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Red Dead Redemption
開發商Rockstar San Diego[a]
發行商Rockstar Games
  • Steve Martin
  • Josh Needleman
  • David Kunkler
  • John Ricchio
程式Ted Carson
  • Joshua Bass
  • Daren Bader
  • George Davis
  • Nick Trifunovic
  • Bill Elm
  • Woody Jackson
系列Red Dead
模式Single-player, multiplayer
  • 北美:2010年5月18日
  • PAL:2010年5月21日

遊戲設定在一個第三人稱視角的開放世界中,玩家可以在遊戲所設定的世界中和NPC進行互動。玩家可以騎馬或者步行來環遊整個架空意義下的美國西部墨西哥世界。遊戲中的槍戰有著類似子彈時間的設定,玩家可以在敵人放慢動作的一段時間內在敵人身上標記多個射擊目標。遊戲中有道德值系統,玩家的行為會不僅會影響到玩家的名譽,而且NPC對於玩家的態度也會因之而改變。遊戲設有多人模式,允許最多十六名玩家參與。 Upon its release, Red Dead Redemption was acclaimed by many reviewers, with praise directed at the game's visuals, dynamically-generated music, voice acting, gameplay, and story. The game has shipped over 15 million copies and won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year英語Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications英語Video game journalism. It is widely considered one of the greatest video games of all time英語List of video games considered the best. After the game's release, several downloadable content additions were released; Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare英語Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, later released as a standalone game, added a new single-player experience in which Marston searches for a cure for an infectious zombie plague英語Zombie apocalypse that has swept across the Old West. A Game of the Year Edition containing all additional content was released in October 2011. A prequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, was announced in October 2016, and is scheduled to be released in October 2018.


Red Dead Redemption is a Western英語Western (genre)-themed action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective英語Virtual camera system. The player controls John Marston and completes missions, linear scenarios with set objectives, to progress through the story. Outside of missions, players may freely roam the open world. The player can interact with the environment and engage in combat with enemies, using various firearms. Different breeds of horses are the main forms of transportation, each with different attributes. These horses must be tamed in order to use them. Marston can utilize trains for quick travelling, but he can also stop the train by threatening or killing the passengers or driver. The game's undeveloped land makes up the largest portion of the game world, featuring various rugged and vast landscapes with occasional travelers, bandits, and wildlife. Urban settlements range from isolated farmhouses to crowded towns. Besides the American West, the player can also traverse a fictional Mexican state bordering the United States.[2]

In addition to following the main storyline, the player character will witness and can take part in random events they encounter as they explore the game world. These include public hangings, ambushes, pleas for assistance, encounters with strangers, ride-by shootings, and dangerous animal attacks. For example, if a group of people ride into town firing guns in the air, Marston can kill them, and will receive a bonus of honor and fame for protecting the town. The player character can also take part in optional side activities, most of which give the player money. These side activities include dueling, in which the player character must be a faster draw英語Fast Draw than their opponent; bounty hunting, where Marston can hunt down bounties on wanted posters; herb collecting, which involves gathering exotic plants from around the game map for town medics; gambling, where people can be found playing games such as poker and Five Finger Fillet英語Knife game;[3][4] and hunting, in which the player can kill wild animals and skin their hides.[4]

Red Dead Redemption makes use of a morality system where players have the ability to gain positive or negative honor.[2] Honor can be gained by making morally positive choices, such as taking in an outlaw alive or saving a woman from a kidnapping. The player character's overall honor standard is lowered for committing crimes or other negative choices. This works in conjunction with another system, fame, which affects how people react based on Marston's honor status. If Marston has little honor, non-player characters will feel insecure around him. If he has a high amount of honor, other characters will usually greet him and feel safe around him. He will also receive discounts in some stores, more pay for jobs and other bonuses.[2][5] A very low honor rating can result in a town's establishments closing their doors when Marston arrives. To combat this he can disguise himself by wearing a bandana英語bandana when performing criminal acts; alternatively, a very negative or criminal reputation warrants the player a large amount of respect and steep discounts from bandits and fencers at criminal hideouts, such as Thieves' Landing.[2]


Red Dead Redemption features a cover system英語cover system that lets the player character hide behind objects and reach out to fire on people and animals.

Gunfights are a major gameplay mechanic in Red Dead Redemption. The player can take cover, target a specific person or animal, blindfire英語blindfire, and free aim. Individual body parts can also be targeted, in order to take targets down non-lethally. When the player shoots an enemy, the game engine uniquely creates the AI英語Artificial intelligence (video games) reactions and movements depending on where they were hit. The player character can choose from period-accurate weapons including revolvers, pistols, lever or bolt-action rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, knives, explosives, lassos, mounted Gatling guns, and cannons.[6] Duels utilize a gunslinger英語gunslinger gameplay mechanic known as Dead Eye. Dead Eye is a targeting system that is used in a bullet time-like manner, allowing the player to slow down time to place a precise shot or paint in multiple shots. When the targeting sequence ends, Marston automatically fires to all marked locations in extremely quick succession.[2]

