

阿布·貝克爾·穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜勒-馬利克·本·穆罕默德·伊本·圖費勒·卡伊西·安達盧西أبو بكر محمد بن عبد الملك بن محمد بن طفيل القيسي الأندلسيAbu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Tufail al-Qaisi al-Andalusi;約1105年—1185年),常簡稱為伊本·圖費勒(阿拉伯語:ابن طفيلIbn Tufail;又譯伊本·圖斐利),12世紀阿拉伯穆斯林博學家[1]。歐洲人稱之為阿布巴塞爾拉丁語Abubacer)。出生於安達盧斯,涉獵文學哲學神學醫學天文學,同時也是北非穆瓦希德王朝的宮廷大臣。

專業領域伊斯蘭哲學英語Early Islamic philosophy文學, 伊斯蘭教義學伊斯蘭醫學
著名思想著成首部哲學小說英語philosophical novel,首部有無人島野孩子和成長情節的長篇小說,發明自主學習白板概念





伊本·圖費勒的著作影響了後世諸多伊斯蘭學者,包括努爾丁·比特魯吉英語Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji、阿布·阿卜杜拉·穆罕默德·阿巴爾、阿卜杜勒·瓦希德·馬拉庫希英語Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi艾哈邁德·穆罕默德·馬加里英語Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari伊本·哈蒂卜英語Ibn al-Khatib[9]


伊本·圖費勒的哲學小說著作《哈義·本·葉格贊的故事》(拉丁文名為《自修的哲學家》,Philosophus Autodidactus)頗為著名,講述了一個無人島上的野孩子瞪羚撫養下成長並自主學習的故事。他在沒有接觸其他人類的情況下,藉由理智問答從而系統性地發現了人間真理。他接觸到一個逃難者,從而了解了哲學和宗教,得出結論:宗教的外化掩飾,如偶像崇拜、物質依賴等,是普羅大眾必需的,這是為了讓他們有著體面的生活。但偶像和物質是阻礙求真的混淆品,發覺了這一點的人就應該拋棄它們[10]。小說的主人公名為哈義·本·葉格贊(Hayy ibn Yaqdhan),名哈義意為活著,父名葉格贊意為醒來。這些名字都來自伊本·西那的著作[10]

伊本·圖費勒寫作此小說也是為了呼應安薩里的著作《哲學家的矛盾英語The Incoherence of the Philosophers》。伊本·納菲斯英語Ibn al-Nafis在13世紀著成小說《自修的神學家英語Theologus Autodidactus》呼應此作。《自修的哲學家》是阿拉伯文學歷史上的名著,在歐洲文學也有著非比尋常的影響力[11],在17世紀和18世紀成為西歐暢銷書[12][13]。此作顯著地影響了伊斯蘭哲學和近代西方哲學的發展[14],被視為激發科學革命啟蒙時代的先驅之作,其中的思想在托馬斯·霍布斯約翰·洛克艾薩克·牛頓伊曼努爾·康德的著作中都有體現[15]




