
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
肇因遺傳英語Genetic disorder環境因素英語environmental factors[4][5]
注意力缺乏 過剩行動 綜合症

專注力失調或過度活躍症(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)簡稱ADHD,是神經發展障礙精神疾患[10][11],其特點是注意力不足、活動過度或是衝動,而且不符合患者年齡該有的情形[1][2]。徵狀會在12歲以前出現,持續超過六個月,而且其徵狀已造成至少二個情境(例如學校、家庭或是交友休閒)的問題[3][12]。對於兒童而言,注意力不集中可能會造成課業成績不佳的情形[1]。有時專注力失調或過度活躍症也會和其他心理疾患或是物質濫用有關[13]。專注力失調或過度活躍症會對患者造成不便,不過許多患有ADHD的人在其有興趣的事物上可以有持續性的專注力(稱為過度專注[5][14]



18世紀起的醫學文獻中就有描述過類似專注力失調或過度活躍症的徵狀[32]。自1970年起,就有出現有關專注力失調或過度活躍症疾病本身、其診斷及治療方式的爭議[33],爭議和臨床醫生、教師、政策訂定者、家長及媒體有關。爭議焦點包括ADHD的病因,以及是否要用興奮劑來治療ADHD[34]。目前大部份的醫療人員都接受ADHD是兒童及成人的遺傳性疾病,科學界的爭議點則是在其診斷方式及治療方式[35][36][37]。此疾病在1980年至1987年的正式名稱是注意力缺失症(attention-deficit disorder,簡稱ADD),在更早期的名稱是兒童過度活躍的反應(hyperkinetic reaction of childhood)[38][39]


專注力失調或過度活躍症也譯作注意力不集中/過動症(英語:Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,簡稱AD/HD)、過度活躍症(英語:Hyperkinetic Disorder;於ICD 10中的名稱),俗稱有多動症多動障礙大雄·胖虎綜合症(日本)等。此病患的兒童習稱過動兒,也有醫療人士建議改稱為心動兒[40]


專注力失調 過動-衝動
  • 很難注意事情的細節
  • 不容易專注在一件事情上
  • 不容易針對事物或是活動進行規劃組織
  • 會遺忘一些需要的物品
  • 在日常活動中比較健忘
  • 注意力持續時間較短,較容易分心
  • 不容易處理較具結構性的學校功課
  • 難以完成繁瑣或需要花時間的任務
  • 沒辦法好好坐着
  • 在座位上坐立不安、動來動去
  • 會在不適當的時間點離開座位
  • 從事具風險性的事物,不太考慮後果
  • 時常處於活躍狀態、精力充沛、停不下來
  • 說話的頻率及時間會比其他人要多
  • 問題未說完就搶着說答案
  • 不容易輪流等候
  • 在對話中常常插嘴或是打斷別人說話




專注力失調或過度活躍症可分為三個子類型:ADHD注意力不足為主型英語Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive(ADHD-PI或ADHD-I)、ADHD過動為主型(ADHD-PH或ADHD-HI)以及混合型(ADHD-C)[2][44]


  • 容易分心、粗心、忘記事情、且經常從一件事情切換至另一件事情。
  • 很難持續專注在同一件事情上。
  • 除非進行自身有興趣的事務,不然進行幾分鐘後就覺得無聊。
  • 難以對組織(規劃)事情、完成一個任務保持專注。
  • 很難完成回家作業,或是如期繳交,常會遺失一些要完成作業或是其他活動需要的東西(例如鉛筆、玩具、作業等)*
  • 當別人在和患者說話時,似乎沒有在聽對方說話。
  • 作白日夢、很感到困惑、動作緩慢。
  • 不容易像其他非專注力失調或過度活躍症患者一樣,快速且準確的處理資訊。
  • 難以遵從指示
  • 不容易認知細節,常忽略細節。


  • 常常煩躁及坐立不安
  • 不停地講話
  • 四處東奔西跑、碰觸或玩弄視野內的任一或每一個物體。
  • 難以在上課時間、吃飯時間、作功課的時間乖乖坐好。
  • 一直在動來動去。
  • 不容易進行安靜的活動或是工作。
  • 沒有耐心
  • 脫口說出不恰當的話語、毫無掩飾地流露內心的想法,且行事不顧後果。
  • 難耐在遊戲中因輪流所產生的等待時間。
  • 經常打斷他人的對話或活動。







  • 癲癇[52]
  • 妥瑞症[52]
  • 自閉症光譜(ASD):此疾病會影響社交技巧、溝通能力,也會出現固定興趣和重複行為[52]
  • 在專注力失調或過度活躍症患者中,較常出現有焦慮症的情形[53]
  • 間歇性暴怒英語Intermittent explosive disorder[2]
  • 在專注力失調或過度活躍症的兒童中,有20%至30%有學習障礙的情形。學習障礙可能包括發展障礙、語言障礙以及學習技巧的障礙[54]。專注力失調或過度活躍症本身不是一種學習障礙,不過常常會造成其他學業上的困難[54]
  • 強迫症(OCD)常和專注力失調或過度活躍症一起出現,其中也有許多相同的特徵[55]
  • 智能障礙[2]
  • 反應性依附疾患英語Reactive attachment disorder[2]
  • 物質使用疾患。專注力失調或過度活躍症的兒童及成人在物質濫用上的風險較高[21]。最常見的是或是大麻[21]。物質使用疾患的原因可能和專注力失調或過度活躍症造成的大腦回饋酬賞迴路英語reward pathway改變有關[21]。若專注力失調或過度活躍症和物質使用疾患一起出現,這會讓專注力失調或過度活躍症的評估及治療更加困難。如果ADHD合併「嚴重的」物質濫用問題,基於往後衍生的風險大小之考量,會優先治療物質濫用問題[56][57]
  • 睡眠障礙常和ADHD一起出現。這也可能是治療ADHD的副作用。對於專注力失調或過度活躍症的兒童而言,失眠是最常見的睡眠障礙,一般會用行為療法來進行治療[58][59]。 ADHD患者常伴隨着不容易入睡的問題,而他們也會睡的比較熟,因此早上不容易起床[60],有時會針對不容易入睡的兒童用褪黑素治療[61]
  • ADHD的患者約有50%有對立反抗症(ODD),有20%有行為規範障礙(CD)[62],其特性是反社會的行為,例如心態固執、有攻擊性、常常鬧脾氣英語temper tantrums、說謊和偷竊等[55]。若有對立反抗症或行為規範障礙的ADHD患者,長大成人後出現反社會人格障礙的機率約有一半[63]。根據腦部造影,可確認ADHD和行為規範障礙是兩種不同的疾病[64]
  • 有關注意力的原發型疾病,其徵狀是注意力不佳,不容易專注,也不容易維持清醒。這類兒童常會坐立不安、打呵欠及伸展身體,這些動作看似過動,但其實是為了讓自己維持警覺以及有活力的狀態[65]
  • 遲緩的認知速率英語Sluggish cognitive tempo(SCT)是許多徵狀的總稱,其中不少徵狀可能也包括了注意力不足的問題。在ADHD的個案中,不論其子類型如何,有30%至50%符合這些徵狀[66]
  • 刻板的慣性動作症英語Stereotypic movement disorder[2]
  • 情感障礙(特別是躁鬱症重度抑鬱症)。診斷患有混合子類型ADHD的男孩較容易有情感障礙[53]。有ADHD的成人有時也會有躁鬱症,需要很仔細的評估來診斷及治療這兩種疾病[67]
  • 專注力失調或過度活躍症的患者較常有不寧腿綜合症,一般是因為缺鐵性貧血所造成[68][69]。不過不寧腿綜合症也可能是專注力失調或過度活躍症徵狀的一部份,因此需要進行詳細的診斷,區分不寧腿綜合症和專注力失調或過度活躍症[70]
  • 專注力失調或過度活躍症的患者出現夜遺尿的風險較高[71]









