
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit
成立时间1950年2月8日 (1950-02-08)
解散时间1990年10月4日 (1990-10-04)两德统一
格言"Schild und Schwert der Partei"

国家安全部(德语:Ministerium für StaatssicherheitMfS),简称“史塔西”(StasiIPA:[ˈʃtɑːziː]Staatssicherheit),是德意志民主共和国东德)的国家安全及情报机构。史塔西被认作当时世界上最有效率的情报秘密警察机构之一。[2][3][4][5][6][7]史塔西成立于1950年2月8日,苏联克格勃对其产生了很大影响。其总部位于东柏林,在柏林-梅克伦堡建有一座大楼,东柏林其他地方亦分布着一些史塔西的机构。若干史塔西官员在1990年后因其罪行被起诉。

史塔西的格言是“党的剑与盾”(Schild und Schwert der Partei),其中党所指为东德执政的德国统一社会党,这一格言描述了其在东德政治中的作用。史塔西主要负责压制国内的政治异议者以及担任统一社会党对东德国民的监视工具,这有助于统一社会党权力的巩固。对反对派、活跃分子及不同政见者也会采用恐吓的方式加以威胁。[8][9]史塔西也负责东德的国际情报收集,国家人民军中也有史塔西的单位。




德意志民主共和国国家安全部成立于1950年2月8日,苏联的两个类似部门——内务人民委员部和国家安全部(克格勃)对其产生了很大影响。1946年8月,统一社会党建立了德国内务部(Deutschen Verwaltung des Inneren,DVdI),最初目的为保护苏占区的经济稳定。1948年,该部门和政治警察被整合至“K5”,职员增加至700人。“K5”部门作为政治警察承担了占领区的去纳粹化任务,负责逮捕前纳粹官员并进行简单快速的审判。[10]


1957年马库斯·沃尔夫成为了史塔西的外国情报机构——情报管理总局(Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung,HVA)局长,他成功地使东德间谍打入西德政治商业圈,期间发生的君特·纪尧姆间谍事件导致了西德总理维利·勃兰特于1974年5月下台。






东德停止存在的前几年,史塔西的探员招募变得越发困难,1986年之后新探员的新加入率变为负值。史塔西对民众的监察工作因而受到了很大影响,在这期间社会变得愈发不稳定,史塔西的行动也变得广为人知。[13] 史塔西在这一时期的任务是在经济恶化的前提下解决政治问题,压制国家面对的严峻形势。然而,史塔西并未成功。[14]

1989年11月7日,面对东德政治和社会的剧变,埃里希·梅尔克决定辞职。1989年11月17日,东德部长委员会将史塔西更名为“国家安全办公室”(Amt für Nationale Sicherheit – AfNS),由沃尔夫冈·施万尼茨中将担任领导者。1989年12月8日,东德总理汉斯·莫德罗决定解散国家安全办公室,东德部长委员会在12月14日批准了这一决定。

这一决定将国家安全办公室拆分为两个不同的机构:“民主德国情报局”(Nachrichtendienst der DDR),负责境外情报搜集。“民主德国宪法维护办公室”(Verfassungsschutz der DDR),与西德的德国联邦宪法维护厅相对应。但公众对此仍有极为激烈的反应,在圆桌会议(Runder Tisch)的压力下,东德政府撤销了设立民主德国宪法维护办公室的计划,直接在1990年1月13日解散了国家安全办公室。其部分权责被交给民主德国内务部,它也负责管理国家安全办公室留下的设施。

柏林墙倒塌后,德国国会调查了消失的东德公用资金。最终发现大量资金流向了奥地利商人、史塔西非正式雇员 Martin Schlaff 设在列支敦士登的账户。他曾负责与东德进行贸易往来。许多史塔西高级官员也在他旗下的公司谋得了职位。例如史塔西在德累斯顿的长官 Herbert Kohler 在1990年将17,000万马克以购买硬盘的名义转至他的账户,几个月之后再到他的公司工作。[15][16]




人数 系统
每166名公民[19] 东德史塔西
每273名公民[20] 俄罗斯联邦安全局
每428[20]-583[19]名公民 苏联克格勃
每900名公民[21] 捷克斯洛伐克国家安全部
每1,500名公民[22] 美国国土安全部
每2,000名公民[19] 纳粹德国盖世太保






