使用者:Simon 1996/沙盒/13

賽普勒斯自1980年起參加每一屆的奧林匹克運動會。該國獲得首面奧林匹克運動會獎牌於2012年夏季奧林匹克運動會帕夫洛斯·康蒂德斯獲得帆船男子單人小艇雷射型銀牌。They had a near miss at the 2008 Olympics when Antonis Nikolaidis lost the bronze medal shoot-off in 男子定向飛靶. The first modern Olympian from Cyprus was actually Anastasios Andreou in 1896, who competed under the Greek flag. At this time, Cyprus was a British colony.

Because the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is not internationally recognized by any major authority (including the IOC), it has no Olympic committee.[1] Therefore, all Cypriot Olympians are required to compete under the name and flag of the Republic of Cyprus. Those who are unable or unwilling to compete under the flag of the Republic either compete for Turkey,[2] or for another country, or not at all.



運動 金牌 銀牌 銅牌 合計 排名
 帆船 0 1 0 1 38
總計 0 1 0 1 127



