
突尼斯湾(Gulf of Tunis)
墨西哥湾(Gulf of Mexico)

一般来说,“gulf”比“bay”(其他语言中的同义同源词有法语的baie、西班牙语的bahía、葡萄牙语的baía、意大利语的baia等)要大[2]。“gulf”与“bay”有时也混用,例如孟加拉湾在英语中为“Bay of Bengal”,但在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中则为“Golfo de Bengala”。在汉语中,“gulf”与“bay”一般均译作“湾”而不作区分。

许多gulf是主要航运区,如波斯湾(Persian Gulf)、墨西哥湾(Gulf of Mexico)、芬兰湾(Gulf of Finland)、亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)等[3]


  1. ^ Gregory, George. A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 2 First American. Philadelphia: Isaac Peirce. 1816: 269 [25 June 2020]. A sea is a smaller collection of waters; as the Black Sea. A gulf is a part of the sea which is nearly surrounded with land; as the gulf of Venice. A bay has a wider entrance than a gulf; as the Bay of Biscay. A strait is a narrow passage that joins. 
  2. ^ Bay | Coastal Features & Ecosystems | Britannica. www.britannica.com. [2023-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-19) (英语). 
  3. ^ Duggal, Gita. Chowdhury, Baruna Ray , 编. Madhubun ICSE Geography 6. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. : 32 [25 June 2020]. ISBN 9789325994645. A gulf is an inlet of an ocean or a sea deep into the land with a narrow mouth. It is more highly indented, more enclosed by the coast and larger than a bay. Some examples of gulfs are Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Eden and Gulf of... 