东德居民生活中的各个方面都被史塔西渗透。1980年代中期,东西德的史塔西通报合作者均开始增长。1989年东德政府倒台时,史塔西雇佣了91,015名正式职员以及173,081名非正式合作者。[29]几乎每63名东德居民间就有一名与史塔西合作,[30]而每166名东德居民就有一名史塔西的正式雇员。如果将通报者考虑在内,每6.5人就有一名史塔西通报者。与之相比纳粹时期每2000人才有一名盖世太保正式雇员。 [31]另外史塔西也渗透到了西德的政府和情报机构。

有些情况下,夫妻之间甚至也会彼此监视。例如,和平活动家菲拉·绫丝菲尔德(Vera Lengsfeld)的丈夫克努得·沃伦伯格(Knud Wollenberger)即是史塔西的通报合作者。[25]








Other files (the Rosenholz Files), which contained the names of East German spies abroad, led American spy agencies to capture them. After German reunification, it was revealed that the Stasi had secretly aided left-wing terrorists such as the 红军派, even though no part of the RAF had ever been ideologically aligned with the GDR.

Directorate X was responsible for disinformation. Rolf Wagenbreth, director of disinformation operations, stated "Our friends in Moscow call it ‘dezinformatsiya'. Our enemies in America call it ‘active measures,’ and I, dear friends, call it ‘my favorite pastime'".[33]







