
玛格纳夫拉宫希臘語Μαγναύρα,可能来源于拉丁语的“Magna Aula”,意为“大厅堂”[1])是君士坦丁堡的一座大型建筑,毗邻大皇宫[2],位于奥古斯塔广场以东,临近圣索菲亚教堂且紧挨着铜门英语Chalke[3]。其经常被学者们等同于元老院驻地[4]





普罗柯比在描述该区域时,提到一座巨大的大理石大门通往一座柱廊庭院,该庭院坐落于玛格纳夫拉宫前[4]。玛格纳夫拉宫的建筑样式遵循巴西利卡形制,两侧廊台以侧廊支撑,东边末端有多个半圆形殿堂[3]。屋内最引人瞩目的是所谓的所罗门宝座英语Throne of Solomon,位于中殿,据说周围以自动机关环绕,其形象包括树木、歌唱的鸟儿、咆哮的狮子,来使访客们既畏惧又欣喜[3][4][9]。学者将玛格纳夫拉宫描述为拜占庭帝国对普世之中所有事物之皇权的物质投射[10]


  1. ^ OΙ ΜΕΛΩΔΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΥΜΝΟΓΡΑΦΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ (footnote 115). [2020-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-16) (希腊语). 
  2. ^ Rosser, John Hutchins. Historical Dictionary of Byzantium, Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 2012: 303. ISBN 9780810875678. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Mango, Cyril. The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1991. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Prokopios, De Aedeficiis
  5. ^ Bury, John. The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV: The Eastern Roman Empire (717-1453). New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923: 764. 
  6. ^ Treadgold, Warren. A History of the Byzantine State and Society. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 1997: 447. 
  7. ^ Lemerle, Paul. Byzantine Humanism: The First Phase - Notes and Remarks on Education and Culture in Byzantium from Its Origin to the 10th Century. Sydney: Brill/Byzantina Australiensia. 2017. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Featherstone, Michael; Spieser, Jean-Michel; Tanman, Gülru; Wulf-Rheidt, Ulrike. The Emperor's House: Palaces from Augustus to the Age of Absolutism. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. 2015: 171. ISBN 9783110331639. 
  9. ^ Brett, Gerard. The Automata in the Byzantine 'Throne of Solomon'. Speculum. 1954, 29 (3): 477–97. JSTOR 2846790. S2CID 163031682. doi:10.2307/2846790. 
  10. ^ Dohrmann, Natalie B.; Reed, Annette Yoshiko. Jews, Christians, and the Roman Empire: The Poetics of Power in Late Antiquity. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2013: 173. ISBN 9780812245332. 
