcet10留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:32 (UTC)回复
Sull 是 薛的韩文发音 Yoon 是 允的韩文发音,请问何来雪允一说?--JL留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:34 (UTC)回复
上述不是提供了来源了--Abcet10留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:45 (UTC)回复
至少我没看到过有薛允的来源--Abcet10留言2024年4月12日 (五) 14:48 (UTC)回复
(!)意见 仅就这两则来源,闽南网的“来源:中国娱乐网”指向不明(有至少2个同名网站),未找到出处页面,可靠性存疑。中华网娱乐不可靠,是内容农场。是否有其他来源。--YFdyh000留言2024年4月12日 (五) 20:08 (UTC)回复
@YFdyh000上面还有星光云和美人圈。--Abcet10留言2024年4月13日 (六) 05:00 (UTC)回复