  • 国家安全部
    • 第26部(Abteilung 26)–负责针对嫌疑人的窃听
    • 武器和化学用品部(BCD)
    • 经济部
    • 通信部 - 保障各部门间通讯顺畅。
    • 第十部 – 协调国际关系。
    • 第十一部 – 民主德国中央加密局(ZCO)。
    • 第十四部 – 中央监狱管理局,负责柏林-霍恩舍恩豪森德语Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen和史塔西总部的两个拘役营的看守工作,并监管下属15个史塔西辖区内的拘役营。
    • 第二十三部 – 反恐和特别行动部,1989年与第二十二中央部合并,管辖国家安全部行动部队德语AGM/S,具有作战、保卫、航空监控、空降和潜水小队。[35]
    • 商务协调工作组(AG BKK)– 服务于亚历山大·沙尔克-格洛科斯基德语Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski商务协调机关德语Kommerzielle Koordinierung[36]
    • 部长工作组(AGM)– 负责保卫和交通工作。
      • Sondereinheiten AGM/U
      • AGM/S – „militärisch-operative Spezialaufgaben“ (z. B. bewaffnete Flugbegleitung) Zentrale Spezifische Kräfte, wurde noch 1989 in die HA XXII integriert, zuvor Umbenennung in Abteilung XXIII.[35]
      • 费利克斯·捷尔任斯基警卫团(Wachregiment "Feliks Dserschinski"):史塔西的武装力量,负责保卫党和政府的建筑物及人员安全。该团成员至少须服役三年,由六个摩托化步兵营、一个炮兵营和一个训练营组成,装备有PSZH-IV装甲运兵车、120毫米迫击炮、85毫米和100毫米反坦克炮、ZU-23防空炮和直升机。成员身着紫色袖条。该团得名于苏联契卡的创始人费利克斯·捷尔任斯基[37]
    • Arbeitsgruppe E beim Stellvertreter des Ministers, Generaloberst Mittig (AG E)– Außensicherung militärischer Schwerpunktobjekte, Entwicklung technischer Abwehrmittel gegen gegnerische automatische Aufklärungssysteme
    • Arbeitsgruppe XVII – Büro für Besuchs- und Reiseangelegenheiten (BfBR) in Berlin (West)
    • Büro der Leitung (BdL)– Innere Objektsicherung des MfS, Kurierdienst.
    • Büro der Zentralen Leitung der 迪纳摩体育协会
    • 第一中央部(HA I)– Überwachung und Absicherung der NVA, des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes und der Grenztruppen (NVA-interne Bezeichnung der HA I: Verwaltung 2000 oder Büro 2000) In diesem Bereich gab es die höchste Durchdringung mit IMs (Verhältnis eins zu fünf !).
    • 第二中央部(HA II)Spionageabwehr
    • 第三中央部(HA III)– Spionageabwehr im Bereich Fernmelde- und Elektronische Aufklärung (Funkabwehr), grenzüberschreitende Telefonüberwachung
    • 第六中央部(HA VI)Passkontrolle, Tourismus (z. B. Interhotels), Sicherung des Transit- und Reiseverkehrs (Autobahnraststätten, Transitparkplätze etc.)
    • 第七中央部(HA VII)– „Abwehr“ im Ministerium des Innern (MdI) und der Deutschen Volkspolizei (DVP)
    • 第八中央部(HA VIII)– Beobachtung, Ermittlung. Sicherung des Transitstraßenverkehrs, Observation von Militärverbindungsmissionen (MVM). Die HA VIII war eine Querschnittsabteilung und wurde regelmäßig von anderen HAs angefordert, mit Ausnahme der HA II und der HVA, die über eigene entsprechende Struktureinheiten verfügten.
    • 第九中央部(HA IX)– Zentrale Ermittlungsabteilung, zuständig für Ermittlungsverfahren in allen Fällen mit politischer Bedeutung. Die HA hatte in den Gerichtsverhandlungen direkten Einfluss auf Verlauf und Urteilsfindung. Minister Mielke unterstrich die Bedeutung der HA IX durch seine Mitgliedschaft in deren SED-Grundorganisation.
      • IX/11 – „Aufklärung und Verfolgung von Nazi- und Kriegsverbrechen“[38]
    • XV – Ehemaliger Name der Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung vor der Ausgliederung, später als HVA-Dependance unter der Bezeichnung Abteilung XV in den Bezirksverwaltungen.
    • 第十八中央部(HA XVIII)– Absicherung der Volkswirtschaft, Sicherung der Einrichtungen der Rüstungsforschung und Rüstungsproduktion, Kontrolle der Industrie-, Landwirtschafts-, Finanz- und Handelsministerien sowie der Zollverwaltung der DDR, Aufklärung und Bestätigung von Nomenklaturkadern, Auslands- und Reisekadern, Militärbauwesen, HO-Spezialhandel mit der 苏联驻德国集团军
    • 第十九中央部(HA XIX)– Verkehr (Interflug, Deutsche Reichsbahn und Binnen- und Seeschifffahrt), Post- und Fernmeldewesen, Aufklärung und Bestätigung von Kadern
    • 第二十中央部(HA XX)– 负责国家机关、文化界、教会以及地下组织的监控工作。同时保障军事单位和体育与技术协会的通信安全。
    • 第二十二中央部(HA XXII)–“反恐部门”
    • 人员保卫中央部(HA PS)
    • 干部培训中央部(HA Kasch)
      • 史塔西大学
      • 中央医疗服务(ZMD)
    • 技术部门(OTS)
    • 行政服务(VRD)
    • 中央工作组秘密保护(ZAGG)
    • 中央分析与情报小组(ZAIG)
      • 第十二部 – Zentrale Auskunft/Speicher. Archiveinheit, verantwortlich für zentrale Nachweisführung und Auskünfte über erfasste Personen und registrierte Akten
      • 第十三部 – Zentrale Rechenstation
      • M部(Abteilung M) – 邮政通信监控,这一部门的口号是“我们无处不在”(德语:Wir sind überall)。[39]
      • Abteilung PZF (1962–1983), Kontrolle von Päckchen, Paket- und Streifbandsendungen sowie westliche Druckerzeugnisse, ab 1983 fusioniert mit der Abteilung M
      • Rechtsstelle
    • Zentrale Koordinierungsgruppe (ZKG)– Bekämpfung von Flucht und Übersiedlung
    • Zentraler Operativstab (ZOS)
  • Hauptverwaltung AufklärungAuslandsspionage (HVA)


  • 侦察总局:主要针对西德北大西洋公约组织展开情报工作,亦包括其他国家的情报工作。
  • 国家安全部协调管理总局:负责与苏联的情报机构协调工作。
  • 通信安全及人员防护总局:为国家领导人提供人身安全保护并维护政府内部的保密通信系统。
  • 重工业安全和研究管理局经济安全总管理局:防范对生产的破坏以及间谍行为。
  • 可疑人物管理总局:负责对旅行或居住在东德境内的外国人(特别对来自西方的外国人)进行监视,包括外交官、游客和官方访客。
  • 垃圾分析部:负责通过分析垃圾以检查西方可疑食品或其他材料。
  • 第12管理局:负责对电话和邮件往来进行检查。
  • 第2000管理局:负责监察国家人民军成员的可靠性,在人民军中建立秘密的情报网。惩戒系统:史塔西下设的惩戒系统,关押政治犯而非刑事犯。

