
整體人類生態系統(英語:total human ecosystem,THE)是一個生態中心主義概念,最初由生態學教授Zeev Naveh和Arthur S. Lieberman於1994年提出。[1]



Zev Naveh(1919-2011)是海法以色列理工學院景觀生態學教授。他主要關注人類活動對地中海的影響、火災生態學英語Fire ecology和動態保護管理。[5]

意大利烏爾比諾大學英語University of Urbino環境科學學院的生態學教授後來也參與完善了這一概念。



  • Farina, A., 2006. Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology: Towards a Science of the Landscape, Springer, Dordrecht, 412 p.
  1. ^ Naveh, Z. & A.S. Lieberman, 1994. Landscape Ecology: Theory and Application (2nd ed). Springer-Verlag,New York, 360 p.
  2. ^ Naveh, Z. & A.S. Lieberman, 1994. Landscape Ecology: Theory and Application (2nd ed). Springer-Verlag,New York, 360 p.
  3. ^ Naveh, Z. The Total Human Ecosystem: Integrating Ecology and Economics. BioScience. 2000, 50 (4): 357–361. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[0357:TTHEIE]2.3.CO;2.  無效|subscription=free (幫助)
  4. ^ Naveh, Z. 2005. Epilogue: Toward a Transdisciplinary Science of Ecological and Cultural Landscape Restoration, Restoration Ecology, 13, 1, pp. 228–234.
  5. ^ Naveh, Z. Transdisciplinary challenges in landscape ecology and restoration ecology - An Anthology. (Springer 2007)