Adopted from the Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption has a modified wanted system. When the player commits a crime such as killing people near witnesses, some will run to the nearest police station. The player can bribe them or kill them before they reach the station. If a crime is committed near a police officer, the wanted meter immediately appears along with a bounty count which increases with each crime committed. If Marston's bounty becomes high enough he will be pursued by either the U.S. Marshals or by the Mexican Army depending on his locations. To evade law enforcement in pursuit, John Marston must escape a circular zone until the wanted meter disappears. Alternatively, the player character can kill all lawmen in a town to have the wanted meter disappear.[2] Despite the chase being aborted, a bounty is placed upon John which will cause bounty hunters to come after him in the wilderness. It is impossible to surrender to these bounty hunters by putting away Marston's weapon and standing still as they will kill him regardless. Only law enforcement in towns and a posse英語Posse comitatus (common law) will accept surrenders. The law will continue to chase Marston unless he pays his bounty at a telegraph station or presents a pardon letter. When arrested, Marston pays off his bounty and is then released. If the player does not have enough money to pay back the bounty, the law will assign bounty hunting activities.[2]


Red Dead Redemption includes online multiplayer with a maximum of 16 players per session. Every multiplayer game, both free-for-all and team based, will begin with a Mexican standoff英語Mexican standoff. Survivors of the standoff will be able to move to any part of the battlefield in preparation for respawning enemies. Crates in the environment contain extra weapons, ammo, and other powerup英語powerups. Players can level up and complete weapon challenges which earn them rewards such as new character models, golden weapon skins, new titles, and new breeds of animal mounts.[7] Additional multiplayer modes were added via downloadable content (DLC). Stronghold is an attack or defend scenario, with teams switching roles as the round ends. It is included in the Liars and Cheats pack.[8] The Undead Nightmare英語Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare pack included two new games modes: Undead overrun mode, and Land Grab. It also included eight new zombie characters.[9]

The free-for-all and team versions of Shootout mode both follow a traditional deathmatch scenario where players or teams must accumulate the most kills. Many capture the flag variants are also available. Hold Your Own is a traditional mode where each team has to defend their bag of gold from the enemy team whilst capturing the other. Grab The Bag has both teams attacking one bag placed in a section of the map. Gold Rush is a free-for-all variant, trying to grab and keep as many bags as possible. The multiplayer portion Red Dead Redemption also features open world gameplay.[2] All players in the server can form or join a group of other players, known as a posse, of up to eight players and take part in activities such as hunting or attacking computer-controlled gang hideouts or another player's posse.[10] In some game modes, players are unable to kill other players.[11][b]



Red Dead Redemption spans two fictitious United States counties and a fictitious Mexican state: New Austin, West Elizabeth, and Nuevo Paraiso. New Austin and West Elizabeth are adjacent to each other and share a southern border with Mexico. Nuevo Paraiso is a Mexican state, separated from U.S. territory by the San Luis river. The game takes place primarily in the year 1911, featuring the final decade of the American Frontier and the cowboy and outlaw archetypes that shaped it. The landscape of the Wild West is beginning to fade and modern technologies like automobiles, machine guns, and oil drilling projects are beginning to appear.


The game begins in 1911, where former outlaw John Marston (Rob Wiethoff英語Rob Wiethoff) is taken from his family by the Bureau of Investigation, and will only be granted amnesty when he brings the remaining members of his old gang to justice. Marston sets off to track down Bill Williamson (Steve J. Palmer), who now runs his own gang. Marston confronts Williamson at his stronghold, Fort Mercer, only to be shot and left for dead. Local rancher Bonnie MacFarlane (Kimberly Irion) finds him critically wounded and takes him to her ranch for recovery. Several days later, Marston begins repaying the MacFarlanes for their help in the form of odd-jobs around the ranch. During this time he works with U.S. Marshal Leigh Johnson (Anthony De Longis英語Anthony De Longis) and his deputies, con artist Nigel West Dickens (Don Creech英語Don Creech), treasure hunter and grave robber Seth Briars (Kevin Glikmann), and an unreliable alcoholic arms dealer known only as Irish (K. Harrison Sweeney). Marston performs various tasks and favours in exchange for their help with organizing an attack on Fort Mercer. Marston and his group then breach the fort and defeat Williamson's gang only to find that Williamson had fled to Mexico to seek help from Javier Escuella (Antonio Jaramillo), another member of Marston's former gang.

In Mexico, Marston sides with Mexican Army Colonel Agustín Allende (Gary Carlos Cervantes) and his right-hand man Captain Vincente de Santa (Hector Luis Bustamante英語Hector Luis Bustamante), to help end a rebellion in return for Allende delivering Escuella and Williamson to him. However, Allende betrays Marston, who then sides with the rebels. With the initial help of elderly gunslinger Landon Ricketts (Ross Hagen英語Ross Hagen), Marston, along with rebel leader Abraham Reyes (Josh Segarra) and one of his lovers Luisa (Francesca Galeas), eventually turns the tide in favour of the rebels, killing de Santa and launching an assault on the El Presidio fortress. They find Escuella, who attempts to bargain for his life by revealing that Williamson has been under Allende's protection. Marston is given the option to either kill Escuella or turn him over to the Bureau. Marston and Reyes then take the fight to Allende, where Luisa is killed during the attack. As Allende's palace is stormed by the rebels, both he and Williamson flee, but are apprehended and executed. Reyes then takes charge of the local government and plans to advance on the capital, while Marston leaves to meet with the Bureau in Blackwater.