一般來說,ADHD和許多基因有關,特別是和會影響多巴胺神經傳導的基因有關[83][84]。和多巴胺有關的有多巴胺轉運體(DAT)、多巴胺受體D4(DRD4)、多巴胺受體D5英語DRD5痕量胺相關受體1英語TAAR1單胺氧化酶A英語MAOA兒茶酚-O-甲基轉移酶(COMT)及多巴胺β羥化酶(DBH)[84][85][86],其他和ADHD有關的有血清素轉運體(SERT)、HTR1B英語HTR1BSNAP25英語SNAP25GRIN2A英語GRIN2AADRA2A英語ADRA2ATPH2英語TPH2腦源性神經營養因子(BDNF)[83][84]。有一種常見的Latrophilin 3英語Latrophilin 3基因變異,估計造成9%的ADHD,若有這種變異時,會對興奮劑藥物格外有反應[87]DRD4 7R變體基因會增強多巴胺造成的抑制作用,也和ADHD有關。DRD4受體是G蛋白偶聯受體,會抑制腺苷酸環化酶。DRD4-7R變異會造成許多行為上的表型,包括反映了注意力分散的ADHD徵狀[88]

演化也可能是造成ADHD高比率的原因,特別是男性過動以及衝動的傾向[89],有人曾提出假說,認為女性比較容易被會冒險的男性所吸引,因此增加了基因庫中愛好衝動及冒險的基因的比率[90]。其他人則認為這種傾向有助於男性面對有壓力或是危險的環境(例如更有衝勁,從事探索行為)[89][90]。在特定情境下,ADHD傾向雖然對個體是有害的,但是對群體是有益的[89][90][91]。ADHD雖然對個體可能不利,但其高比例以及異質性也有利於群體的生殖健康,並且可以增加基因庫的多樣性,對群體有益[91]。在特定環境下,ADHD也可能對個體有利,例如對捕食者的反應更快,以及較好的狩獵技巧英語Hunter vs. farmer hypothesis[92]



除了基因外,一些環境因子也可能是專注力失調或過度活躍症的致病因素[94]。例如:在懷孕期間攝取酒精可能導致胎兒酒精譜系障礙,可能包括了專注力失調或過度活躍症,或是有類似徵狀[95]。暴露在特定有毒物質,例如:多氯聯苯等,可能會產生類似專注力失調或過度活躍症的中毒徵狀[4][96]。暴露在磷酸酯的殺蟲劑毒死蜱烷基磷酸酯英語Alkyl phosphate中,也可能會增加患病的風險,不過此一論點尚未受到廣泛認可[97]。在懷孕過程中吸煙,將不利於胚胎的腦部神經發育,並將增加罹患專注力失調或過度活躍症的機率[4][98]






ADHD的社會建構理論英語social construct theory of ADHD認為評斷正常及異常的標準是社會建構的(是由社會中的所有人建立並且使其有效的,特別是醫生、病患、家長、教師等),然後再主觀的評估及判斷要使用哪一種準則,以及有多少人會因此受到影響[111]。他們認為這是依DSM-IV標準診斷到的ADHD人數會是由ICD-10標準所診斷人數三至四倍的原因[20]湯瑪士·薩斯是ADHD社會建構理論的支持者,他認為ADHD是「發明出來的,之後取了這個名字」[112]



現今的ADHD病理生理學模型認為ADHD和腦內的神經遞質系統的功能障礙有關(特別是與多巴胺去甲腎上腺素有關的部份)[117][118]。多巴胺及去甲腎上腺素的神經通道起源於腹側被蓋區藍斑核,投射到大腦中的不同部位,管理許多不同的認知流程[117][119]。投射到前額葉皮質紋狀體多巴胺通道英語dopamine pathway及藍斑核-去甲腎上腺素系統(LC-NA system)會調節執行功能(認知和行為的功能與管理)、動機、酬賞的感受能力,以及運動機能[117][118][119]。這些傳導通道在ADHD的病理生理學中的功能非常重要[117][119][120][121]。目前也已提議針對ADHD其他可能的神經通道建立更大規模的模型[118][120][121]



在兒童專注力失調或過度活躍症患者中,普遍存有一些左側的前額葉皮質在體積上小於平均值的現象[118][122]。專注力失調或過度活躍症患者的後頂葉皮層英語posterior parietal cortex也比控制組要薄[118]。其他諸如專注力失調或過度活躍症患者的:前額-紋狀體-小腦和前額葉-紋狀體-丘腦迴路也與非專注力失調或過度活躍症患者不同[118][120][121]



之前一度認為ADHD患者其多巴胺轉運體的增加是其病理生理學的一部份,不過後來發現這可能是為了適應暴露在興奮劑下的調整[125],目前的模式包括了中腦皮質素-多巴胺通道英語mesocorticolimbic projection及藍斑核-去甲腎上腺素系統[117][118][119],用於治療專注力失調或過度活躍症的興奮劑,其療效可能是起因於它增進了神經遞質在這些系統中的活動[118][119][126]。專注力失調或過度活躍症患者腦部中的5-羥色胺能英語serotoninergic通道(與血清素有關)、穀氨酸能英語glutamate (neurotransmitter)通道或是膽鹼能英語cholinergic通道也可能有些異常造成ADHD的徵狀[126][127][128]