Trotz des bei Nachrichtendiensten üblichen Abschottungsprinzips standen die jeweiligen Aufgabenbereiche zum Teil eng miteinander in Verbindung. Obwohl die fachliche Anleitung und Koordinierungsmaßnahmen durch die entsprechenden zentralen Diensteinheiten durchgeführt wurden, blieben die einzelnen Abteilungen gemäß dem Territorialprinzip weisungsmäßig dem Leiter der zugehörigen Bezirksverwaltung bzw. einem seiner Stellvertreter unterstellt.[34]


总部一号楼为部领导办公楼,背后的白色建筑为二号部门(RA II,反间谍部门)的办公楼
第三部门(RA III,无线电侦察与无线电安全部)的办公楼,位于柏林利希滕贝格

1950至1989年间,史塔西共雇佣了274,000人[40][14]。以1989年为例,史塔西共有91,105名全职工作人员,包括2,000名全职非正式通报者、13,073名士兵、2,232 名军官,[41]另外有173,081名非正式雇员[42]和1,553名西德线人[43]。1995年已发现174,000名前史塔西非正式雇员(Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter,IM),占东德18-60岁人口的2.5%,有10,000名非正式雇员年龄在18岁以下。[40]






非正式雇员(德语:Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter,缩写:IM)构成了另一个情报网络。与全职雇员人数随时间增加的增长趋势不同,非正式雇员的增加常伴随着东德国内社会变动(六一七事件、修筑柏林墙、两德关系缓和)。1975-1977年间非正式雇员达到最高的200,000人。.[44]1970年非正式雇员人数因人员专业化的要求而有所下降,至1988年12月达到173,081人。[45]Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk德语Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk在他《史塔西具述》中认为这一数字偏高,仅有109,000名活跃的非正式雇员。[46]史塔西存续期间,累计招募了624,000名非正式雇员。[44]

大多数非正式雇员在家工作。东德派驻“非社会主义经济国家德语Nichtsozialistisches Wirtschaftsgebiet”的和平队中也有史塔西的非正式雇员。史塔西在境外的非正式雇员情报网信息是独立的,据估计在西德有史塔西的3000名非正式雇员,其他西方国家300-400个。[44]Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk则认为西德非正式雇员有2000名。[44]




Although Mielke's Stasi was superficially granted independence in 1957, until 1990 the 克格勃 continued to maintain liaison officers in all eight main Stasi directorates, each with his own office inside the Stasi's Berlin compound, and in each of the fifteen Stasi district headquarters around East Germany.[47] Collaboration was so close that the KGB invited the Stasi to establish operational bases in Moscow and Leningrad to monitor visiting East German tourists and Mielke referred to the Stasi officers as "Chekists of the Soviet Union".[47] In 1978, Mielke formally granted KGB officers in East Germany the same rights and powers they enjoyed in the Soviet Union.[47]






With the 两德统一 on 3 October 1990, a new government agency was founded called the Office of the Federal Commissioner Preserving the Records of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR (BStU).[49] There was a debate about what should happen to the files, whether they should be opened to the people or kept closed.

Those who opposed opening the files cited privacy as a reason. They felt that the information in the files would lead to negative feelings about former Stasi members, and, in turn, cause violence. Pastor Rainer Eppelmann, who became Minister of Defense and Disarmament after March 1990, felt that new political freedoms for former Stasi members would be jeopardized by acts of revenge. Prime Minister 洛塔尔·德迈齐尔 even went so far as to predict murder. They also argued against the use of the files to capture former Stasi members and prosecute them, arguing that not all former members were criminals and should not be punished solely for being a member. There were also some who believed that everyone was guilty of something. Peter Michael Diestel, the Minister of Interior, opined that these files could not be used to determine innocence and guilt, claiming that "there were only two types of individuals who were truly innocent in this system, the newborn and the alcoholic". Other opinions, such as the one of West German Interior Minister 沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒, believed in putting the Stasi behind them and working on 两德统一.

Others argued that everyone should have the right to see their own file, and that the files should be opened to investigate former Stasi members and prosecute them, as well as not allow them to hold office. Opening the files would also help clear up some of the rumors that were floating around. Some also believed that politicians involved with the Stasi should be investigated.

The fate of the files was finally decided under the Unification Treaty between the GDR and Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). This treaty took the Volkskammer law further and allowed more access and use of the files. Along with the decision to keep the files in a central location in the East, they also decided who could see and use the files, allowing people to see their own files.