Agents Edgar Ross (Jim Bentley) and Archer Fordham (David Wilson Barnes) refuse to let Marston return to his family until he assists the Bureau in hunting down Dutch van der Linde (Benjamin Byron Davis英語Benjamin Byron Davis), the leader of Marston's former gang. Marston learns that Dutch has been forming his own gang, and joins Ross, Fordham and a group of U.S. soldiers in an attack on Dutch's hideout. During the assault, Marston chases Dutch up to a cliff, where the latter commits suicide by backing off the cliff and falling to his death. Marston is released from his deal with Ross and returns to his ranch where his wife Abigail (Sophie Marzocchi) and son Jack (Josh Blaylock英語Josh Blaylock) are waiting. Marston devotes his time tending to the ranch, having sworn to keep himself and his family away from the outlaw lifestyle forever. He is then suddenly forced to repel a surprise attack from a combined force of soldiers, lawmen and government agents led by Ross. Marston is able to fend off several waves of attackers and get his family to safety but stays behind to hold back the rest. Despite a valiant last stand, he dies after being shot numerous times by Ross and his men, and is buried by his family on the hill overlooking the ranch.

Three years later, following the death of his mother, Jack tracks down the now-retired Ross, and kills him in a duel. The fates of Marston's companions are later summarized: Marshal Leigh Johnson retired from Armadillo and moved away; Reyes was consumed by power and became a tyrant; Bonnie MacFarlane eventually married; Irish shot himself dead in an outhouse when his gun accidentally discharged; Seth Briars eventually found treasure and became rich; and Landon Ricketts died quietly in his sleep.


Rockstar San Diego began to develop Red Dead Redemption英語Development of Red Dead Redemption in 2005. Development was conducted by a team of more than 800 people, including Rockstar San Diego's core team and staff from parent company Rockstar Games's studios around the world.[12] The game runs on the proprietary Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE), which was improved for the game to improve its draw distance英語draw distance rendering capabilities.[13] The Euphoria英語Euphoria (software) and Bullet software handle additional animation and rendering tasks.[14] Having exhausted the use of previous hardware on previous projects, Rockstar felt inspired after realising the potential power of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[15] Analyst estimations place the game's combined development and marketing budget between US$80 million and US$100 million, which would make it one of the most expensive video games英語List of most expensive video games to develop ever made.[16]

The open world was created to represent iconic features of the American frontier. Key members of the game world product team took research trips to Washington and the Library of Congress in their extensive research on the American frontier.[17] They also captured a multitude of photographs, and analyzed various classic Western英語Western (genre) films.[14] The team considered creating the open world one of the most technically demanding aspect of the game's production, in terms of filling the world with enough content to interest players.[18] The team chose 1911 as the game's setting as they felt that exploring the transformation from "the old West" into a modern world was intriguing.[13] The team viewed Red Dead Redemption as a spiritual successor to Red Dead Revolver,[19] and designed it to improve upon the gameplay mechanics. They sought to maintain the shooting mechanic and expand on other game features, attempting to achieve realism with every feature of the game.[14] In particular, the team faced a challenge in creating realistic movement for the horse, resulting in the engagement of a stunt horse to simulate movement for the designers.[20]

After an audition process, Rob Wiethoff英語Rob Wiethoff was selected to portray John Marston.[21] The cast's performances were mostly recorded using motion capture technology, with additional dialogue and sound effects recorded in a studio.[22] Red Dead Redemption also features an original score英語Red Dead Redemption Original Soundtrack, which was composed by Bill Elm and Woody Jackson, collaborating with each other over fifteen months.[23] Rockstar also consulted musicians who played traditional Western instruments, such as harmonica player Tommy Morgan.[24]

Though a technology demonstration英語technology demonstration was shown in 2005,[25] Red Dead Redemption was first formally announced by Rockstar Games on February 3, 2009.[26] They released its debut trailer on December 1, 2009, introducing the game's protagonist.[27] The game missed its original projected April 2010 release date, pushed back to May 18, 2010 to allow for further polishing.[28] To spur pre-order英語pre-order game sales, Rockstar collaborated with several retail outlets to provide pre-order bonuses. These included exclusive in-game outfits, weapons and horses,[29] as well as the game's official soundtrack.[30]

Additional content

Post-release content was added to Red Dead Redemption as downloadable content (DLC) packs. Outlaws to the End, released on June 22, 2010, added six new cooperative side missions for the game's multiplayer. The Legends and Killers pack was released on August 10, 2010; it added eight multiplayer characters from Red Dead Revolver, nine map locations, and a Tomahawk weapon. The Liars and Cheats pack was released on September 21, 2010; it added competitive multiplayer modes and mini-games, additional characters from the single-player game and the Explosive Rifle weapon.[31] The Hunting and Trading pack was released on October 12, 2010; it added a jackalope to the game's world, and some additional outfits.[32] Undead Nightmare英語Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, released on October 26, 2010, added a new single-player campaign with ghost towns and cemeteries full of zombies; in the game's story, players continue to assume control of Marston as he searches for a cure to the zombie outbreak.[33] The Myths and Mavericks pack, released for free on September 13, 2011, added additional characters from the single-player campaign.[34][35]