在美國會用《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》第五版(DSM-5)中的準則來進行診斷,歐洲國家則是用《世界通用疾病分類手冊》第十版(ICD-10)的準則,若是由DSM-IV的準則進行診斷,ADHD的人數會是用ICD-10診斷人數的三至四倍[20]。專注力失調或過度活躍症分類為神經發展障礙中的一種[11][21],也屬於紊亂行為綜合症英語disruptive behavior disorder,同屬於紊亂行為綜合症的疾病還有對立反抗症行為規範障礙反社會人格障礙[136]。若確認有專注力失調或過度活躍症,不代表有神經功能障礙英語neurological disorder[78]。在診斷時,需要一併篩檢其他的情形,包括焦慮、抑鬱、對立反抗症、行為規範障礙、學習及語言障礙等。其他也需要評估的有其他神經發展障礙抽動綜合症睡眠呼吸暫停[137]

量化腦波英語quantitative electroencephalography(QEEG)診斷超音波是目前正在研究的領域之一,然而迄今為止,腦波經過量化後的數值與ADHD之間的關係仍然不明[138][139]。美國美國食品藥品監督管理局已核可用QEEG來評估是否有ADHD[140],評估的檢查用腦波中Theta波英語Theta wave活動和Beta波英語Beta wave活動的比例來做為診斷的基準;不過至少有五個研究都無法重現前人發現的結果[141][142]

在診斷和評估ADHD的過程中中,也會用到自我評量表,例如ADHD評量表英語ADHD rating scaleVanderbilt ADHD診斷評量表英語Vanderbilt ADHD diagnostic rating scale[143]



  1. ADHD注意力不足為主型英語ADHD predominantly inattentive(ADHD-PI或ADHD-I),其徵狀是容易分心、健忘、作白日夢、不善計劃、很難專心、不容易完成一個任務[3][2]
  2. ADHD過動為主型(ADHD-PH或ADHD-HI)的徵狀是過度的煩躁不安、過動、無法等待、很難一直坐在座位上、不成熟的行為,也會有破壞性的行為[3][2]
  3. ADHD混合型(ADHD-C),混合了上述二種子類型的徵狀[3][2]



世界衛生組織的《世界通用疾病分類手冊》第十版(ICD-10)中,過度活躍症(hyperkinetic disorder)的徵狀類似DSM-5裏的ADHD。若也有出現(ICD-10所定義的)行為規範障礙情形[50],則會稱為是「過度活躍行為障礙」(hyperkinetic conduct disorder)。否則,會分類為「活力和注意力的紊亂」(disturbance of activity and attention)、「其他的過度活躍症」(other hyperkinetic disorders)或「過度活躍症,無特殊徵狀」(hyperkinetic disorders, unspecified),後者也稱為是「過度活躍綜合症」(hyperkinetic syndrome)[50]







抑鬱 焦慮症 躁鬱症
  • 感到無助、低自尊或不快樂
  • 對於喜好事物
  • 疲勞
  • 睡眠相關問題
  • 很難維持注意力
  • 食慾改變
  • 易怒及敵意
  • 心理壓力的容忍度低
  • 會想到死亡
  • 無理由的疼痛
  • 和抑鬱症的徵狀相同




數篇關於ADHD生物標記的回顧性研究指出,ADHD患者的血小板單胺氧化酶表現型(expression)、尿液中的去甲腎上腺素MHPG英語3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol苯乙胺濃度都和都與由「非ADHD患者」組成的對照組不同[152][153]檢測上述這些項目可能可以作為是否有ADHD的診斷生理標記(diagnostic biomarkers),用來診斷ADHD,不過還需要更多研究與實驗來確立這方面利用的可行性[153]。ADHD患者在尿液及血漿中的苯乙胺濃度比對照組要低,已知苯丙胺和哌甲酯會增加苯乙胺在體內的合成。特別是那些對苯丙胺和哌甲酯有反應的ADHD患者[85][152][153]。ADHD患者尿液中偏低的苯乙胺濃度與其不專心的徵狀相關[153]。當今的腦波檢測(EEG)還不夠精準,還無法用來當作診斷依據[154]


專注力失調或過度活躍症的治療方式包括心理治療行為治療及藥物,也有可能是用幾種方式一起進行。治療對病症會有長期的改善,但是無法完全根除病症的影響[155]。藥物包括有興奮劑、阿托莫西汀腎上腺素受體α2英語alpha-2 adrenergic receptor拮抗劑,有時也會包括抗抑鬱藥物[53][126]。若時無法專注在長期獎勵上的人,有許多的正增強方式可以提昇其工作表現[133]。ADHD藥物中的興奮劑也可以提昇患者的毅力及工作表現[118][133]


有關行為治療在ADHD上的應用,有許多良好的實證,若是針對學齡前,或是徵狀輕微的病患,一般會建議用行為治療為第一線的療法[156][157]。心理療法包括有心理教育行為治療認知行為療法(CBT)、人際取向心理治療家庭治療英語family therapy、學校介入、社交技巧訓練、行為方面的同儕介入、機構培訓[158]父母管理訓練[78]神經反饋英語neurofeedback訓練[159]。父母管理訓練可以改善包括反對行為以及不合常規行為在內的一些行為問題[160]。目前還不清楚神經反饋訓練是否有效[161]

有關家庭治療的效果,目前還很少足夠品質的證據可以佐證。目前證據認為家庭治療的效果類似群體照顧(community care),效果比安慰劑要好[162]。有許多專注力失調或過度活躍症支持組織可以提供相關資訊,並且協助家庭適應ADHD的情形[163]


規律的體能鍛煉,特別是有氧運動,對於患有ADHD的兒童及成人而言也是有效的副加療法英語adjunct therapy,特別是配合興奮劑藥物治療時更是如此,不過針對改善徵狀,最理想的運動種類及強度還不清楚[165][166][167]。長期規律有氧運動對ADHD患者的好處是提昇行為及運動能力、提昇管控功能(包括專注、抑制控制、計劃等)、較快的資訊處理速度,記憶力也會比較好[165][166][167]。家長及教師針對ADHD兒童規律有氧運動對行為及以社交-情緒上的改善有:全身整體機能較佳、減少ADHD徵狀、自尊感較好、減少焦慮及抑鬱的程度、較少身體徵狀、課業成績及教室行為較佳,社交行為也有改善[165]。若在有使用興奮劑治療時進行運動,會增加興奮劑藥物對執行功能的影響[165],一般認為運動的短期效果是因為運動時大腦突觸多巴胺和去甲腎上腺素濃度的增加所造成[165]



