
由瑞丽江的河水在話題青龍廠鎮 missing in template上作出的最新留言:6 年前
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青龍廠鎮 missing in template

青龍廠鎮 is missing in the template - is the status still 鎮 ? --User:Katpatuka (留言) 2016年6月2日 (日) 05:19 (UTC)回覆

(:)回應@KatpatukaQinglongchang District (青龍廠區) had revoked in 1988, and set up to be Qinglongchang Town (青龍廠鎮). This district is different as modern District, it's just like a township. And... you forgot sign   囧rz……--河水和誰在喝水 · 壯哉大西南 2018年1月21日 (日) 00:34 (UTC)回覆

@瑞丽江的河水Sorry, yeah, signature added manually now... ;) so it has no 代碼 like 530428102000 anymore? --Katpatuka留言2018年1月21日 (日) 08:04 (UTC)回覆
@KatpatukaI find some new information, Qinglongchang Town had revoked and set up to be Ganzhuang Subdistrict (甘莊街道) in 2011. I'll combine the page. Thank you to notice me.--河水和誰在喝水 · 壯哉大西南 2018年1月21日 (日) 12:48 (UTC)回覆
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