A Game of the Year Edition containing all downloadable content was released for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 11 October 2011 in North America and on 14 October 2011 internationally.[36] Additionally, Microsoft added the game to its backwards compatibility list for Xbox One英語List of Xbox 360 games compatible with Xbox One platforms in July 2016.[37]


Game Informer9.75/10[44]
GamePro     [45]
GameSpy     [46]
PlayStation Official Magazine - UK3rd best PS3 game of all time[50]

Red Dead Redemption was released to critical acclaim. Review aggregator英語Review aggregator website Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating in the 0–100 range, calculated an average score of 95 out of 100, indicating "universal acclaim", based on 73 reviews for the PlayStation 3 version and 96 reviews for the Xbox 360 version.[38][39] Commercially, the game has also been very successful. By August 2011, the game had shipped over 11 million copies, 2 million of which were retail units of Undead Nightmare.[51] As of February 2017, Red Dead Redemption has shipped over 15 million units.[52]

Many critics praised the landscape, environment and graphics of Red Dead Redemption. Erik Brudvig of IGN lauded the environmental details, noting the player can even scare a flock of birds from the bushes as they ride past. He also noted that the game's dynamic events, weather and ambient sounds provide a rich experience for players. He summarized by stating "you can also expect a fantastic game that offers the Western experience we've all been waiting for."[49] Game Informer called the scenery "breathtaking", and the cinematic cutscenes "vastly improved" over Grand Theft Auto IV, and named it the "best-looking Rockstar game to date".[44]

Video sample of the game.
The portion of the game in which Marston enters Mexico was acclaimed by critics and players. The usage of the song "Far Away" by José González英語José González (singer) led to the scene being regarded as "perfect" and "beautiful" by gaming journalists.[53] (0:30)

The music, sound and voice acting in the game was also widely praised and spoken about. It won the Best Original Music and Best Voice Acting awards from GameSpot.[54][55] When talking about the sound design of Red Dead Redemption, Game Informer said "From pitch-perfect gunshots to the daunting rumble of prairie thunderstorms, the remarkable attention to audio detail brings the world to life".[44]

Critics and reviewers spoke about the successful use of the game engine, and made similarities of the controls and physics to the Grand Theft Auto series. Game Informer said that Rockstar "[transposed] the Grand Theft Auto gameplay template onto a Wild West setting".[44] Good Game英語Good Game (television series) reviewer Stephanie "Hex" Bendixsen英語Stephanie Bendixsen said that "[Rockstar] really looked at what people liked and didn't like in their game design from [Grand Theft Auto IV], and included it here".[56] Eurogamer's Simon Parkin felt Red Dead Redemption successfully "re-clothes" the Grand Theft Auto framework in an "exciting, distinct and expertly realised scenario".[43]

The multiplayer aspect of Red Dead Redemption received mixed commentary from critics. GamePro's Will Herring praised the variety of multiplayer modes and the open gameplay, but noted that it put more responsibility on the players for keeping the game interesting.[45] Justin Calvert of GameSpot also gave high marks for the game's variety of multiplayer modes, but felt that there was a lack in customization options for players.[48] In a more critical view of multiplayer, Scott Sharkey of 1UP.com noted that games can suffer from griefing英語Griefer[b] due to the open nature of multiplayer gameplay. He also criticized the leveling and unlocking aspects, noting that "The first few minutes spent as a toothless miner riding a balky mule can be pretty humiliating".[40] G4TV's Jake Gaskill echoed this sentiment. He noted that the game often respawns英語Spawning (video game) players in a similar location to their death, which allows the killing player to repeatedly grief the other player.[57] Rockstar has since added a feature which allows for players being griefed to transport to another area upon respawn.[58]


Since its release, Red Dead Redemption has received a large number of awards. It won several Game of the Year awards from media outlets such as GameSpy,[59] GameSpot,[60] Good Game英語Good Game (television series),[61] Computer and Video Games,[62] and Machinima,[63] among others.[64][65] The game's music also received awards for its original score from GameSpot,[54] Machinima.com,[63] and Spike TV.[66] José González英語José González (singer) also received an award from Spike for his original song "Far Away".[66] The graphics received honors at the Korean Games Conference,[67] and from the television program Good Game.[68] Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare英語Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare also received Best Downloadable content awards from Spike TV,[66] G4 TV[69] and Game Revolution.[70] At the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards, Red Dead Redemption won the Game of the Year, Best Song in a Game ("Far Away" by José González英語José González (singer)), Best Original Score and Best DLC (Undead Nightmare英語Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare) awards.[66] Red Dead Redemption was not nominated for any of the jury based awards at the BAFTA Video Game Awards due to Rockstar's refusal to submit the title for consideration; BAFTA cannot enter games without permission from the developers and publishers.[71][72]

