藍卡(英語:blue discharge, blue ticket)是美國舊軍制中一種無關榮譽與否的行政退伍令。它自1916年實施,後演變為軍方剷除同性戀軍人的手段。發放對象也有很大比例為非裔美國人。
- Bennett, Michael J. When Dreams Come True: The GI Bill and the Making of Modern America. Brassey's. 1999. ISBN 157488218X (英語).
- Bérubé, Allan. Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two Plume edition 1991. New York: The Penguin Group. 1990. ISBN 0452265983 (英語).
- Jones, Major Bradley K. (January 1973). "The Gravity of Administrative Discharges: A Legal and Empirical Evaluation" The Military Law Review 59:1–26.(英文)
- McGuire, Phillip (ed.) (編). Taps for a Jim Crow Army: Letters from Black Soldiers in World War II. University Press of Kentucky. 1993. ISBN 0813108225 (英語).
- Mettler, Suzanne. Soldiers to Citizens: The G.I. Bill and the Making of the Greatest Generation. Oxford University Press US. 2005. ISBN 0195180976 (英語).
- Miller, Neil. Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present. New York: Vintage Books. 1995. ISBN 0099576910 (英語).
- Meyer, Leisa D. Creating G. I. Jane: Sexuality and Power in the Women's Army Corps During World War II. Columbia University Press. 1998. ISBN 0231101457 (英語).
- Shilts, Randy. Conduct Unbecoming: Gays & Lesbians in the U.S. Military Vietnam to the Persian Gulf. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1993. ISBN 031209261X (英語).
- ^ Miller (1995), p. 239.