針對ADHD的非中樞神經刺激劑藥物有許多種,包括阿托莫西汀安非他酮胍法辛可樂定,這些可以作為主要藥物治療,或是配合中樞神經刺激劑藥物一起使用[168][173]。目前有關各藥物之間的比較,還沒有說服力足夠的研究結果可以佐證,不過在副作用上似乎差不多[174]。中樞神經刺激劑藥物比較可以提昇課業表現,阿托莫西汀則無此效果[175]。阿托莫西汀比較不會有成癮問題,因此若有娛樂性藥物或是強迫性藥物使用風險的人,比較建議使用阿托莫西汀[21]。有關藥物對社交行為上的影響,目前的數據也還不充份[174]。截至2015年6月年 (2015年6月-Missing required parameter 1=month!),還沒有完全確定ADHD藥物的長期影響[176][177]核磁力共振掃描 研究推測長期用苯丙胺哌甲酯治療,會減少因為ADHD造成的大腦功能及結構異常[178][179][180]。2018年的文獻回顧發現若考慮短期效果,哌甲酯對兒童最有效,苯丙胺對成人最有效[181]

什麼情形要用胍法辛治療會依國家而不同,英國國家健康照護專業組織英語National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE)針對成人是第一線藥物,若針對兒童,只建議在病情嚴重時才使用,而大部份美國的醫學指南會建議可以針對各年齡層使用[26]。針對學齡前的兒童,一般不建議用藥物治療[78][182]。若治療用的中樞神經刺激劑劑量不足,可能會有沒有藥效的情形[183],這尤其常出現在青少年及成人身上,因為核可的劑量是針對學齡兒童的,因此有些醫療人員會依體重或是依其他因素給藥[184][185][186]

一般而言,在正常治療劑量的哌甲酯及中樞神經刺激劑是安全的,不過有其副作用以及禁忌症[168]。若哌甲酯給兒童及青少年使用,有研究發現這和一些嚴重或不嚴重的有害副作用有關,不過證據品質還不充份[187]。若針對兒童開立這類藥物,需仔細的監測兒童的情形[187]。若ADHD的中樞神經刺激劑嚴重過量,可能會和興奮性精神病英語stimulant psychosis或是狂躁的徵狀[188]。若是治療用的劑量,出現類似情形的機率非常低,只有0.1%,會在開始用中樞神經刺激劑藥物治療後的前幾週出現[188][189][190],若也使用抗精神病藥,可以有效緩解急性苯丙胺精神病的徵狀[188],若長期治療,需要定期的監測[191]。興奮劑的藥物治療需要定期停藥,評估是否還需要用藥、減少發育遲緩的情形,並且減低抗藥性[192][193]。若是長期使用超過ADHD治療劑量的興奮劑藥物濫用,一般會和成癮物質依賴有關[194][195]。不過未治療的ADHD,會提高物質濫用以及行為規範障礙的風險[194]。興奮劑藥物的使用,可能可以降低風險,但也有可能沒有此效果[21][176][194]。還不清楚懷孕時服用這些藥物是否安全[196]



2017的文獻回顧指出有一些排除飲食的方式對於非常小,無法用藥的幼童,以及對藥物沒有反應的患者可能有用,不過不鼓勵用補充游離脂肪酸或是減少食用有人工色素食品作為ADHD的正規治療方式[198] 。長期鐵、鎂及碘等礦物質的不足可能可以讓ADHD的徵狀加劇[199],也有少數證據指出組織內含量過低和ADHD有關[200]。不過除非證實有鋅不足英語zinc deficiency的情形(除了發展中國家外,很少有鋅不足的情形),一般不建議用鋅補充劑英語zinc supplementation治療[201]。不過若鋅礦物質和苯丙胺類藥物同時使用的話,可以減低苯丙胺藥物的最小有效劑量,也就是可以服用較少的藥物而達到相同的效果[202]。另有證據指出Ω-3脂肪酸對於病情會有些許的改,不過不建議取代醫學治療[203][204]


孩童的ADHD有30–50%的機率持續到其成人時期[22],那些持續被ADHD影響的成人可能會在成長過程中發展出一些技巧,彌補部分ADHD的徵狀[31]。有ADHD的兒童與青少年相較於其他沒有ADHD的兒童與青少年,其發生意外受傷等事故的風險較高[172]。ADHD藥物能改善患者在生活中許多方面的功能性不足,也可以提昇生活品質英語Quality of life (healthcare)(例如減少意外受傷的風險),不過[205]


專注力失調或過度活躍症是童年階段最常見的發育疾患[206]。根據2015年發表的研究,依照DSM-III, DSM-III-R及DSM-IV的標準,國際ADHD流行率中位數,兒童為6-8%[207][15]。若使用ICD-10的標準,同年齡兒童的流行率則為1–2% [16]



英國和美國的ADHD診斷率和治療率自1970年代起逐年增加至今[222]。學界的共識認為這個現象是因為診斷方法的變遷[222]以及人們逐漸願意利用藥物來治療ADHD所致[16],並非ADHD的流行率真的增加了[213][223]。學界共識認為,2013年起,DSM的版本從DSM 4TR 推進到 DSM 5 會使得ADHD的診斷數增加(特別是成人專注力失調或過度活躍症的診斷數) [224]



在人類歷史中很早就有出現過動的情形。1798年時蘇格蘭醫生亞歷山大·克里奇頓英語Alexander Crichton在其著作《對精神紊亂的性質和起源的探究》(An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement)中提到了精神不安[225][226][頁碼請求]。1902年,英國兒科醫生George Still英語George Frederic Still首次描述一項與專注力失調或過度活躍症近似的病徵,出現在一系列給倫敦皇家內科醫學院的教材中[227][222]。他也注意到先天及後天因素都可能會影響此疾病[228]


不同的時期,描述專注力失調或過度活躍症的名詞也有所不同:在1952年的DSM-I稱為微細腦功能失常(minimal brain dysfunction),在1968年的DSM-II則稱為兒童活動亢進(hyperkinetic reaction of childhood),在1980年的DSM-III稱為「注意力不足症,可能伴隨過動,也可能沒有」(attention-deficit disorder (ADD) with or without hyperactivity)[222]。在1987年的DSM-III-R更名為專注力失調或過度活躍症,,在1994年的DSM-IV將專注力失調或過度活躍症分為注意力散渙主導型英語Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive、過動—衝動型以及混合型[231]。在2013年的DSM-5仍保留這三個名稱[2]。其他的名詞有在1930年代使用的微細腦創傷(minimal brain damage)[232]

1934年時,Benzedrine是第一個美國許可使用,治療專注力失調或過度活躍症的苯丙胺藥物[233]哌甲酯在1950年代開始使用,而對映異構右旋苯丙胺則是在1970年代開始使用[222]。1937年時,興奮劑開始用在專注力失調或過度活躍症的治療[234]。Charles Bradley給行為障礙的兒童服用Benzedrine,發現可以改善行為,也提昇其課業表現[235][236]


