
波霸自由人Boba liberal)、波霸自由派波霸自由主义Boba liberalism)是欧美描述生活在西方世界且带有明显“自由主义”观点的东亚东南亚人。主要用于西方亚裔侨民英语Asian diaspora,尤其是在美国。偶尔用作形容将武器化东亚东南亚身份的保守派。这个新词首先出现在亚裔美国人社区,用作指责波霸自由主义者透过参与进步主义社会运动来表达自己的“自由主义信仰,让自己看起来更接近白人,同时忽视和淡化亚洲人的问题。[1][2][3][4]



“Boba liberal”一词首次有记录使用于2019年越南裔美国人Twitter用户 @diaspora_is_red 指亚裔美国人消费资本主义为中心,维护白人自由主义意识形态[5][6]

支持时尚激进主义[5]。指亚洲人鹦鹉学舌、人云亦云,复制白人自由主义者观点。利用微妙的亚洲特征刻板印象代表亚裔。淡化亚裔侨民英语Asian diaspora实际问题[7]。会讨论头发筷子是否属于文化挪用,但忽视平等公义全球化的话题[5]






  1. ^ Frias, Lauren. Boba liberalism: How the emergence of superficial activism could cause more harm than good to the AAPI community. Insider. 6 May 2021 [13 February 2022]. 
  2. ^ Rosen, Laura. The Quad: Bursting the bubble of boba liberalism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Daily Bruin. 18 February 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-28). 
  3. ^ Yukiko, Sarah. Boba liberals: The meaning of the term used to describe the Asian Americans everyone loves to hate. NextShark. 24 December 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-06). 
  4. ^ Quach, Cindy. What is Boba Liberalism?. 27 February 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). Boba liberalism thrives in a capitalist and neoliberal society because neoliberal policies primarily benefit wealthier communities. Typically, the faces of boba liberalism are Asian Americans that are part of the middle and upper economic class. As a result, boba liberals disregard the negative effects of capitalism because they profit from it. For instance, boba liberals tend to focus on advocating for Asian representation in white spaces, or discussing whether or not wearing chopsticks in one’s hair is culture appropriation. These topics are popular within boba liberal circles, all while dialogue regarding inequality, globalization, and racial injustice are purposely neglected. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 What is Boba Liberalism? – FEM Newsmagazine. [2022-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14) (美国英语). 
  6. ^ Zhao, Yingying. Bubble Tea, Boba Liberalism, and Capitalism's Effects on East Asian Diasporic Identity. The Yale Herald. 2021-02-05 [2022-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14) (美国英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Vo, Mai. How did we get from bubble tea to boba liberalism?. Trinitonian. 19 October 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). “Boba liberalism” obscures the diversity present in the community. It effaces the stories of working-class families, stories of undocumented immigrants, and stories of people who are fundamentally vulnerable in the community. Another issue with “boba liberalism” is rooted in its prevalence among middle- to upper-middle-class East and Southeast Asian communities and how they maintain the dominant voice within the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) sphere. 
  8. ^ Fan, Jiayang. Chronicles of a Bubble-Tea Addict. The New Yorker. 29 January 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). 
  9. ^ Zhao, Yingying. Bubble Tea, Boba Liberalism, and Capitalism's Effects on East Asian Diasporic Identity. The Yale Herald. 5 February 2021 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). 
  10. ^ Zhang, Jenny G. How Bubble Tea Became a Complicated Symbol of Asian-American Identity. Eater. 5 November 2019 [13 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-13) (英语). While bubble tea itself is neither inherently political nor bad, per se, some Asian Americans are critical of the dominant strain of Asian-American politics, called “boba liberalism,” that the drink has come to represent in certain circles. Boba liberalism — is the “substanceless trend-chasing spectacle” that is mainstream Asian-American liberalism, derided as shallow, consumerist-capitalist, and robbed of meaning. 
  11. ^ 让江南左派欢欣鼓舞吧. 中央日报. 2009-08-13 [2022-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-15). 我们的左派自动接受了欧洲右派扣上的成见,对二律背反的结果感到困惑。声称为了平民,去高级餐厅就会感到羞愧;声称为劳动者斗争,去海外旅行就会感到难为情。这样的双重态度和价值观的混乱在上届政权集中起来,突然生活富裕的在野运动圈出身的人士、因政府增加的援助金和赞助金而忽然享受高品质文化生活的文化界人士、呐喊全面教育却将子女送到国外留学的全国教职员工会教师也与之无异。……韩国的“江南左派”彻底地否定了马克思的该命题,“存在”和“意识”完全分离。 
  12. ^ 作为“进步”人士活着真的很难. 东亚日报. 2019-06-15 [2022-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-16). 