In 1992, following a declassification ruling by the German government, the Stasi files were opened, leading people to look for their files. 提莫西·艾什, an English historian, after reading his file, wrote The File: A Personal History while completing his dissertation research in East Berlin.[50]

Between 1991 and 2011, around 2.75 million individuals, mostly GDR citizens, requested to see their own files.[51] The ruling also gave people the ability to make duplicates of their documents. Another big issue was how the media could use and benefit from the documents. It was decided that the media could obtain files as long as they were depersonalized and not regarding an individual under the age of 18 or a former Stasi member. This ruling not only gave the media access to the files, but also gave schools access.

Tracking down former Stasi informers with the files

Even though groups of this sort were active in the community, those who were tracking down ex-members were, as well. Many of these hunters succeeded in catching ex-Stasi; however, charges could not be made for merely being a member. The person in question would have had to participate in an illegal act, not just be a registered Stasi member. Among the high-profile individuals who were arrested and tried were 埃里希·梅尔克, Third Minister of State Security of the GDR, and Erich Honecker, head of state for the GDR. Mielke was sentenced to six years prison for the murder of two policemen in 1931. Honecker was charged with authorizing the killing of would-be escapees on the East-West frontier and the 柏林墙. During his trial, he went through cancer treatment. Because he was nearing death, Honecker was allowed to spend his final time in Chile. He died in May 1994.


Document shredding is described in Stasiland. Some of it is very easy due to the number of archives and the failure of shredding machines (in some cases "shredding" meant tearing paper in two by hand and documents could be recovered easily). In 1995, the BStUTemplate:Huh began reassembling the shredded documents; 13 years later the three dozen archivists commissioned to the projects had only reassembled 327 bags; they are now using computer-assisted data recovery to reassemble the remaining 16,000 bags – estimated at 45 million pages. It is estimated that this task may be completed at a cost of 30 million dollars.[52]

The 中央情报局 acquired some Stasi records during the looting of the Stasi archives. The Federal Republic of Germany has asked for their return and received some in April 2000.[53] See also Rosenholz files.


Statue of workers and Police officer in front of the Stasi archives, Mitte district, Berlin.

The Anti-Stalinist Action Normannenstraße (ASTAK), an association founded by former GDR Citizens' Committees, has transformed the former headquarters of the Stasi into a museum. It is divided into three floors:

  • Ground floor

The ground floor has been kept as it used to be. The decor is original, with many statues and flags.

  • Between the ground and first (upper) floor:
    • Surveillance technology and Stasi symbols: Some of the tools that the Stasi used to track down their opponents. During an interview the seats were covered with a cotton cloth to collect the perspiration of the victim. The cloth was placed in a glass jar, which was annotated with the victim's name, and archived. Other common ways that the scents would be collected is through breaking into a home and taking parts of garments. The most common garment taken was underpants, because of how close the garment is to the skin. The Stasi would then use trained dogs to track down the person using this scent. Other tools shown here include a tie-camera, cigarette box camera, and an AK-47突击步枪 hidden in luggage.
    • Display gallery of Directorate VII. This part of the museum tells the history of the Stasi, from the beginning of the GDR to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • First (upper) floor
    • Mielke's offices. The decor is 1960s furniture. There is a reception room with a TV set in the cafeteria.
    • Office of Colonel Heinz Volpert
    • Lounge for drivers and bodyguards
    • Office of Major-General Hans Carlsohn, director of the secretariat
    • Secretariat
    • The Cafeteria
    • Kitchen
    • The Minister’s Workroom
    • The Conference Room with a giant map of Germany on a wall—one of the most impressive rooms.
    • The cloakroom
  • Second (upper) floor
    • Repression—Rebellion—Self-Liberation from 1945 to 1989

Photo gallery:


Former Stasi officers continue to be politically active via the Gesellschaft zur Rechtlichen und Humanitären Unterstützung e. V. (Society for Legal and Humanitarian Support) (GRH). Former high-ranking officers and employees of the Stasi, including the last Stasi director, Wolfgang Schwanitz, make up the majority of the organization's members, and it receives support from the German Communist Party, among others.