在2004年時,美國參議院提出了專注力失調或過度活躍症意識之日(ADHD Awareness Day),後來演變成每年十月為專注力失調或過度活躍症意識之月(ADHD Awareness Month)[240][241]


自1970年代開始,專注力失調或過度活躍症疾病本身、其診斷及醫療在歐美就已經是有爭議性的議題[33][34][242]。爭議和臨床醫生、教師、政策訂定者、家長及媒體有關。有的觀點認為專注力失調或過度活躍症是正常行為的範圍內[56][243],也有些是假定專注力失調或過度活躍症屬於遺傳疾病[244]。其他有關專注力失調或過度活躍症的爭議包括是否可以在合理劑量範圍內,對兒童用興奮劑藥物進行治療[34][245]、診斷的方式、以及過度診斷英語overdiagnosis的可能性[245]英國國家健康照護專業組織英語National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE)在2009年發表聲明,聲明中有提及目前存在的爭議,也表示:目前的治療及診斷方式都是依照學術文獻中的主流學術觀點為基礎[134]。2014年時,基思·康納斯(早期推動美國大眾認知專注力失調或過度活躍症的人士之一)在《紐約時報》提出他認為專注力失調或過度活躍症在美國有過度診斷的情形[246],不過同年有一篇經過同儕審查的醫學回顧性文獻,表明ADHD在美國成人種群中其實有診斷不足(診斷率低於實際的盛行率)的情形[23]



