模板:Split article

文件圖示 模板文件[檢視] [編輯] [歷史] [清除快取]

When copying material from one Wikipedia article to another, you can put this template on the talk page of the first article (the article the material is copied from), to indicate that its page history contains the GFDL attribution to Wikipedian contributors of the material that lies elsewhere.

Notes also need to be put in edit summaries of both articles; see 維基百科:拆分條目.


{{split article
 | page = 拆分至的頁面名稱
 | diff = 修訂間的差異的網址
 | date = 拆分的時間


diff參數是選填的,但是使用此參數可讓其他人更容易去追蹤此拆分。Where the page was created with the split material as the first edit, the diff parameter cannot be accessed in the normal radio button, comparison mode in the page history. Instead, navigate to the permanent link for the first edit, and change the URL of that page to replace "oldid" with "diff". 例如。URL以oldid=271444811結尾,其差異連結只是改成以diff=271444811結尾。



{{ split article
 | page  = 
 | diff  = 
 | date  = 
 | page2 = 
 | diff2 = 
 | date2 = 
 | page3 = 
 | diff3 = 
 | date3 = 