John Marston

GameSpot and IGN named Marston the year's best new character.[112][113] Marston was a nominee for character and voice acting awards at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards[114] and 14th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards.[115] In 2013, Complex英語Complex (magazine) remembered Rob Wiethoff's voice acting performance as the second best in a video game.[116] Network World stated John Marston "is a complicated character, having been a bad person who is trying to make things right."[117] The New York Times stated that "[John] and his creators conjure such a convincing, cohesive and enthralling re-imagination of the real world that it sets a new standard for sophistication and ambition in electronic gaming."[118] Marston has been included in multiple lists of top video game character traits.[119][120][121][122][123][124] GamesRadar placed Marston fifth in their list of best game characters of the generation,[125] and GameSpy called John Marston a noticeable omission from the 2011 Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition's top 50 video game characters.[126]


Critics concurred that Red Dead Redemption was one of the best games of the seventh generation era of video game consoles.[127] Dan Whitehead of Eurogamer wrote that he hoped the eighth generation of consoles would offer "similarly powerful experiences".[128] IGN ranked the game third on its 2011 list of the top modern video games,[129] and seventh on its 2014 list of the best games of the generation.[130] GamesRadar listed Red Dead Redemption at second on its list of the best games of all time, in February 2013,[131] and sixth on its list of the best video game stories, in July 2013.[132] In September 2013, the game was ranked the thirteenth best PlayStation 3 game,[133] and the seventh best Xbox 360 game, by IGN.[134] In November 2013, the game was ranked at fourth and eighth place on Eurogamer and Hardcore Gamer's list of the best games of the generation, respectively.[127][135] In January 2014, Computer and Video Games ranked the game at number fifteen on its list of the best games of the generation.[136] In June 2014, the game placed at number five on IGN's list of the "Games of a Generation: Your Top 100" as voted by readers of the site.[137] In August 2014, the game placed seventh on Good Game英語Good Game (television series)'s Top 100 list.[138] In July 2015, the game placed 10th on USgamer's The 15 Best Games Since 2000 list.[139]


In March 2013, Karl Slatoff, chief operating officer of Take-Two Interactive, revealed that the company has an "extensive pipeline of unannounced titles in development" and mentioned that the Red Dead franchise was important to the company.[140] Concept art for a future game in the series was reportedly leaked online in April 2016.[141] Images released by Rockstar in October 2016 sparked speculation regarding a sequel.[142][143] Red Dead Redemption 2 was confirmed by Rockstar in October 2016, scheduled for release on October 26 2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.[144]



  1. ^ Additional work by Rockstar North, Rockstar Leeds and Rockstar New England.[1]
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Rockstar addressed the game's griefing英語Griefer problem by introducing a Friendly Free Roam in an update on October 23, 2010.[11]
  3. ^ Edge originally gave the game 9/10,[42] but retroactively changed the score to 10/10.[41]