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  119. ^ 119.0 119.1 119.2 119.3 119.4 119.5 119.6 119.7 Malenka RC, Nestler EJ, Hyman SE. Chapter 6: Widely Projecting Systems: Monoamines, Acetylcholine, and Orexin. Sydor A, Brown RY (編). Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience 2nd. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. 2009: 148, 154–157. ISBN 978-0-07-148127-4. DA has multiple actions in the prefrontal cortex. It promotes the "cognitive control" of behavior: the selection and successful monitoring of behavior to facilitate attainment of chosen goals. Aspects of cognitive control in which DA plays a role include working memory, the ability to hold information "on line" in order to guide actions, suppression of prepotent behaviors that compete with goal-directed actions, and control of attention and thus the ability to overcome distractions. Cognitive control is impaired in several disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ... Noradrenergic projections from the LC thus interact with dopaminergic projections from the VTA to regulate cognitive control. ... it has not been shown that 5HT makes a therapeutic contribution to treatment of ADHD. 
    NOTE: DA: dopamine, LC: locus coeruleus, VTA: ventral tegmental area, 5HT: serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)
  120. ^ 120.0 120.1 120.2 Castellanos FX, Proal E. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: beyond the prefrontal-striatal model. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. January 2012, 16 (1): 17–26. PMC 3272832 . PMID 22169776. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2011.11.007. Recent conceptualizations of ADHD have taken seriously the distributed nature of neuronal processing [10,11,35,36]. Most of the candidate networks have focused on prefrontal-striatal-cerebellar circuits, although other posterior regions are also being proposed [10]. 
  121. ^ 121.0 121.1 121.2 Cortese S, Kelly C, Chabernaud C, Proal E, Di Martino A, Milham MP, Castellanos FX. Toward systems neuroscience of ADHD: a meta-analysis of 55 fMRI studies. The American Journal of Psychiatry. October 2012, 169 (10): 1038–55. PMC 3879048 . PMID 22983386. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.11101521. 
  122. ^ Krain AL, Castellanos FX. Brain development and ADHD. Clinical Psychology Review. August 2006, 26 (4): 433–44. PMID 16480802. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2006.01.005. 
  123. ^ Hoogman, Martine. Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis.. Lancet Psychiatry. 2017, 4 (4): 310–319. PMC 5933934 . PMID 28219628. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(17)30049-4. 
  124. ^ Douglas. Hemispheric brain asymmetry differences in youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2018, 18: 744–752. PMC 5988460 . PMID 29876263. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2018.02.020. 
  125. ^ Fusar-Poli P, Rubia K, Rossi G, Sartori G, Balottin U. Striatal dopamine transporter alterations in ADHD: pathophysiology or adaptation to psychostimulants? A meta-analysis. The American Journal of Psychiatry. March 2012, 169 (3): 264–72. PMID 22294258. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.11060940. 
  126. ^ 126.0 126.1 126.2 Bidwell LC, McClernon FJ, Kollins SH. Cognitive enhancers for the treatment of ADHD. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. August 2011, 99 (2): 262–74. PMC 3353150 . PMID 21596055. doi:10.1016/j.pbb.2011.05.002. 
  127. ^ Cortese S. The neurobiology and genetics of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): what every clinician should know. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. September 2012, 16 (5): 422–33. PMID 22306277. doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2012.01.009. 
  128. ^ Lesch KP, Merker S, Reif A, Novak M. Dances with black widow spiders: dysregulation of glutamate signalling enters centre stage in ADHD. European Neuropsychopharmacology. June 2013, 23 (6): 479–91. PMID 22939004. doi:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2012.07.013. 
  129. ^ 129.0 129.1 Diamond A. Executive functions. Annual Review of Psychology. 2013, 64: 135–68. PMC 4084861 . PMID 23020641. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143750. EFs and prefrontal cortex are the first to suffer, and suffer disproportionately, if something is not right in your life. They suffer first, and most, if you are stressed (Arnsten 1998, Liston et al. 2009, Oaten & Cheng 2005), sad (Hirt et al. 2008, von Hecker & Meiser 2005), lonely (Baumeister et al. 2002, Cacioppo & Patrick 2008, Campbell et al. 2006, Tun et al. 2012), sleep deprived (Barnes et al. 2012, Huang et al. 2007), or not physically fit (Best 2010, Chaddock et al. 2011, Hillman et al. 2008). Any of these can cause you to appear to have a disorder of EFs, such as ADHD, when you do not. 
  130. ^ Skodzik T, Holling H, Pedersen A. Long-Term Memory Performance in Adult ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders. February 2017, 21 (4): 267–283. PMID 24232170. doi:10.1177/1087054713510561. 
  131. ^ Lambek R, Tannock R, Dalsgaard S, Trillingsgaard A, Damm D, Thomsen PH. Validating neuropsychological subtypes of ADHD: how do children with and without an executive function deficit differ?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. August 2010, 51 (8): 895–904. PMID 20406332. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02248.x. 
  132. ^ Nigg JT, Willcutt EG, Doyle AE, Sonuga-Barke EJ. Causal heterogeneity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: do we need neuropsychologically impaired subtypes?. Biological Psychiatry. June 2005, 57 (11): 1224–30. PMID 15949992. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2004.08.025. 
  133. ^ 133.0 133.1 133.2 133.3 Modesto-Lowe V, Chaplin M, Soovajian V, Meyer A. Are motivation deficits underestimated in patients with ADHD? A review of the literature. Postgraduate Medicine. July 2013, 125 (4): 47–52. PMID 23933893. doi:10.3810/pgm.2013.07.2677. Behavioral studies show altered processing of reinforcement and incentives in children with ADHD. These children respond more impulsively to rewards and choose small, immediate rewards over larger, delayed incentives. Interestingly, a high intensity of reinforcement is effective in improving task performance in children with ADHD. Pharmacotherapy may also improve task persistence in these children. ... Previous studies suggest that a clinical approach using interventions to improve motivational processes in patients with ADHD may improve outcomes as children with ADHD transition into adolescence and adulthood. 
  134. ^ 134.0 134.1 National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. Diagnosis. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children, Young People and Adults. NICE Clinical Guidelines 72. Leicester: British Psychological Society. 2009: 116–7, 119. ISBN 978-1-85433-471-8. (原始內容存檔於13 January 2016) –透過NCBI Bookshelf. 
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  140. ^ FDA permits marketing of first brain wave test to help assess children and teens for ADHD. United States Food and Drug Administration. 15 July 2013. (原始內容存檔於25 September 2013). 
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  148. ^ Consumer Reports; Drug Effectiveness Review Project. Evaluating Prescription Drugs Used to Treat: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Comparing Effectiveness, Safety, and Price (PDF). Best Buy Drugs. March 2012: 2 [2013-04-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2012-12-15). 
  149. ^ Owens JA. Sleep disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports. October 2008, 10 (5): 439–44. PMID 18803919. doi:10.1007/s11920-008-0070-x. 
  150. ^ Walters AS, Silvestri R, Zucconi M, Chandrashekariah R, Konofal E. Review of the possible relationship and hypothetical links between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the simple sleep related movement disorders, parasomnias, hypersomnias, and circadian rhythm disorders. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. December 2008, 4 (6): 591–600. PMC 2603539 . PMID 19110891. 
  151. ^ 151.0 151.1 Lal C, Strange C, Bachman D. Neurocognitive impairment in obstructive sleep apnea. Chest. June 2012, 141 (6): 1601–1610. PMID 22670023. doi:10.1378/chest.11-2214. 
  152. ^ 152.0 152.1 Irsfeld M, Spadafore M, Prüß BM. β-phenylethylamine, a small molecule with a large impact. WebmedCentral. 2013-09, 4 (9). PMC 3904499 . PMID 24482732. While diagnosis of ADHD is usually done by analysis of the symptoms (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), PEA was recently described as a biomarker for ADHD 
  153. ^ 153.0 153.1 153.2 153.3 Scassellati C, Bonvicini C, Faraone SV, Gennarelli M. Biomarkers and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. October 2012, 51 (10): 1003–1019.e20. PMID 23021477. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2012.08.015. 
  154. ^ Al Rahbi HA, Al-Sabri RM, Chitme HR. Interventions by pharmacists in out-patient pharmaceutical care. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. April 2014, 22 (2): 101–6. PMC 3950532 . PMID 24648820. doi:10.1016/j.jsps.2013.04.001. 
  155. ^ Shaw M, Hodgkins P, Caci H, Young S, Kahle J, Woods AG, Arnold LE. A systematic review and analysis of long-term outcomes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: effects of treatment and non-treatment. BMC Medicine. September 2012, 10: 99. PMC 3520745 . PMID 22947230. doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-99. 
