
黑素皮質素(英語:melanocortin),也稱促黑激素促黑色素細胞激素黑細胞促素等,是一類肽類激素,其中包含促腎上腺皮質激素(ACTH)和各類黑色素細胞刺激素(MSH)。[1]這類激素由前腦啡黑細胞促素皮促素(POMC)在腦下垂體產生[2],通過結合併激活黑素皮質素受體(MCR)產生作用。[1]黑素皮質素受體(MCR)共有5種,且均為G蛋白偶聯受體:在大腦中僅表達MC3R與MC4R兩種受體,二者配體為α-MSH,而刺鼠肽基因相關蛋白英語Agouti-related peptide(AgRP)是其內源性拮抗劑。[3]

γ-MSH ACTH β-促脂解素
  α-MSH CLIP γ-促脂解素 β-內啡肽


黑素皮質素系統在哺乳動物體內與瘦蛋白等競爭,共同調節了攝食活動。[4]目前已知的釋放黑素皮質素的神經僅有弓狀核,位於下視丘。弓狀核其中有POMC神經細胞和AgRP神經細胞等神經元[5]。當POMC神經釋放α-MSH,食慾減退;而當AgRP神經細胞釋放AgRP英語Agouti-related peptide,食慾則增強。




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Gantz I, Fong TM. The melanocortin system. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. March 2003, 284 (3): E468–74 [2019-03-28]. PMID 12556347. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00434.2002. (原始內容存檔於2009-02-26). 
  2. ^ Raffin-Sanson ML, de Keyzer Y, Bertagna X. Proopiomelanocortin, a polypeptide precursor with multiple functions: from physiology to pathological conditions. European Journal of Endocrinology. August 2003, 149 (2): 79–90. PMID 12887283. doi:10.1530/eje.0.1490079. 
  3. ^ Yoon YR, Baik JH. Melanocortin 4 Receptor and Dopamine D2 Receptor Expression in Brain Areas Involved in Food Intake. Endocrinology and Metabolism. December 2015, 30 (4): 576–83. PMC 4722414 . PMID 26790386. doi:10.3803/enm.2015.30.4.576 (英語). 
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  6. ^ Nunziata A, Borck G, Funcke JB, Kohlsdorf K, Brandt S, Hinney A, Moepps B, Gierschik P, Debatin KM, Fischer-Posovszky P, Wabitsch M. Estimated prevalence of potentially damaging variants in the leptin gene. Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics. November 2017, 4 (1): 10. PMC 5670095 . PMID 29101506. doi:10.1186/s40348-017-0074-x. 