Impetus for the establishment of the GRH was provided by the criminal charges filed against the Stasi in the early 1990s. The GRH, decrying the charges as "victor's justice", called for them to be dropped. Today the group provides an alternative if somewhat utopian voice in the public debate on the GDR legacy. It calls for the closure of the museum in Hohenschönhausen and can be a vocal presence at memorial services and public events. In March 2006 in Berlin, GRH members disrupted a museum event; a political scandal ensued when the Berlin Senator (Minister) of Culture refused to confront them.[54]

Behind the scenes, the GRH also lobbies people and institutions promoting opposing viewpoints. For example, in March 2006, the Berlin Senator for Education received a letter from a GRH member and former Stasi officer attacking the Museum for promoting "falsehoods, anticommunist agitation and psychological terror against minors".[55] Similar letters have also been received by schools organizing field trips to the museum.[56]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 [1]
  2. ^ Chambers, Madeline,No remorse from Stasi as Berlin marks fall of Wall, 路透社, 4 Nov 2009.
  3. ^ Angela Merkel 'turned down' job from Stasi, 每日电讯报, 14 November 2012.
  4. ^ Connolly, Kate,'Puzzlers' reassemble shredded Stasi files, bit by bit, 洛杉矶时报, 1 November 2009.
  5. ^ Calio, Jim, The Stasi Prison Ghosts, 赫芬顿邮报, 18 November 2009.
  6. ^ Rosenberg, Steve, Computers to solve Stasi puzzle, 英国广播公司, 25 May 2007.
  7. ^ New Study Finds More Stasi Spooks, 明镜, 11 March 2008.
  8. ^ Katrin Schoelkopf, Stefan Schulz: Erinnerung an den Terror der Stasi. In: Die Welt vom 5. Dezember 2005.
  9. ^ Susanne Leinemann: Stasi-Terror werktags von 9 bis 18 Uhr. In: Die Welt vom 8. November 1999.
  10. ^ Falco Werkentin: Politische Strafjustiz in der Ära Ulbricht. Ch. Links, Berlin, 1997, ISBN 3-86153-069-4, S. 22.
  11. ^ Glees, Anthony. Reinventing Germany: German political development since 1945. Berg. 1 August 1996: 213 [14 January 2012]. ISBN 978-1-85973-185-7. 
  12. ^ [2] pp. 53–85
  13. ^ Fulbrook 2005,第242页
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Fulbrook 2005,第228页
  15. ^ The Schlaff Saga / Laundered funds & 'business' ties to the Stasi. Haaretz. 7 September 2010. 
  16. ^ A tale of gazoviki, money and greed. Stern magazine, 13 September 2007
  17. ^ The Stasi Headquarters
  18. ^ http://www.wired.com/politics/security/magazine/16-02/ff_stasi
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Koehler 2000,第9页
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 KGB: state within a state. Yevgenia Albats. p. 23
  21. ^ Stasi: shield and sword of the party. John C. Schmeidel. p. 26
  22. ^ http://www.napawash.org/pc_management_studies/dhs.html
  23. ^ Fulbrook 2005,第241页
  24. ^ Fulbrook 2005,第242–243页
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Sebetsyen, Victor. Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire. New York City: Pantheon Books. 2009. ISBN 0-375-42532-2. 
  26. ^ Koehler 2000,第142页
  27. ^ Fulbrook 2005,第240页
  28. ^ Koehler 2000,第76页
  29. ^ Gieseke 2001, p. 54
  30. ^ Computers to solve stasi puzzle-英国广播公司, Friday 25 May 2007.
  31. ^ The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/k/koehler-stasi.html.  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  32. ^ Harding, Luke. Mafia State. London: Guardian Books. 2011: 282–8. ISBN (HB) 978-0852-65247-3 请检查|isbn=值 (帮助). 
  33. ^ Translated from paragraph 6 of the German article "Einmal in der Stalinallee", Der Spiegel 29/1991. P. 32. Online version (or [3]) viewed on May 29, 2013.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Vgl. Siegfried Suckut: Linienprinzip. In: Roger Engelmann, Bernd Florath, Walter Süß u. a.: Das MfS-Lexikon – Begriffe, Personen und Strukturen der Staatssicherheit der DDR, Berlin 2011, S. 203.
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Auerbach, Thomas: Einsatzkommandos an der unsichtbaren Front. Hg. BStU. Berlin 1999
  36. ^ Reinhard Buthmann: Die Arbeitsgruppe Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung. Berlin 2004)
  37. ^ East Germany - Agencies of the Ministry of State Security. Country-data.com. [2012-11-07]. 
  38. ^ Befehl Nr. 39/67 des Ministers für Staatssicherheit vom 23. Dezember 1967. Vgl. Henry Leide: NS-Verbrecher und Staatssicherheit: Die geheime Vergangenheitspolitik der DDR. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2005, ISBN 3-525-35018-X, S. 17.
  39. ^ SPIEGEL-Serie über Machtfülle und Untersuchungspraxis der DDR-Staatssicherheit (III)
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 40.2 Koehler 2000,第8–9页
  41. ^ Gieseke 2001, pp. 86–87
  42. ^ Müller-Enbergs 1993, p. 55
  43. ^ Gieseke 2001, p. 58
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Vgl. Helmut Müller-Enbergs: Die inoffiziellen Mitarbeiter. In: BStU: Anatomie der Staatssicherheit – Geschichte, Struktur, Methoden, Berlin 2008, S. 35–38, [4].
  45. ^ Vgl. Helmut Müller-Enbergs: IM-Statistik 1985–1989. In: BF informiert 3/93, BStU, Berlin 1993, S. 55.
  46. ^ Kleine Anfrage von Abgeordnete der Fraktion DIE LINKE an den Deutschen Bundestag (PDF; 63 kB)
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Koehler 2000,第74页
  48. ^ Siehe Internetauftritt der Runden Ecke Leipzig:http://www.runde-ecke-leipzig.de/sammlung/index.php?inv=12214/2
  49. ^ Functions of the BStU, from the English version of the official BStU website
  50. ^ The File, Information about "The File"
  51. ^ The Guardian, "Germans piece together millions of lives spied on by Stasi", 13 March 2011
  52. ^ Wired: "Intel Inside"
  53. ^ 英国广播公司: "MfS files return to Germany."
  54. ^ Stasi Offiziere Leugnen den Terror. Berliner Morgenpost 16 March 2006. [5]
  55. ^ Backmann, Christa. Stasi-Anhänger schreiben an Bildungssenator Böger. Berliner Morgenpost 25 March 2006. [6]
  56. ^ Schomaker, Gilbert. Ehemalige Stasi-Kader schreiben Schulen an. Die Welt, 26 March 2006. [7]
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 I regret nothing, says Stasi spy. BBC. 20 September 1999. 
  58. ^ Spying Who's Who. BBC. 22 September 1999. 
  59. ^ H-Soz-u-Kult / Mielke, Macht und Meisterschaft
  60. ^ Court Decision Paves Olympics Way for Stasi-linked Coach
  61. ^ Respected lecturer's double life. BBC. 20 September 1999. 
  62. ^ The Stasi spy (cont). London: Guardian. 14 June 2003. 
  63. ^ Reyburn, Scott. Former Stasi Agent Bernd Runge Gets Phillips Top Job (Update1). Bloomberg. 26 January 2009. 
  64. ^ [8][失效链接]
  65. ^ Palmer, Carolyn. E.German Stasi informant wins battle to conceal past. Reuters. 25 March 2008. 