  156. ^ Fabiano GA, Pelham WE, Coles EK, Gnagy EM, Chronis-Tuscano A, O'Connor BC. A meta-analysis of behavioral treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Psychology Review. March 2009, 29 (2): 129–40. PMID 19131150. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2008.11.001. 
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  158. ^ Evans SW, Owens JS, Bunford N. Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 2014, 43 (4): 527–51. PMC 4025987 . PMID 24245813. doi:10.1080/15374416.2013.850700. 
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  160. ^ Daley D, Van Der Oord S, Ferrin M, Cortese S, Danckaerts M, Doepfner M, Van den Hoofdakker BJ, Coghill D, Thompson M, Asherson P, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Buitelaar J, Dittmann RW, Hollis C, Holtmann M, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Rothenberger A, Santosh P, Simonoff E, Soutullo C, Steinhausen HC, Stringaris A, Taylor E, Wong IC, Zuddas A, Sonuga-Barke EJ. Practitioner Review: Current best practice in the use of parent training and other behavioural interventions in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (PDF). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. October 2017, 59 (9): 932–947. PMID 29083042. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12825. 
  161. ^ Cortese S, Ferrin M, Brandeis D, Holtmann M, Aggensteiner P, Daley D, Santosh P, Simonoff E, Stevenson J, Stringaris A, Sonuga-Barke EJ. Neurofeedback for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Meta-Analysis of Clinical and Neuropsychological Outcomes From Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. June 2016, 55 (6): 444–55. PMID 27238063. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2016.03.007. hdl:1854/LU-8123796. 
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  163. ^ Turkington, Carol; Harris, Joseph. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Encyclopedia of the Brain and Brain Disorders. Infobase Publishing: 47. 2009. ISBN 978-1-4381-2703-3 –透過Google Books. 
  164. ^ Mikami AY. The importance of friendship for youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. June 2010, 13 (2): 181–98. PMC 2921569 . PMID 20490677. doi:10.1007/s10567-010-0067-y. 
  165. ^ 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 Den Heijer AE, Groen Y, Tucha L, Fuermaier AB, Koerts J, Lange KW, Thome J, Tucha O. Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD: a systematic literature review. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2017-02, 124 (Suppl 1): 3–26. PMC 5281644 . PMID 27400928. doi:10.1007/s00702-016-1593-7. Beneficial chronic effects of cardio exercise were found on various functions as well, including executive functions, attention and behavior. 
  166. ^ 166.0 166.1 Kamp CF, Sperlich B, Holmberg HC. Exercise reduces the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and improves social behaviour, motor skills, strength and neuropsychological parameters. Acta Paediatrica. July 2014, 103 (7): 709–14. PMID 24612421. doi:10.1111/apa.12628. We may conclude that all different types of exercise ... attenuate the characteristic symptoms of ADHD and improve social behaviour, motor skills, strength and neuropsychological parameters without any undesirable side effects. Available reports do not reveal which type, intensity, duration and frequency of exercise is most effective 
  167. ^ 167.0 167.1 Rommel AS, Halperin JM, Mill J, Asherson P, Kuntsi J. Protection from genetic diathesis in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: possible complementary roles of exercise. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. September 2013, 52 (9): 900–10. PMC 4257065 . PMID 23972692. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2013.05.018. The findings from these studies provide some support for the notion that exercise has the potential to act as a protective factor for ADHD. 
  168. ^ 168.0 168.1 168.2 Wigal SB. Efficacy and safety limitations of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder pharmacotherapy in children and adults. CNS Drugs. 2009,. 23 Suppl 1: 21–31. PMID 19621975. doi:10.2165/00023210-200923000-00004. 
  169. ^ 169.0 169.1 Castells X, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Bosch R, Nogueira M, Casas M. Castells X , 編. Amphetamines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. June 2011, (6): CD007813. PMID 21678370. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007813.pub2. 
  170. ^ 170.0 170.1 Parker J, Wales G, Chalhoub N, Harpin V. The long-term outcomes of interventions for the management of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2013-09, 6: 87–99. PMC 3785407 . PMID 24082796. doi:10.2147/PRBM.S49114. Results suggest there is moderate-to-high-level evidence that combined pharmacological and behavioral interventions, and pharmacological interventions alone can be effective in managing the core ADHD symptoms and academic performance at 14 months. However, the effect size may decrease beyond this period. ... Only one paper examining outcomes beyond 36 months met the review criteria. ... There is high level evidence suggesting that pharmacological treatment can have a major beneficial effect on the core symptoms of ADHD (hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity) in approximately 80% of cases compared with placebo controls, in the short term.22 
  171. ^ Storebø OJ, Ramstad E, Krogh HB, Nilausen TD, Skoog M, Holmskov M, et al. Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. November 2015, 11 (11): CD009885. PMID 26599576. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009885.pub2. 
  172. ^ 172.0 172.1 Ruiz-Goikoetxea M, Cortese S, Aznarez-Sanado M, Magallón S, Alvarez Zallo N, Luis EO, de Castro-Manglano P, Soutullo C, Arrondo G. Risk of unintentional injuries in children and adolescents with ADHD and the impact of ADHD medications: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. January 2018, 84: 63–71. PMID 29162520. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.11.007. 
  173. ^ Childress AC, Sallee FR. Revisiting clonidine: an innovative add-on option for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Drugs of Today. March 2012, 48 (3): 207–17. PMID 22462040. doi:10.1358/dot.2012.48.3.1750904. 
  174. ^ 174.0 174.1 McDonagh MS, Peterson K, Thakurta S, Low A. Drug Class Review: Pharmacologic Treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Drug Class Reviews. United States Library of Medicine. 2011-12. PMID 22420008. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-31). 
  175. ^ Prasad V, Brogan E, Mulvaney C, Grainge M, Stanton W, Sayal K. How effective are drug treatments for children with ADHD at improving on-task behaviour and academic achievement in the school classroom? A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. April 2013, 22 (4): 203–16. PMID 23179416. doi:10.1007/s00787-012-0346-x. 
  176. ^ 176.0 176.1 Kiely B, Adesman A. What we do not know about ADHD… yet. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. June 2015, 27 (3): 395–404. PMID 25888152. doi:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000229. In addition, a consensus has not been reached on the optimal diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Moreover, the benefits and long-term effects of medical and complementary therapies for this disorder continue to be debated. These gaps in knowledge hinder the ability of clinicians to effectively recognize and treat ADHD. 
  177. ^ Hazell P. The challenges to demonstrating long-term effects of psychostimulant treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. July 2011, 24 (4): 286–90. PMID 21519262. doi:10.1097/YCO.0b013e32834742db. 
  178. ^ Hart H, Radua J, Nakao T, Mataix-Cols D, Rubia K. Meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of inhibition and attention in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: exploring task-specific, stimulant medication, and age effects. JAMA Psychiatry. February 2013, 70 (2): 185–98. PMID 23247506. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.277. 
  179. ^ Spencer TJ, Brown A, Seidman LJ, Valera EM, Makris N, Lomedico A, Faraone SV, Biederman J. Effect of psychostimulants on brain structure and function in ADHD: a qualitative literature review of magnetic resonance imaging-based neuroimaging studies. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. September 2013, 74 (9): 902–17. PMC 3801446 . PMID 24107764. doi:10.4088/JCP.12r08287. 
  180. ^ Frodl T, Skokauskas N. Meta-analysis of structural MRI studies in children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder indicates treatment effects. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. February 2012, 125 (2): 114–26. PMID 22118249. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2011.01786.x. Basal ganglia regions like the right globus pallidus, the right putamen, and the nucleus caudatus are structurally affected in children with ADHD. These changes and alterations in limbic regions like ACC and amygdala are more pronounced in non-treated populations and seem to diminish over time from child to adulthood. Treatment seems to have positive effects on brain structure. 
