模板:UN document/doc


該模板用於在維基百科條目中引用聯合國文件。可以使用短名{{UN doc}}

{{UN doc |docid= |body= |session= |type= |resolution_number= |document_number= |title= |page= |pages= |date= |year= |meeting= |meetingtime= |speakername= |speakernation= |language= |accessdate=|quote=}}
{{UN doc |docid= |body= |session= |type= |resolution_number= |title= |date= |accessdate=}}


<ref>{{UN doc |docid=A-RES-58-217 |body=A |session=58 |type=R |resolution_number=217 |title=International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 |page=2 |accessdate=13 November 2007 |date=23 December 2003}}</ref>

This is a generic representation of the document containing its official symbol, and several parameters, such as body, session number, type, resolution number, title, and a page number. The <ref> and </ref> tags cause it to appear as a footnote.

In the References section, this appears as:

聯合國大會 第58屆會議 Resolution 217. International Decade for Action, 「Water for Life」, 2005-2015 A/RES/58/217 page 2. 23 December 2003. [13 November 2007].

Note that the page number is not part of the link; it is not possible to link directly to a specific page or section of a document hosted at the United Nations.



Some of these values are mutually redundant, but alternatives are necessary.

參數名 描述/使用方法
docid 文號 (比如 A/58/PV.12)。該參數格式必須和聯合國網站上保持一致。
body Source of the document at the U.N.

Shortcuts: A= 聯合國大會(General Assembly); S=聯合國安全理事會(Security Council); T=聯合國秘書處(Secretariat); E=聯合國經濟及社會理事會(Economic and Social Council); H=聯合國人權理事會(Human Rights Campaign)。

type Shortcuts: A=Agenda item; D=Document; M=Meeting; R=Resolution; S=Summary Report; V=Verbatim Report.
Entries are not limited to these options.
session 會議屆次(比如58)
resolution_number 決議編號,如果type=「決議」(Resolution)
document_number 如果參數type是議程(Agenda item)或其他值
title 章節標題或文件標題
page 頁碼
pages 頁碼範圍,不是文件的總頁數
date 出版日期(文件上標明的日期)
year 僅在日期不可用時填寫
meeting 會議編號(比如 12)(如果type=Verbatim Report or Meeting)
meetingtime 會議時間
speakername name of the speaker who gave the speech.
speakernation nation of the speaker who gave the speech.
language language of the speaker; all documents on the website are in English.
accessdate 訪問文件的日期