  1. ^ Rockstar San Diego. Red Dead Redemption. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Rockstar Games. May 18, 2010. Credits. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Rockstar San Diego. Red Dead Redemption Game Manual (PDF). Rockstar Games. 2010 [April 10, 2013]. 
  3. ^ R* Y. Rockstar Games Tips: Becoming an Ace Online Poker Player (Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Collection / Liars and Cheats Pack). Rockstar Games. November 16, 2010 [April 4, 2013]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 McWhertor, Michael. Red Dead Redemption Eyes-On Impressions. Kotaku. May 28, 2009 [April 10, 2013]. 
  5. ^ Cocker, Guy. Red Dead Redemption Hands-On—Xbox 360 Previews at GameSpot. GameSpot. January 28, 2010 [March 29, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於June 1, 2010). 
  6. ^ Features: Weapons. Rockstar Games. [March 29, 2010]. 
  7. ^ Yoon, Andrew. Red Dead Redemption's online 'Multiplayer Free Roam' revealed. Joystiq. April 8, 2010 [April 8, 2010]. 
  8. ^ Bramwell, Tom. Red Dead's Liars and Cheats Pack dated. Eurogamer. August 27, 2012 [April 10, 2013]. 
  9. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Rockstar details RDR's Land Grab Mode. Eurogamer. October 22, 2010 [April 10, 2013]. 
  10. ^ R* Q. Multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption. Rockstar Games. April 8, 2010 [April 8, 2010]. [永久失效連結]
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 R* Q. Friendly Free Roam, Coming Very Soon to Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer. Rockstar Games. October 8, 2010 [October 18, 2016]. 
  12. ^ Ingham, Tim. News: Red Dead Redemption gets another winning review. Computer and Video Games. Future plc. May 16, 2010 [June 19, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Cabral, Matt. Interview: Christian Cantamessa – Red Dead Redemption. GameFan英語GameFan. April 7, 2010 [September 26, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 26, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Staff. Red Dead Redemption Exclusive Q&A. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. February 11, 2010 [August 29, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於August 28, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  15. ^ Onyett, Charles. Red Dead Redemption: A Man and His Horse. IGN. Ziff Davis: 1. May 8, 2009 [September 24, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 24, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  16. ^ Schiesel, Seth. Video Game Review - 'Red Dead Redemption' Brings Old West to Life. The New York Times. The New York Times Company英語The New York Times Company. May 16, 2010 [September 4, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於February 28, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  17. ^ Onyett, Charles. Red Dead Redemption: A Man and His Horse. IGN. Ziff Davis: 3. May 8, 2009 [September 24, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 6, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  18. ^ Onyett, Charles. Red Dead Redemption: A Man and His Horse. IGN. Ziff Davis: 2. May 8, 2009 [September 24, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 6, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  19. ^ James, Dean. Five Years Later, Where Is Red Dead Redemption 2?. Attack of the Fanboy. Modern Media Group LLC. [30 April 2016]. 
  20. ^ GameSpot Staff. Breaking in the Digital Horses of Red Dead Redemption. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. May 10, 2010 [October 5, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  21. ^ Stafford, Patrick. What happened to John Marston. Polygon. Vox Media. June 19, 2013 [September 14, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 24, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  22. ^ Murray, Charlie. Rob Wietoff (AKA John Marston) Nave360 Interview. Nave360. January 4, 2011 [October 5, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  23. ^ Stuart, Keith. Redemption songs: the making of the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack. The Guardian. Guardian Media Group英語Guardian Media Group. May 26, 2010 [August 17, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  24. ^ R* Q. Behind the Scenes of the Red Dead Redemption Soundtrack. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. July 28, 2010 [October 5, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  25. ^ Rockstar Games. Red Dead Redemption 2005 Teaser. YouTube. May 26, 2007 [May 12, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於June 20, 2010).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  26. ^ Robinson, Martin. Red Dead Redemption Announced. IGN. February 4, 2009 [April 3, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  27. ^ R* Q. Red Dead Redemption Official Trailer: "My Name Is John Marston". Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. December 1, 2009 [August 17, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  28. ^ Jackson, Mike. News: Red Dead Redemption delayed to May. Computer And Video Games. March 4, 2010 [June 19, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  29. ^ R* Q. Red Dead Redemption Exclusive Pre-Order Bonuses: The Referendum, The Golden Guns, The War Horse and More. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. February 9, 2010 [August 16, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  30. ^ R* Q. Red Dead Redemption: Deadly Assassin Outfit, Golden Guns Weapon Pack and War Horse Now Available on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. April 8, 2011 [April 4, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於September 4, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  31. ^ Totilo, Stephen. Red Dead Redemption Adding Zombies, Multiplayer Poker, More. Kotaku. Gawker Media英語Gawker Media. July 8, 2010 [April 10, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  32. ^ R* Q. Free Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack for Red Dead Redemption Coming October 12th. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. October 5, 2010 [October 6, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  33. ^ Reparaz, Mikel. Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare hands-on. GamesRadar. Future plc. October 14, 2010 [October 15, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  34. ^ R* Y. FREE Fan Appreciation DLC for Red Dead Coming Soon. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. June 6, 2011 [June 19, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  35. ^ R* S. Release Date & Details on the Free Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack. Rockstar Newswire. Rockstar Games. September 1, 2011 [June 17, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  36. ^ Goldfarb, Andrew. Red Dead GOTY Edition This Fall. IGN. Ziff Davis. September 14, 2011 [October 5, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  37. ^ Frank, Allegra. Red Dead Redemption will finally be backward compatible with Xbox One. Polygon. July 5, 2016 [July 5, 2016]. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Red Dead Redemption for PlayStation 3 Reviews. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. [October 3, 2010]. 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 Red Dead Redemption for Xbox 360 Reviews. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. [May 17, 2010]. 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Sharkey, Scott. Red Dead Redemption Review. 1UP. May 17, 2010 [May 17, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於June 30, 2012). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 The ten amendments: we crown seven games from the last 20 years of Edge with a retrospective 10. Edge Magazine. Future Publishing. [22 February 2014]. 