  181. ^ Cortese, Samuele; Adamo, Nicoletta; Del Giovane, Cinzia; Mohr-Jensen, Christina; Hayes, Adrian J; Carucci, Sara; Atkinson, Lauren Z; Tessari, Luca; Banaschewski, Tobias; Coghill, David; Hollis, Chris; Simonoff, Emily; Zuddas, Alessandro; Barbui, Corrado; Purgato, Marianna; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Shokraneh, Farhad; Xia, Jun; Cipriani, Andrea. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry. September 2018, 5 (9): 727–738. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30269-4. 
  182. ^ Greenhill LL, Posner K, Vaughan BS, Kratochvil CJ. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschool children. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. April 2008, 17 (2): 347–66, ix. PMID 18295150. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2007.11.004. 
  183. ^ Stevens JR, Wilens TE, Stern TA. Using stimulants for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical approaches and challenges. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2013, 15 (2). PMC 3733520 . PMID 23930227. doi:10.4088/PCC.12f01472. 
  184. ^ Young, Joel L. Individualizing Treatment for Adult ADHD: An Evidence-Based Guideline. Medscape. 2010 [19 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於8 May 2015). 
  185. ^ Biederman, Joseph. New-Generation Long-Acting Stimulants for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Medscape. 2003 [19 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於7 December 2003). As most treatment guidelines and prescribing information for stimulant medications relate to experience in school-aged children, prescribed doses for older patients are lacking. Emerging evidence for both methylphenidate and Adderall indicate that when weight-corrected daily doses, equipotent with those used in the treatment of younger patients, are used to treat adults with ADHD, these patients show a very robust clinical response consistent with that observed in pediatric studies. These data suggest that older patients may require a more aggressive approach in terms of dosing, based on the same target dosage ranges that have already been established – for methylphenidate, 1–1.5–2 mg/kg/day, and for D,L-amphetamine, 0.5–0.75–1 mg/kg/day....
    In particular, adolescents and adults are vulnerable to underdosing, and are thus at potential risk of failing to receive adequate dosage levels. As with all therapeutic agents, the efficacy and safety of stimulant medications should always guide prescribing behavior: careful dosage titration of the selected stimulant product should help to ensure that each patient with ADHD receives an adequate dose, so that the clinical benefits of therapy can be fully attained.
  186. ^ Kessler S. Drug therapy in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Southern Medical Journal. January 1996, 89 (1): 33–8. PMID 8545689. doi:10.1097/00007611-199601000-00005. 
  187. ^ 187.0 187.1 Storebø OJ, Pedersen N, Ramstad E, Kielsholm ML, Nielsen SS, Krogh HB, Moreira-Maia CR, Magnusson FL, Holmskov M, Gerner T, Skoog M, Rosendal S, Groth C, Gillies D, Buch Rasmussen K, Gauci D, Zwi M, Kirubakaran R, Håkonsen SJ, Aagaard L, Simonsen E, Gluud C. Methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents – assessment of adverse events in non-randomised studies. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. May 2018, 5: CD012069. PMID 29744873. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012069.pub2. 
  188. ^ 188.0 188.1 188.2 Shoptaw SJ, Kao U, Ling W. Shoptaw SJ, Ali R , 編. Treatment for amphetamine psychosis. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. January 2009, (1): CD003026. PMID 19160215. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003026.pub3. A minority of individuals who use amphetamines develop full-blown psychosis requiring care at emergency departments or psychiatric hospitals. In such cases, symptoms of amphetamine psychosis commonly include paranoid and persecutory delusions as well as auditory and visual hallucinations in the presence of extreme agitation. More common (about 18%) is for frequent amphetamine users to report psychotic symptoms that are sub-clinical and that do not require high-intensity intervention ...
    About 5–15% of the users who develop an amphetamine psychosis fail to recover completely (Hofmann 1983) ...
    Findings from one trial indicate use of antipsychotic medications effectively resolves symptoms of acute amphetamine psychosis.
  189. ^ Adderall XR Prescribing Information (PDF). United States Food and Drug Administration. Shire US Inc. December 2013 [30 December 2013]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2013-12-30). Treatment-emergent psychotic or manic symptoms, e.g., hallucinations, delusional thinking, or mania in children and adolescents without prior history of psychotic illness or mania can be caused by stimulants at usual doses. ... In a pooled analysis of multiple short-term, placebo controlled studies, such symptoms occurred in about 0.1% (4 patients with events out of 3482 exposed to methylphenidate or amphetamine for several weeks at usual doses) of stimulant-treated patients compared to 0 in placebo-treated patients. 
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  200. ^ Arnold LE, DiSilvestro RA. Zinc in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. August 2005, 15 (4): 619–27. PMID 16190793. doi:10.1089/cap.2005.15.619. hdl:1811/51593. 
  201. ^ Bloch MH, Mulqueen J. Nutritional supplements for the treatment of ADHD. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. October 2014, 23 (4): 883–97. PMC 4170184 . PMID 25220092. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2014.05.002. 
  202. ^ Krause J. SPECT and PET of the dopamine transporter in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. April 2008, 8 (4): 611–25. PMID 18416663. doi:10.1586/14737175.8.4.611. Zinc binds at ... extracellular sites of the DAT [103], serving as a DAT inhibitor. In this context, controlled double-blind studies in children are of interest, which showed positive effects of zinc [supplementation] on symptoms of ADHD [105,106]. It should be stated that at this time [supplementation] with zinc is not integrated in any ADHD treatment algorithm. 
  203. ^ Bloch MH, Qawasmi A. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for the treatment of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. October 2011, 50 (10): 991–1000. PMC 3625948 . PMID 21961774. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2011.06.008. 
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  205. ^ Faraone SV, Asherson P, Banaschewski T, Biederman J, Buitelaar JK, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Rohde LA, Sonuga-Barke EJ, Tannock R, Franke B. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (PDF). Nature Reviews. Disease Primers (Review). August 2015, 1: 15020. CiteSeerX . PMID 27189265. doi:10.1038/nrdp.2015.20. 
  206. ^ Lipkin, Paul H.; Mostofsky, Stewart. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Neurobiology of Disease. Elsevier. 2007: 631–639. ISBN 978-0-12-088592-3. doi:10.1016/b978-012088592-3/50059-1. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common developmental disorder of childhood, affecting approximately 3–9% of schoolchildren [1,2]. 
  207. ^ Thomas, R.; Sanders, S.; Doust, J.; Beller, E.; Glasziou, P. Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PEDIATRICS (secondary source or tertiary source) (American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)). 2015, 135 (4): e994–e1001 [2017-04-21]. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-3482. 7.2% (95% confidence interval: 6.7 to 7.8) 
  208. ^ Kessler, Ronald C.; Adler, Lenard; Barkley, Russell; Biederman, Joseph; Conners, C. Keith; Demler, Olga; Faraone, Stephen V.; Greenhill, Laurence L.; Howes, Mary J.; Secnik, Kristina; Spencer, Thomas; Ustun, T. Bedirhan; Walters, Ellen E.; Zaslavsky, Alan M. The prevalence and correlates of adult ADHD in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. The American journal of psychiatry. 1963-06-08, 163 (4) [2018-09-26]. PMID 16585449. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.163.4.716. 
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  212. ^ Polanczyk, Guilherme; de Lima, Maurício Silva; Horta, Bernardo Lessa; Biederman, Joseph; Rohde, Luis Augusto. The Worldwide Prevalence of ADHD: A Systematic Review and Metaregression Analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry (American Psychiatric Publishing). 2007, 164 (6): 942–948. ISSN 0002-953X. doi:10.1176/ajp.2007.164.6.942. 
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  217. ^ Park, Subin; Cho, Maeng Je; Chang, Sung Man; Jeon, Hong Jin; Cho, Seong-Jin; Kim, Byung-Soo; Bae, Jae Nam; Wang, Hee-Ryung; Ahn, Joon Ho; Hong, Jin Pyo. Prevalence, correlates, and comorbidities of adult ADHD symptoms in Korea: Results of the Korean epidemiologic catchment area study. Psychiatry Research (Elsevier BV). 2011, 186 (2-3): 378–383 [2017-04-21]. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2010.07.047. In the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, 4.4% of 3199 subjects aged 18 to 44 years met the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD (Kessler et al., 2006). The acceptance of ADHD symptoms in adults, because the prevalence rates of ADHD in Korean school-age children are similar to the rates reported in Western countries (Kim, 2002). 
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