  • Serge Schmemann, "Angry Crowds of East Germans Ransack Offices of Spy Service", The New York Times, 16 January 1990.
  • Serge Schmemann, "East Berlin Faults Opposition on Raid", The New York Times, 17 January 1990.
  • Glenn Frankel, "East Germany Haunted by Stasi Legacy; Secret Police Files Stir Allegations", The Washington Post, 31 March 1990.
  • John Gray, "Secret Police Gone but not Forgotten East Germans Agonize over Where all the Informers and Massive Files are", The Globe and Mail, 8 September 1990.
  • The Economist’s Berlin Reporter "East Germany’s Stasi; Where have all the Files Gone", The Economist, 22 September 1990.
  • Stephen Kinzer, "Germans anguish Over Police files", The New York Times, 12 February 1992.
  • Derek Scally, "Kohl Wins Court Battle on Stasi Files", The Irish Times, 9 March 2002.
  • Garton Ash, Timothy. The File, New York: Random House, 1997.
  • David Childs (David H. Childs) and Richard Popplewell. The Stasi: East German Intelligence and Security Service, Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1996.
  • Childs, David. The Fall of the GDR, Essex, England: Pearson Learning Limited, 2001.
  • Koehler, John. Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1999.
  • Dennis, Mike. The Stasi: Myth and Reality, London, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2003.
  • Colitt, Leslie. Spymaster, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison–Wesley Publishing Company, 1995.