  42. ^ Edge Staff. Review: Red Dead Redemption. Edge Online. May 17, 2010 [May 18, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於September 8, 2012). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 Parkin, Simon. Red Dead Redemption Review. Eurogamer. May 17, 2010 [October 4, 2010]. 
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Bertz, Matt. Rockstar Wrangles The Best Video Game Western Of All Time. Game Informer. GameStop. May 17, 2010 [October 1, 2014]. 
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 Herring, Will. Red Dead Redemption review from GamePro. GamePro. May 7, 2010 [May 17, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於May 22, 2010). 
  46. ^ Tuttle, Will. Red Dead Redemption - Xbox 360. GameSpy. May 19, 2010 [May 19, 2010]. 
  47. ^ News: Red Dead Redemption Review. GameTrailers. May 17, 2010 [May 17, 2010]. 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Calvert, Justin. Red Dead Redemption Review. GameSpot. May 18, 2010 [June 19, 2012]. 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 Brudvig, Erik. Red Dead Redemption Review. IGN. Ziff Davis. May 17, 2010 [May 17, 2010]. 
  50. ^ Hall of Fame listing, PlayStation Official Magazine issue 107, Future Publishing, March 2015
  51. ^ Graft, Kris. Take-Two: Red Dead Redemption Ships 11M Units. Gamasutra. August 8, 2011 [August 10, 2011]. 
  52. ^ Makuch, Eddie. Red Dead Redemption Shipped 15M Copies; Take-Two Promises Major Marketing For Sequel. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. 7 February 2017 [7 February 2017]. 
  53. ^ Sources that compliment the usage of the song "Far Away" during gameplay include:
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 Best Original Music - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 20, 2010). 
  55. ^ Best Voice Acting - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2010). 
  56. ^ Good Game英語Good Game (television series). Good Game stories — Red Dead Redemption. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. May 31, 2010. 
  57. ^ Gaskill, Jake. Red Dead Redemption Review. G4TV. May 17, 2010 [May 18, 2010]. 
  58. ^ The Escapist: Forums: The News Room: Rockstar Bringing New Law to Red Dead Redemption's Multiplayer. [March 8, 2014]. 
  59. ^ GameSpy Game of the Year 2010. GameSpy. [June 19, 2012]. 
  60. ^ GameSpot Game of the Year 2010. GameSpot. [June 19, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於June 19, 2013). 
  61. ^ Good Game英語Good Game (television series). GG Awards 2010 - Game of the Year. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. [December 15, 2010]. 
  62. ^ CVG Staff. Feature: The Top 10 Games of 2010. Computer And Video Games. [December 22, 2010]. 
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Shibley, Billy. Machinima.com announces 2010 Inside Gaming Awards Winners. Machinima.com. [December 14, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於July 14, 2011).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  64. ^ Best Video Games of 2010. CNET. [December 15, 2010]. 
  65. ^ The Platinum Chalice Awards 2010. GamesRadar. [December 20, 2010]. 
  66. ^ 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 VGA. Video Game Awards 2010 Winners. Spike英語Spike (TV channel). October 27, 2011 [April 3, 2013]. 
  67. ^ Kwag, Sophia. KGC AWARDS, to go forward a step with the Global Game Awarding Ceremony. AVING USA. September 20, 2010 [December 15, 2010]. 
  68. ^ Good Game英語Good Game (television series). GG Awards 2010 - Best Graphics. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. [December 24, 2010]. 
  69. ^ Best of 2010: Best DLC. G4TV. December 14, 2010 [April 5, 2013]. 
  70. ^ Reboucas, Eduardo. Game Revolution: 2010 GR Awards — Best DLC Add-on. Game Revolution. [December 24, 2010]. 
  71. ^ Minkley, Johnny. BAFTA explains Red Dead snub. Eurogamer. March 16, 2011 [May 31, 2014]. 
  72. ^ Brown, Nathan. No Red Dead Redemption at BAFTAs. Edge. December 15, 2010 [May 31, 2010]. 
  73. ^ Best Story - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於October 11, 2011). 
  74. ^ Best New Character - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於January 7, 2012). 
  75. ^ Best Atmosphere - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2010). 
  76. ^ Best Voice Acting - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2010). 
  77. ^ Best Improved Sequel - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於January 8, 2012). 
  78. ^ Best Writing/Dialogue - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 21, 2010). 
  79. ^ Best Ending - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於January 1, 2012). 
  80. ^ Best Action/Adventure Game - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於July 31, 2013). 
  81. ^ Best PS3 Game - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 31, 2010). 
  82. ^ Best Xbox 360 Game - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於March 28, 2013). 
  83. ^ Game of the Year - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 20, 2010). 
  84. ^ Best Downloadable Content - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於July 31, 2013). 
  85. ^ Best Graphics, Artistic - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2010). 
  86. ^ Best Sound Design - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2010). 
  87. ^ Best Original Game Mechanic - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2010). 
  88. ^ Funniest Game 2010 - Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  89. ^ Best Story 2010 - Red Dead Redemption - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  90. ^ Best Character 2010 - John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於October 14, 2013). 
  91. ^ Best Story 2010 - Mass Effect 2 - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  92. ^ Coolest Atmosphere 2010 - Limbo - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  93. ^ Coolest Atmosphere 2010 - Thane (Mass Effect 2) - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  94. ^ Best Visuals 2010 - Limbo - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  95. ^ Best Horror Game 2010 - Alan Wake - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  96. ^ Best Xbox 360 Game of the Year 2010 - Mass Effect 2 - Xbox 360. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2013). 
  97. ^ Funniest Game 2010 - Costume Quest - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. 