  1. ^ Avempace頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Encyclopædia Britannica, 2007.
  2. ^ Jon Mcginnis, Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources, p. 284, Hackett Publishing Company英語Hackett Publishing Company, ISBN 0-87220-871-0.
  3. ^ Carra de Vaux, B., 「Ibn Ṭufayl」, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs. Consulted online on 16 April 2020 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1573-3912_islam_SIM_3394>
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1   Chisholm, Hugh (編). Ibn Ṭufail. Encyclopædia Britannica 14 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 223. 1911. 
  5. ^ Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Tufayl. Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004, 8: 96 –透過Gale eBooks. 
  6. ^ Avner Ben-Zaken, "Taming the Mystic", in Reading Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan: A Cross-Cultural History of Autodidacticism (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011). ISBN 978-0801897399.
  7. ^ Ibn Tufayl, Abü Bakr Muhammad. Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 2008, 13: 488–489 –透過Encyclopedia.com. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Božović, Mihajlo. The Process of Civilization in Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. Kom (Beograd). 2017, 2: 77–90 –透過ResearchGate. 
  9. ^ Matar, Nabil. Ibn Tufayl (ca. 1105–85). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought. 2013: 241–242 –透過Gale eBooks. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Corbin, Henry. Ibn Ṭufayl (d. 580 AH/1185 CE). Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2006, 4: 550–551 –透過Gale eBooks. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Martin Wainwright, Desert island scripts頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The Guardian, 22 March 2003.
  12. ^ Avner Ben-Zaken, Reading Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan: A Cross-Cultural History of Autodidacticism (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011). ISBN 978-0801897399.
  13. ^ G. A. Russell (1994), The 'Arabick' Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 228, Brill Publishers英語Brill Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-09888-6.
  14. ^ G. J. Toomer英語G. J. Toomer (1996), Eastern Wisedome and Learning: The Study of Arabic in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 218, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-820291-1.
  15. ^ Samar Attar英語Samar Attar, The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought, Lexington Books, ISBN 0-7391-1989-3.
  16. ^ Nawal Muhammad Hassan (1980), Hayy bin Yaqzan and Robinson Crusoe: A study of an early Arabic impact on English literature, Al-Rashid House for Publication.
  17. ^ Cyril Glasse (2001), New Encyclopedia of Islam英語Encyclopedia of Islam, p. 202, Rowman Altamira, ISBN 0-7591-0190-6.
  18. ^ Amber Haque (2004), "Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists", Journal of Religion and Health 43 (4): 357–377 [369].
  19. ^ G. A. Russell (1994), The 'Arabick' Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England, pp. 224–239, Brill Publishers英語Brill Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-09888-6.
  20. ^ Dominique Urvoy, "The Rationality of Everyday Life: The Andalusian Tradition? (Aropos of Hayy's First Experiences)", in Lawrence I. Conrad (1996), The World of Ibn Tufayl: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān, pp. 38–46, Brill Publishers英語Brill Publishers, ISBN 90-04-09300-1.
  21. ^ Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufayl英語Ibn Tufayl and Léon Gauthier (1981), Risalat Hayy ibn Yaqzan, p. 5, Editions de la Méditerranée:[1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館

    "If you want a comparison that will make you clearly grasp the difference between the perception, such as it is understood by that sect [the Sufis] and the perception as others understand it, imagine a person born blind, endowed however with a happy natural temperament, with a lively and firm intelligence, a sure memory, a straight sprite, who grew up from the time he was an infant in a city where he never stopped learning, by means of the senses he did dispose of, to know the inhabitants individually, the numerous species of beings, living as well as non-living, there, the streets and sidestreets, the houses, the steps, in such a manner as to be able to cross the city without a guide, and to recognize immediately those he met; the colors alone would not be known to him except by the names they bore, and by certain definitions that designated them. Suppose that he had arrived at this point and suddenly, his eyes were opened, he recovered his view, and he crosses the entire city, making a tour of it. He would find no object different from the idea he had made of it; he would encounter nothing he didn’t recognize, he would find the colors conformable to the descriptions of them that had been given to him; and in this there would only be two new important things for him, one the consequence of the other: a clarity, a greater brightness, and a great voluptuousness."

  22. ^ Diana Lobel (2006), A Sufi-Jewish Dialogue: Philosophy and Mysticism in Baḥya Ibn Paqūda's Duties of the Heart, p. 24, University of Pennsylvania Press, ISBN 0-8122-3953-9.
  23. ^ G. A. Russell (1994), The 'Arabick' Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 227, Brill Publishers英語Brill Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-09888-6.
  24. ^ G. A. Russell (1994), The 'Arabick' Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 247, Brill Publishers英語Brill Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-09888-6.
  25. ^ Tor Eigeland, The Ripening Years 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-03-01., Saudi Aramco World英語Saudi Aramco World, September–October 1976.


  • P. Brönnle, The Awakening of the Soul (London, 1905)
  • Samar Attar, The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought (Lanham, 2010)
  • Ben-Zaken, Avner, "Taming the Mystic", in Reading Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan: A Cross-Cultural History of Autodidacticism (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011). ISBN 978-0801897399.
  • Mahmud Baroud, The Shipwrecked Sailor in Arabic and Western Literature: Ibn Tufayl and His Influence on European (London, 2012)