  98. ^ Coolest Atmosphere 2010 - Castlevania: Lord of Shadows - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  99. ^ Most Addictive Game 2010 - Pac-Man Championship Edition DX - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  100. ^ Best Visuals 2010 - God of War III - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  101. ^ Most Bang for Your Buck 2010 - The Sly Collection - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  102. ^ Best Horror Game 2010 - Heavy Rain - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2012). 
  103. ^ Best PS3 Game of the Year 2010 - Heavy Rain - PS3. IGN. Ziff Davis. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2012). 
  104. ^ GameSpy: Game of the Year 2010 - Page 6. GameSpy. [April 9, 2013]. 
  105. ^ GameSpy: Game of the Year 2010 - Page 9. GameSpy. [April 9, 2013]. 
  106. ^ Nominees for Spike Video Game Awards 2010 revealed. Destructoid. November 17, 2010 [April 9, 2013]. 
  107. ^ 2011 Interactive Achievement Awards. Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. [April 14, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於February 2, 2013). 
  108. ^ 2011 Winners & Nominees. British Academy of Film and Television Arts. February 15, 2011 [April 11, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2012).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  109. ^ 11th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards. Game Developers Choice Awards. [April 11, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於January 27, 2013). 
  110. ^ Franich, Darren. 10 Best Videogames Since 2002 | Photo 9 or 10. Entertainment Weekly. November 28, 2012 [April 9, 2013]. 
  111. ^ Giant Bomb's 2016 Game of the Year Awards: Day Four. Giant Bomb. December 29, 2016 [August 20, 2017]. 
  112. ^ Best New Character - The Best Games of 2010. GameSpot. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於January 7, 2012).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  113. ^ Best Character 2010 - John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) - PS3. IGN. [April 9, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於October 14, 2013).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  114. ^ Nominees for Spike Video Game Awards 2010 revealed. Destructoid. November 17, 2010 [April 9, 2013]. 
  115. ^ 2011 Interactive Achievement Awards. Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. [April 14, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於February 2, 2013). 
  116. ^ Hester, Larry. The 25 Greatest Voice Acting Performances In Video Games. Complex英語Complex (magazine). April 14, 2013 [13 October 2013]. 
  117. ^ Shaw, Keith. Red Dead Redemption Review: Saddle Up, Partners!. Network World. July 2, 2010 [July 26, 2013]. 
  118. ^ Schiesel, Seth. Video Game Review - 'Red Dead REdemption' Brings Old West to Life. The New York Times. May 16, 2010 [July 26, 2013]. 
  119. ^ Machinima.com. Top 10 Beards in Gaming. YouTube. April 14, 2011 [August 2, 2013]. 
  120. ^ Jensen, K. Thor. Best Gunslingers. UGO Networks英語UGO Networks. February 22, 2012 [August 2, 2013]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2013).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  121. ^ 100 best heroes in video games. GamesRadar. [May 5, 2013]. 
  122. ^ Cooper, Hollander. The Top 7... Most badass game characters of the generation. GamesRadar. September 28, 2012 [May 5, 2013]. 
  123. ^ Avellan, Drea. The 50 Most Badass Video Game Characters Of All Time. Complex. February 1, 2013 [August 2, 2013]. 
  124. ^ Armikhani, Justin. The 25 Most Realistic Video Game Romances. Complex. February 14, 2013 [August 2, 2013]. 
  125. ^ Best game characters of the generation. GamesRadar. [May 16, 2014]. 
  126. ^ Sharkey, Mike. Guinness Ranks Your 50 Favorite Video Game Characters of All Time. GameSpy. February 16, 2011 [May 18, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於February 21, 2011). 
  127. ^ 127.0 127.1 Robinson, Martin. Eurogamer's Games of the Generation: The top 50. Eurogamer. November 4, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  128. ^ Whitehead, Dan. Games of the Generation: Red Dead Redemption. Eurogamer. October 22, 2013 [June 20, 2014]. 
  129. ^ IGN. Red Dead Redemption - #3 Top Modern Games. IGN. Ziff Davis. June 27, 2011 [November 14, 2013]. 
  130. ^ Red Dead Redemption - #7 Top Games of a Generation. IGN. Ziff Davis. [June 20, 2014]. 
  131. ^ GamesRadar Staff. The 100 best games of all time. GamesRadar. February 15, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  132. ^ GamesRadar Staff. The best videogame stories ever. GamesRadar. July 12, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  133. ^ Moriarty, Colin; Goldfarb, Andrew. The Top 25 Xbox 360 Games (3). IGN. Ziff Davis. September 3, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  134. ^ IGN Staff. The Top 25 Xbox 360 Games (2). IGN. Ziff Davis. September 20, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  135. ^ HG Staff. Top 100 Games of the Generation: The Top Ten Games of the Generation. Hardcore Gamer. November 8, 2013 [November 14, 2013]. 
  136. ^ CVG Staff. CVG's Games of the Generation 20 - 1. Computer and Video Games. January 1, 2014 [June 20, 2014]. 
  137. ^ IGN Staff. Games of a Generation: Your Top 100. IGN. Ziff Davis. June 4, 2014 [June 20, 2014]. 
  138. ^ Good Game英語Good Game (television series). Good Game Stories - Good Game Top 100 - Final List. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. August 12, 2014 [August 23, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於August 22, 2014). 
  139. ^ Rignall, Jaz. The 15 Best Games Since 2000, Number 10: Red Dead Redemption. USgamer. Gamer Network. July 28, 2015 [July 29, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 29, 2015). 
  140. ^ Makuch, Eddie. Take-Two has 'extensive pipeline' of unannounced titles in development. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. March 7, 2013 [June 28, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於November 9, 2013).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  141. ^ Passalacqua, Michael. Red Dead Redemption 2 Map Leaked, Will Be a Prequel. IGN. Ziff Davis. April 15, 2016 [June 28, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於April 16, 2016). 
  142. ^ Crecente, Brian. New Red Dead Redemption image shows seven silhouettes. Polygon. Vox Media. October 17, 2016 [October 18, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於October 17, 2016).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  143. ^ Stuart, Keith. Red Dead Redemption 2? Why people have gone crazy over a teasing image. The Guardian. Guardian Media Group英語Guardian Media Group. October 17, 2016 [October 18, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於October 17, 2016).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  144. ^ Hussain, Tamoor. Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date Updated On PS4 And Xbox One. GameSpot. February 2, 2018 [February 3, 2018]. 

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